18th National Competition on IHL (October 2024)

Welcome to the webpage of the 18th National Competition for students on International Humanitarian Law


The National Competition on International Humanitarian Law, Israel-2024 is the 18th annual national competition in international humanitarian law (IHL) to be held in Israel. 

Unlike previous years, this year the competition will be an individual competition. The format of the competition, comprising of simulations and role-playing, will be maintained regardless of this change.

The Competition is organized by the Association for the Promotion of International Humanitarian Law in Israel in collaboration with the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC).

The winning participant will receive the IHL Competition Award and will be granted a cash prize for a total of 1,000 NIS.

The runner-up will be granted a cash prize of 500 NIS.

The Purposes of the Competition

 The purposes of the IHL Competition include:

1. Enhancing students' knowledge and understanding of IHL;

2. Developing students' capacity to apply the law in a practical and relevant manner to real-life situations;

3. Supporting the teaching of IHL in academic institutions; and

4. Preparing participants for IHL-related professional pursuits.


Important Dates

 1. A student's completed Application Form must be received at ihl.competition@alma-ihl.org by Monday, 5 August 2024.

2. The 18th National Competition will take place October 28, 2024.

3. An Open Day will take place at 21:00, on July 24, 2024. Sign up here.


For additional information please see the competition's regulations (attached, see below) and the IHL Competition Homepage or contact ihl.competition@alma-ihl.org

Regulations and Application Form

To be submitted by Monday, August 5, 2024

Application Form - IHL Competition 2024.docx
Israeli National IHL Competition Regulations 2024

Competition Sponsors