Andreanna J. Welch

Andreanna J. Welch

Assistant Professor (Research)

School of Biological & Biomedical SciencesDurham University

South Road






Professional Experience

Bond Postdoctoral Fellow 2015

Center for Conservation and Evolutionary Genetics

Migratory Bird Center

Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute

National Zoological Park

Postdoctoral Research Associate 2013 - 2015

School of Biological and Biomedical Sciences, Durham University

Institute of Marine Sciences, University of California, Santa Cruz

Postdoctoral Research Associate 2011-2013

Department of Biological Sciences

University at Buffalo


2011 Ph.D. Behavior, Ecology, Evolution and Systematics; University of Maryland, College Park

2003 B.Sc. Environmental and Forest Biology; State University of New York, College of Environmental Science and Forestry

Publications - Lab members in bold - Also see my Google Scholar Profile

**For peer-reviewed, accepted versions for most recent papers check my Durham Research Online page.

Michael N, Torres R, Welch AJ, Adams J, Bonillas-Monge ME, Felis J, López-Márquez LA, Martínez-Flores A, Wiley AE. Carotenoid ornaments reflect foraging propensity in the brown booby (Sula leucogaster): revisiting the rarity hypothesis using stable isotopes and GPS tracking. Biology Letters. In press.

Chesser TR, Vaseghi H, Bergner LM, Cortes-Rodriguez MN, Welch AJ, and Collins CT. 2018. Molecular systematics of swifts of the genus Chaetura (Aves: Apodiformes: Apodidae). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 128:162-171.

Hofman CA , Rick TC, Erlandson JM, Reeder-Myers L, Welch AJ, Buckley M. 2018. Collagen Fingerprinting and the Earliest Marine Mammal Hunting in North America. Scientific Reports 8:10014.

Lucas T, Welch AJ, Zanchetta C, Chesser TR, Manno M, Donnadieu C, Bretagnolle V, Pante E. 2018. Evidence for a duplicated mitochondrial region in Audubon’s

shearwater based on MinION sequencing. Mitochondrial DNA Part A. In press. DOI: 10.1080/24701394.2018.1484116

Gray HWI, Nishida S, Welch AJ, Moura AE, Tanabe S, Kiani M, Cullock R, Möller L, Natoli A, Ponnempalam L, Minton G, Gore M, Collins T, Wilson A,

Baldwin R, Hoelzel AR. 2018. Cryptic lineage differentiation among Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops aduncus) in the northwest Indian Ocean.

Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 122:1-14.

Welch AJ, Collins K, Ratan A, Drautz D, Schuster SC, Lindqvist C. 2016. The quest to resolve recent radiations: Plastid phylogenomics of extinct and endangered Hawaiian endemic mints (Lamiaceae). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 99:16-33. Abstract. PDF.

Welch AJ, Collins K, Ratan A, Drautz D, Schuster SC, Lindqvist C. 2016. Data characterizing the chloroplast genomes of extinct and endagered Hawaiian endemic mints (Lamiaceae) and their close relatives. Data in Brief 7:900-922. Abstract/PDF.

Hailer F, Welch AJ. 2016. Evolutionary history of polar and brown bears. In: eLS. John Whiley & Sons LTd, Chichester, UK.

Moura AE, Kenny JG, Chaudhuri R, Hughes MA, Welch AJ, Reisinger RR, de Bruyn PJN, Dahlheim ME, Hall N, Hoelzel AR. 2014. Population genomics of the killer whale indicates ecotype evolution in sympatry involving both selection and drift. Molecular Ecology 23: 5179 - 5192. Abstract. PDF.

Welch AJ, Bedoya-Reina OC, Carretero-Paulet L, Miller W, Rode KD, Lindqvist C. 2014. Polar bears exhibit genome-wide signatures of bioenergetic adaptation to life in the Arctic environment. Genome Biology and Evolution. 6:433-450. Abstract. PDF.

Welch AJ, Olson SL, Fleischer RC. 2014. Phylogenetic relationships of the extinct St. Helena petrel, Pterodroma rupinarum Olson (Procellariiformes: Procellariidae), based on ancient DNA. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 170:494-505. Abstract. PDF.

Wiley AE, Ostrom PH, Welch AJ, Fleischer RC, Gandhi H, Southon JR, Stafford TW Jr., Penniman J, Hu D, Duvall F, James HF. 2013. Millennial-scale records from a wide-ranging predator show evidence of recent human impact to oceanic food webs. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA 110:8972-8977. Abstract. PDF.

*See the Editors' Choice article about our work in Science. The work was also highlighted on the National Science Foundation website.

Ibarra-Laclette E, Lyons E, Hernández-Guzmán G, Pérez-Torres CA, Carretero-Paulet L, Chang T-H, Lan T, Welch AJ, Juárez MJA, Simpson J, Fernández-Cortés A, Arteaga-Vázquez M, Gongora-Castillo E, Acevedo-Hernández G, Schuster SC, Himmelbauer H, Minoche AE, Xu SE, Lynch M, Oropeza-Aburto A, Cervantes SA, de Jesús Ortega-Estrada M, Cervantes-Luevano JI, Michael T, Mockler T, Bryant D, Herrera-Estrella A, Albert VA, Herrera-Estrella L. 2013 Architecture and evolution of a minimal plant genome. Nature 498:94-98. Abstract. PDF.

*Here is an article at NBC News about our work.

Miller W, Schuster SC, Welch AJ, Ratan A, Bedoya-Reina OC, Zhao F, Kim HL, Burhans RC, Drautz DI, Wittenkindt NE, Tomsho LP, Ibarra-Laclette E, Herrera-Estrella L, Peacock E, Farley S, Sage GK, Rode K, Obbard M, Montiel R, Bachmann L, Ingólfsson Ó, Aars J, Mailund T, Wiig Ø, Talbot SL, and Lindqvist C. 2012 Polar bear and brown bear genomes reveal ancient admixture and demographic footprints of past climate change. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA 109:E2382-E2390. Abstract. PDF.

*This work was covered by the New York Times. Ranked 13th out of the top 25 stories of 2012 by Science News.

Welch AJ, Wiley AE, James HF, Ostrom PH, Stafford T, and Fleischer RC. 2012. Ancient DNA reveals genetic stability despite demographic decline: three thousand years of population history in the endemic Hawaiian petrel. Molecular Biology and Evolution 29:3729-3740. Abstract. PDF.

Welch AJ, Fleischer RC, James HF, Wiley AE, Ostrom PH, Adams J, Duvall F, Holmes N, Hu D, Penniman J, Swindle K. 2012. Population divergence and gene flow in an endangered and highly mobile seabird. Heredity 109:19-28. Abstract. PDF.

*Heredity highlighted our work in this article.

Wiley AE, Welch AJ, Ostrom PH, James HF, Stricker CA, Fleischer RC, Gandhi, H, Adams J, Ainley DG, Duvall F, Homes N, Hu D, Judge S, Penniman J, Swindle K. 2012. Foraging segregation and genetic divergence between geographically proximate colonies of a highly mobile seabird. Oecologia 1:119-130. Abstract. PDF.

Welch AJ, Yoshida AA, Fleischer RC. 2011. Mitochondrial and nuclear DNA sequences reveal recent divergence in morphologically indistinguishable petrels. Molecular Ecology 20:1364-1377. Abstract.

Pyle P, Welch AJ, Fleischer RC. 2011. A new species of shearwater (Puffinus) recorded from Midway Atoll, Northwestern Hawaiian Islands. Condor 113:518-527. Abstract. PDF.

*Here is an article about this work from the American Bird Conservancy

Welch AJ and Fleischer RC. 2011. Polymorphic microsatellite markers for the endangered Hawaiian petrel (Pterodroma sandwichensis). Conservation Genetics Resources 3:581-584. Abstract.

Welch AJ, Stiponovic AJ, Maynard CA, and Powell WA. 2007. The effects of oxalic acid on transgenic Castanea dentata callus tissue expressing oxalate oxidase. Plant Science 172:488-96. Abstract.

Grants and Fellowships

2018 Durham University Doctoral Studentship

2018 Durham University Seed Corn Grant

2017 National Geographic Society Standard Grant

2017 Durham University Junior Research (Postdoc) Fellowship

2016 Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute Bond Grant

2015 Sea World Research and Rescue Foundation Grant

2015 Research Fellowship, School of Biological and Biomedical Sciences, Durham University

2015 Smithsonian Institution Global Genome Initiative Research Grant

2015 Smithsonian Institution Global Genome Initiative Postdoctoral Fellowship (declined)

2011 American Ornithologists Union Travel Grant

2009 Lilly East Conference on College and University Teaching Travel Grant

2009 Smithsonian Institution Predoctoral Fellowship and Research Stipend

2008 Lilly East Conference on College and University Teaching Travel Grant

2007 Smithsonian Institution Restricted Endowment Grant

2006 Master Graduate Teacher Fellowship

2004 Darwin Fellowship

Last Updated: 9th November, 2018

For a Full CV or PDFs of my papers, please contact me at andreanna05[at]gmail[dot]com.

Photo by Robert Hiscock