Reconhecimento de padrões e aprendizado de máquina


General Information

Objective: Study of the main deep learning methods and their applications.

Syllabus: Machine learning basics; Deep Feedforward Networks; Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN), Recurrent Neural Networks; Segmentation and Object Recognition; Frameworks for deep learning and Practical Aspects; Applications of deep learning models for real-world problems.

Duration: 60 hours (17 weeks).

Time: Tuesdays (18:40 - 21:10) - synchronous (SYN) and asynchronous (ASYN) classes.

Grade: Assignments (50%) and Final Project (50%).

Lecturer: André Eugenio Lazzaretti and Heitor Silvério Lopes.

Collaborators (PhD students): Andrei Inácio, Matheus Gutoski, Anderson Brilhador, and Clayton Kossoski

Bibliography and Support Materials


Other Courses: 

Week 1 - 16/08


Week 2 - 23/08

Predicting Continuous Target Variables with Regression Analysis

Week 3 - 30/08

Assignment - Regression

Week 4 - 06/09

Assignment - Regression - cont.

Week 5 - 13/09

Working with Unlabeled Data – Clustering Analysis

Week 6 - 20/09

Assignment - Clustering

Week 7 to 17 - 27/09 to 20/12 - in sync with Deep Learning Course - CPGEI

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