FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is AlterImage?

AlterImage is a high-performance graphical editor specifically designed to simulate cosmetic changes to the human face and body. this kind of software is often referred to as a "morphing" program, and is also called a cosmetic surgery simulator or dentistry simulator.

Q: Who is AlterImage intended for?

AlterImage is designed specifically for plastic surgeons, cosmetic surgeons, dermatologists, cosmetic dentists, and anyone else who needs to make fast and easy cosmetic changes to digital images of the human form.

Q: Do I need to be a computer expert to use AlterImage?

No. Anyone who is comfortable using Microsoft Windows can use AlterImage. Familiarity with the Windows file system is needed in order to be able to open and save files. And some experience with a graphics editor is a plus (such as Microsoft Paint which is included with Windows).

Q: Why can’t I just use a general-purpose image editor such as Photoshop?

This question is like asking a professional carpenter to get by with the same set of tools that the average person uses. Sure, a skilled carpenter could build a house with a saw, a hammer, and a screwdriver but would he want to? Specialized tools save time and produce better results. The same is true with graphics editors. If you want to re-shape parts of the face and body or remove blemishes and wrinkles, a specialized tool set will do it better and faster. Our region processing capability gives you a level of control that is unmatched in other general purpose graphics programs and our wrinkle removal is by far the fastest and easiest.

Q: Should I use 2D or 3D imaging?

click here for detailed discussion

Q: How does AlterImage compare to the much more expensive competition?

Our established competition sells entire systems for many thousands of dollars with annual maintenance fees that exceed the purchase price of AlterImage. The competition established themselves as suppliers of fully-featured systems that include computer hardware, cameras and photographic equipment, on-site training, databases, and many specialized modules. Their telephone support is extra.

We recognized that many physicians do not need or want such expensive systems. Many just want a simple, easy-to-use graphics editor for a reasonable price. That is what we offer. AlterImage is faster and simpler to use. It is based on a patented design that puts those tools that you are most likely to need right in front of your eyes (and not hidden among countless other tools that you will seldom if ever use). You can install AlterImage on your existing computer and add a digital camera or scanner yourself. You can upgrade your computer or peripherals as you wish from the least expensive sources. We do not charge for email support.

Q: How does AlterImage compare to the inexpensive editors found on the internet?

The inexpensive editors found on the internet are intended for entertainment and to pique the interest of potential patients. They have limited functionality and do not come with the customer support of professional products like AlterImage. Surgeons don’t do surgery with kitchen knives and similarly, should not perform simulations with such basic tools designed for use by the general public.

Q: How do I get digital images into AlterImage?

You use AlterImage as you would any graphics editor such as Microsoft Paint or Adobe Photoshop. You can open an image from a file on your hard drive. Or, you can drag and drop images directly into AlterImage from most cameras or scanners. Also, if you are using an image archiving program, most archiving programs will allow you to click on a thumbnail view and go directly into your preferred image editor (such as AlterImage).

Q: What kind of camera do I need?

For cosmetic surgery simulation or dental simulation, any kind of digital camera will work. But you will be happiest with a high resolution digital camera with 5 megapixels or more resolution.

Q: What kind of computer do I need?

Users of Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, or Windows 10, should have at least 1 gigabyte but we recommend 2 gigabytes or more.

AlterImage works fine on Windows 8 or 10 with the use of a mouse, stylus, or other pointing device.

AlterImage needs about 70 megabytes of hard disk space for the installation, a USB thumb drive reader or optical drive (for CDs or DVDs) to load the software, a mouse, stylus, or graphics tablet, an Intel processor (or equivalent), and a Microsoft Windows operating system (Vista, 7, 8,or 10). We recommend an optical mouse with a cord and a scroll-wheel for best results or a stylus. But as with any high-performance graphical application, the more computing power, the better.

Q: Can I use AlterImage on my Mac?

Many customers are happy to be using AlterImage on their Intel Macs with the help of programs such as Parallels or VMWare Fusion which provide a Windows environment.

Another option for Mac computers connected to a Local Area Network (LAN) is to use Microsoft's Remote Desktop which allows any Mac computer to appear to "run" AlterImage

Q: How does AlterImage save my changes?

AlterImage works just like any other image editing program. You save your modified images as files on your hard drive. We support most file formats and allow you to modify the amount of compression. If you have an image archiving program, you may wish to import the changed images back into the archiving program. With a good archiving program, this is a simple process.

Q: What about digital photo archiving?

Some physicians need to maintain their images in a specialized database that provides thumbnail views and search options. With its industry-standard interfaces, AlterImage can work with any photo archiving system.

Q: How do I see for myself how AlterImage works?

You can order AlterImage directly from this website for only $1295.

Q: What is Seattle Software Design?

Seattle Software Design is a software company dedicated to high-performance digital image processing. The founder has been working with medical image processing since the 1970’s and holds patents in this area.