


Used and recomended from mine collection


C.W.Ceram. Götter, gräber und Gelehtre. 1958 (in Estonian: Jumalad, hauakambrid, õpetlased. 1961) 

This book was trigger to mine longterm interest to ancient Egyptian history.

Great handbook of all known pharaohs up to dynasty XX. What I miss here are photos of rulers, dates of ruling next to the text of particular ruler. This book can be even better. 

Darrell D. Baker. Encyclopedia of the Pharaohs. Volume 1. 2008. 

Vahur Joala. Short Chronology of Egyptian Pharaohs. 2009. (in Estonian: Egiptuse vaaraode lühikroonika). 

First try to represent in compact way all known (more than 400) rulers with cartouches, photos, dates and short stories. Explains change from one ruler to another. Maximum one page per ruler.

Good book about 170 rulers, definitely not complete list of rulers. You have to read to understand stories behind the scenes. 

Peter A. Clayton. The Complete Pharaohs. 2006 

Joyce Tuldsley. The Complete Queens of Egypt. 2006 

Must read book. Still it needs some additional information to be as complete.

Aidan Dodson, Dyan Hilton. The Complete Royal Families of Ancient Egypt. 2004 

Best book in the Complete-series. Recomended for all, who are interested in egyptology.

Mark Lehner. The Complete Pyramids. 2007

Catalogue of pyramids, but it is not complete and also data has to be added to make book even better. You cant ignore this book! 

Nicholas Reeves, Richard H. Wilkinson. The Complete Valley of the Kings. 2002 

After reading this book you are definitely keen to go personally to the valley. Take book with you, this is good guide.

Regine Schulz, Matthias Seidel. Ägypten: Die Welt der Pharaonen. 1997. (In Finnish Egypti. Faraoiden maa. 2000) 

Great book with deep look into the life of ancient Egypt.  

Mark Collier, Bill Manley. How to Read Egyptian Hieroglyphs. 2004 

Good book to learn of reading hieroglyphs. At least you can start here and improve your skills later. The matter of reading hieroglyphs is very complex and difficult.  

Alice Cartocci. Egyptin taide. 2010 

Nice photos, not so informative. Commercial publication 

Matthias Seidel, Regine Schulz. Kunst und Architektur Ägypten. 2005 (in Finnish, Egypti. 2006) 

Plenty of photos and information about ancient Egypt. Good for tourists.

Miriam Lichtheim. Ancient Egyptian Literature. The New Kingdom. Volume II, 2006 

Many nice stories to understand and feel way of life of old times.


Miriam Lichtheim. Ancient Egyptian Literature. Volume III, 2006 

Many nice stories to understand and feel way of life of old times.

Vahur Joala. Egyptian Pharaohs Cartouches Quickfinder. 2009 

If you found cartouch, it is probably rulers cartouch. If you don't know to whom cartouch belongs, check this publication. Probably you can find owner name. If not, probably cartouch not belongs to ruler.

Andrew Robinson. The Story of Writing. 2003. 

Perfect book to understand and learn different ways to write.  

Martin Howard. Egyptian Pharaohs. 3000 years of dynastic rule. 2009 

A lot of pictures and some interesting stories. Many mistakes as it is commercial publication.