Mouse Deer

Much more well known to many Malaysians than the three species of true deer are the greater and lesser mouse deer, the wily heroes of many folk tales. The Indian muntjak or barking deer has, in contrast, long been a favourite animal of Malay sultans and was in the past featured on gold coins. In more modern times, it is featured in the state crest of Kelantan as well as the logo of Bank Negara.

Mouse Deer or better known as Sang Kancil in one of Malaysia’s folklores, is a small creature about 70 centimeters long, 30-35 centimeters tall (shoulder), and around 5-8 kilograms in weight. That’s the estimated size of the Greater Mouse Deer while the Lesser Mouse Deer species is estimated to weight around 2 kilograms. Mouse deers can only be found in Malaysia, Borneo and parts of Indonesia. They survive mostly on fruits and leaves. They are also believed to be nocturnal creatures.

Estimated number left in the world = No population estimate has been made, but has been classified as Endangered

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