GMS Reolink cameras

INSTALLING THE APP (so you watch it on your phone.)

To install the app on a Apple phone, scan the QR  above.  For an android, do a google serch for "reolink app"  and install from there. Then follow the proceedure below:

Add cameras to phone.

 -Use app  to add + a camera.  It will open your camera lens and want to "scan"  the barcode on the camera OR

-Follow voice/screen instructions. THEN, face camera to QIR image. Move your phone to/from till it focuses and clicks.

-The login screen will ask for a password ;  type in the Camera Name store4 as below. 

Inital setup

Gate Camera  - example (voda phone 0406963043 )


Phone Name:  iphone     Password: allstorage

camera- phone 0406963043 - Vodaphone  password 


password:  allstorage

Validity- 18/12/2021.

Remaining data- 788.77 Mb 15/6/2021

Gms 91 :  phone 0451355185

Camera login Password:  GMS91 password allstorage

Barcode UID 95270001HE8LU3WN

Store 6:  vodaphone  Phone 0451328574

Camera login Password:  Store6    Name: Store6

Barcode UID 95270001HE7R2EX4

Name of camera: Gms114 Password:  allstorage

cmobile ac 4008902 sim 031479435

Reolink PT Go Plus --

User - admin1

password Wallace37**

on C-mobile  Sim 080689418

account 40008902

camera password :  store7  (no gap)


Phone Name:  iphone     Password: allstorage

Gate Camera  Password:  store4     

Store02   Password:    store01

Store03    Password:   store02

PT camera

cmobile ac 4008902 sim 031479435