Artificial Intelligence

Indian Institute of Information Technology Dharwad

Data Science and Intelligent Systems


Course: Algorithms and Artificial Intelligence

Course Code: DS206              Credit: 4 (L3-T1-P0-S0-T4)   Total Hrs:52


Overview: This is a course to understand, learn, and test various available algorithms to perform Artificial Intelligence (AI) in real world projects and systems.


Course Objectives:

●       To understand the importance of artificial intelligence of systems using various algorithms.

●       To use intelligent algorithms for solving problems, which are related to the real-world or IT industry.

●       To extend the use of AI to the extent of other domains and fields.

1.1 History and Definitions of AI

1.2 Defining AI Hypothesis

1.3 Deterministic, Non-Deterministic, Optimization, Approximation, and Probabilistic

1.4 Probabilistic Fermat's Primality test and Deterministic Primes in P (AKS algorithm)

2.1 Agents, States, and Environments

2.2 Logical AI First-order and Propositional logics

2.3 Decision Tree Learning and Decision Theory

2.4 State Space search, Uninformed search, Informed search, Heuristics

2.5 Constraint satisfaction problems (CSPs)

3.1 Knowledge Representation and Reasoning

3.2 Data Science, Knowledge Discovery, and Big Data Analytics - Systems

3.3 No-SQL, ACID Property, CAPs Theorem, and When to use No-SQL in comparison to SQL

Project: Choose one or more AI algorithms and apply them on real-world applications. Conduct and demonstrate experiments to report the findings and observations.




Course outcome:

CO1. Write intelligent algorithms using existing theories and knowledge.

CO2. Learning artificial intelligence skills to use, create, and develop systems.

CO3. Test, evaluate, and assess a project's capability to behave without human intervention.

CO4. Implementing a part of a project based on the intelligent algorithms.

CO5. Applying the learned theories and algorithms for real world applications, projects, and systems.


Evaluation Method

Item, Weightage (%)

Assignment 1 Write-up of the project: 10

Project Technical work: 20

Assignment 2 Presentation of Project: 10

Quiz or Viva: 10

Mid Term: 20

End Term: 30


Prepared by: Dr. Animesh Chaturvedi