Reconhecimento de padrões e aprendizado de máquina
General Information
Objective: Study of the main deep learning methods and their applications.
Syllabus: Machine learning basics; Deep Feedforward Networks; Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN), Recurrent Neural Networks; Segmentation and Object Recognition; Frameworks for deep learning and Practical Aspects; Applications of deep learning models for real-world problems.
Duration: 60 hours (17 weeks).
Time: Tuesdays (18:40 - 21:10) - synchronous (SYN) and asynchronous (ASYN) classes.
Grade: Assignments (50%) and Final Project (50%).
Lecturer: André Eugenio Lazzaretti and Heitor Silvério Lopes.
Collaborators (PhD students): Andrei Inácio, Matheus Gutoski, Anderson Brilhador, and Clayton Kossoski.
Bibliography and Support Materials
Goodfellow, I., Bengio, Y., Courville, A. Deep Learning. MIT Press, 2016.
Chollet, F., Deep Learning with Python. Manning, 2018
Raschka, S. Python Machine Learning. Packt, 2020
Other Courses:
Andrew Ng at Coursera.
Sebastian Raschka at UW Madison.
Fei Fei Li et al. at Stanford (most similar).
Introduction to Deep Learning at MIT.