
I am a member of the Number Theory research group (within the Algebra and Number Theory section) of the Mathematics Research Unit of the University of Luxembourg. My supervisor there is Prof. Gabor Wiese.
I have been a member of the research group "Computational Arithmetic Geometry", attached to the IWR (Interdisciplinary Center for Scientific Computing) of Heidelberg University. The group supervisor is Prof. Gebhard Böckle.
I prepared my Ph.D. thesis as a member of the équipe Arithmétique et Géométrie Algébrique of Université Paris 13, under the supervision of Prof. Jacques Tilouine. I was partially supported by the projects ANR ArShiFo and ANR PerCoLaTor.

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These are the webpages of my coauthors:

Adrian Iovita

Jacques Tilouine

Jaclyn Lang

Anna Medvedovsky

Here are some colleagues' and friends' webpages:

Alexandre Maksoud (mathematician)

Davide Lombardo (mathematician)

Giovanni Rosso (mathematician)

Peter Gräf (mathematician)

Elba Garcia-Failde (mathematician)

Gianluca Castignani (physicist)

Valérie de Berardinis (painter)

Robert Downs (translator)

I used to participate in Mathematical Olympiads in Italy: Olimpiadi della Matematica.

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