
Próximos Eventos (where I'll be...)

Past Events

18-22 Dic. 2023. McKay correspondence, Tilting theory and related topics. Kavli IPMU,  Japan. 

9-12 Nov. 2023. Congreso Internacional GeoGebra. Universidad de Córdoba.

2-4 Oct. 2023. International Conference on Math Education and Technology (ICMET). University of Aveiro, Portugal.

11-13 Sep. 2023. CADGME 2023. Conference on Digital Tools in Mathematics education. Catania (Italy).

6-8 Sep. 2023. XXVI Simposio SEIEM, Logroño.

22 May - 5 Jun. 2023. Visit CIDTFF (Research Centre on Didactics and Technology in the Education of Trainers), University of Aveiro (Portugal).

23-25 Feb. 2023. ROSEDA Conference: Research On STEM Education in the Digital Age. Oporto (Portugal).

9-12 Dic. 2022. Asian Technology Conference in Mathematics (ATCM) (12th october at URJC Madrid Mini-session).

2-3 Nov. 2022. Conexiones docentes 2022. Jornada Formativa de enseñanza y aprendizaje de las matemáticas de la Sociedad Madrileña de Profesores de Matemáticas (SMPM). UCM, Madrid. 

6-8 Oct. 2022. Adaptive SYnchronous Mathematics Leamning PaThs for Online Teaching in Europe (ASYMPTOTE). Granada. 

1-3 Jun. 2022. Jíbiri Seminar IV. Universidad de Zaragoza. 

11-12 Mar. 2022. Inovação no Ensino da Matemática e das Ciências 2022 (IEMC 2022). Santarem (Portugal).

25-26 Mar. 2022. Modelos didácticos para el uso de GeoGebra en el aula. UNIA, Baeza. 

17-21 Ene. 2022. Congreso Bienal de la Real Sociedad Matemática Española. Ciudad Real.

23-24 Nov. 2021. International Conference on Gamifying Mathematics in CLIL contexts. On-line conference. Córdoba (Spain). 

6-9 Sep. 2021. AlgarMat 2021. Encontro Regional de Professores de Matemática. Algarve (Portugal). 

24-25 Jul. 2021. INNDOC 2021. I Congreso Internacional de Innovación en la Docencia e Investigación de las Ciencias Sociales y Jurídicas. 

23-24 Sep. 2020. CIVINEDU 2020. IV International Virtual con Conference on Educational Research and Innovation.

6-10 Jul. 2020 (online 17 Jul. - 20 Ago.). McKay correspondence, mutation and related topics, Kavli IPMU.  Videos of the talks. 

16-19 Apr. 2020 (online 15 Jun. - 15 Jul.). MathCityMap Teacher Training, MoMaTrE Project. Granada. Poster. 

5-7 Feb. 2020 - Seminario Jíbiri III + Malaga & Topology Meeting, Málaga.

20-24 Ene. 2020 - Curso EMI "English as a Medium of Instruction". Plan Doing, UAM.

16-18 Dec. 2019. Hilbert schemes, McKay correspondence and Singularities, Université Paris Diderot.

2-5 Dic. 2019. PAMES 2019. 3rd Pan African Mathematica Education Space on Professional Development of Teachers in Africa. Luanda, Angola.

16-19 Sep. 2019. Universidad de Otoño 2019, Colegio Oficial de Docentes. Las matemáticas están por todas partes. Disfrutemos de su enseñanza.  UCM.

17-21 Jun. 2019. MEGA 2019 - Effective methods in Algebraic Geometry. Universdad Complutense de Madrid.

3-5 Apr. 2019. Young Perspectives in Algebraic Geometry II. University of Bayreuth.

21-22 Mar. 2019. Seminario GA-J Jíbiri-Jóven. Universidad de Salamanca.

16-17 Nov. 2018. McKay Correpondence and Noncommutative algebra. Nagoya University.

22-26 Oct. 2018. Kinosaki Algebraic Geometry Symposium 2018, Kinosaki.

15 Oct. - 19 Nov. 2018. Visit Graduate School of Mathematics, Nagoya University (Japan).

14 - 15 Jun. 2018. Seminario (Jíbiri) Joven de Geometría Algebraica GA-J, UCM.

21 Ene. - 2 Feb. 2018. Encuentro de la Red de Geometría Algebraica y Singularidades 2018, UCM.

15-17 Sep. 2017. I Congreso Internacional de Formación de Profesorado e Innovación Educativa, UAM.

4-8 Sep. 2017. IV Congreso de Jóvenes Investigadores RSME, Universidad de Valencia.

22 May. - 9 Jun. 2017. Visit Graduate School of Mathematics, University of Warwick (UK).

13-17 Jun. 2016. Conference on non-commutative cretant resolutions, Ulrich modules and generalizations of the McKay correspondence. RIMS, Kyoto.

4-18 Jun. 2016. Visit Nagoya University, Hiroshima University and RIMS.

16-20 Sep. 2013. II Congreso de Jóvenes Investigadores RSME, Universidad de Sevilla.

1-3 May. 2012. Conference on resolution of singularities and the McKay Correspondence, Nagoya University.

6-7 Dec. 2011. EGA Conference. ICMS Edinburgh (UK).

14-16 Mar. 2011. Workshop on Non-commutative Geometry and the McKay Correspondence, Nagoya University.

9-14 Ago. 2010. Geometry and algebra of orbifolds and McKay Correspondence, University of Warwick.

8-10 Mar. 2010. Seminar on the McKay Correspondence, Nagoya University.

27-30 Oct. 2009. Kinosaki Algebraic Geometry Conference Symposium. Kinosaki (Japan) (poster).

15-19 Dec. 2008. COE-COW Conference, Graduate School of Mathematical Sciences, University of Tokyo. 

21-25 Jul. 2008. WAG Concluding conference, University of Warwick.

27 May - 3 Jun. 2008. Commutative Algebra, complexes and computer algebra, University of Warwick.

GAeL, Bendlewo 2006, Istanbul 2007, Aranjuez 2008.

30 Jul. - 2 Ago. 2006. Magma Conference 2006, TU Berlin.