Is it really new pharaoh found? Senakht-en-re?

Julkaisupäivämäärä: Apr 12, 2012 4:23:6 PM

8.3.2012 in Fox News was announced, that French-Egyptian team found from Karnak new king of Egypt. Read story! In the story was mentioned, that "We knew nothing‭ of this pharaoh - ‬until now" Who believes it? About this pharaoh first mention was made 1889 by Petrie. You can read about him from Dodson/Hilton 2004, Baker 2008, Joala 2009. Kings birth name (nomen ) was Ahmose (not Taa  or Tao I as it was thought earlier), ruler name Senakhtenre or Sekhentenre. Some researchers name him as Siamun. He is probably son of Intef VII. His wife was Tetisher and he has sons Tao II and Ahhotep I. His grandsons Kamose and Ahmose were also kings of Egypt. Is it really unknown ruler up to now? Dynasty 18 must start from him!