Participación en proyectos de la Unión Europea
Enhancing the Teaching and Learning of Early Statistical Reasoning in European Schools
Duración: 2005-2008
- Maria Meletiou-Mavrotheris (International Coordinator)
- Pilar Azcárate Goded (Spanish Coordinator)
- José María Cardeñoso Domingo
- Ana Serradó Bayés
In a world where the ability to analyze, interpret, and communicate information from data are skills needed for daily life and effective citizenship, statistical concepts are occupying an increasingly important role in mathematics curricula. However, statistics has been introduced into mainstream mathematics curricula without adequate attention paid to teachers' professional development. There is substantial research evidence of poor understanding and insufficient preparation to teach statistical concepts among both pre-service and practicing teachers.
The overall aim of the program is to enhance the quality of statistics education offered in European elementary and middle schools through improving mathematics teachers' pedagogical and content knowledge of statistics.
An online knowledge base will offer access to usable and validated pedagogical models, didactic approaches, and innovative instructional materials for statistics instruction, resulting in a complete and flexible teacher professional development program.
ISLP Open Meeting at ISI 57 unveils the winners of the Second Best Cooperative Project Award in Statistical Literacy “EarlyStatistics: Enhancing the Teaching and Learning of Early Statistical Reasoning in European Schools” (Cyprus) and “Maths4stats Project of Statistics South Africa” (South Africa) won the Second Best Cooperative Project Award.
Photograph dowdlowed of ISI Newsletter Volume 33 No. 3(99) 2009