Product Info

NEW!!! With AlterImage version 3.90, AlterImage has a new FAST WARP mode that greatly speeds up warping. This will be welcomed by customers working with very high resolution images.

AlterImage for Cosmetic Surgery

AlterImage "morphing" software has been designed specifically for plastic surgeons, cosmetic surgeons, dermatologists, cosmetic dentists, and others who need to make cosmetic changes to digital images of the human face and body. Currently, AlterImage is used by surgeons in over 90 countries for cosmetic surgery simulation.

With its patented design, AlterImage is a fast and easy to use surgery simulator or dentistry simulator and does things that no general purpose graphics editing program can.

AlterImage provides on-screen buttons for warp, stretch, shrink, and copy operations for user-defined regions. It also allows very quick warping using pre-defined boxes. There are tissue tools for removing spots and wrinkles, drawing lines and coloring, and blurring. Each of the tissue tools has a choice of cursor size and a power setting.

In addition, there are icons for toggling between the original and modified image, for backing out the most recent change, for returning to the last-saved version, for zooming, sizing, and arranging windows. There is also side-by-side before-and-after display, image printing, and many other useful features.

The ease of use is greatly enhanced with an extensive PowerPoint tutorial that can be run from the help menu and context-sensitive help that allows you to open help to precisely the topic that you want. There are Tool-Tips that describe each on-screen button and a status line that reminds you of the kind of user input that is expected.

Altogether, the feature set provides an optimal set of tools for modifying or "morphing" the human image.

AlterImage for Dentistry

AlterImage is the only dental simulation program that is based on cosmetic surgery simulation. What this means for you is that, in addition to performing the dental simulation tasks that you require, AlterImage for Dentistry also excels in all kinds of facial simulation including lip augmentation/reduction, simulation of fillers & implants, and lightening of wrinkle shadows as a result of Botox injections.

"I have been using AlterImage in my practice for several years. I feel computer simulation is a necessity for delivering successful cosmetic dentistry, so having chair-side software like AlterImage is as important for my cosmetic dentistry as having a hand piece for my restorative dentistry!" - Dr. Jack Ringer, DDS - American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry, President, 2013-2014

AlterImage on the Mac

Many of our customers are using AlterImage on their Intel Mac with the help of programs such as Parallels or VMWare Fusion that create a Windows environment on their Mac computer.

Another option for Mac computers connected to a Local Area Network (LAN) is to use Microsoft's Remote Desktop which allows any Mac computer to "run" AlterImage.