How can you help
To save Alicja's leg from amputation you can:
2. Make a donation by transferring money to Alicja's bank account.
Make a donation through PayPal using your credit card (please use button below):
Make a donation by transferring your money to Alicja's bank account number:
Bank of Ireland:
Anna Nowicka Radoslaw Nowicki RE: Alicja's Treatment Account
Account No: 61636846
Sort Code: 90-27-92
International Transfers:
IBAN No: IE45 BOFI 9027 9261 6368 46
Organize a “1 Euro for Alicja” action with friends & family in Churches, sporting clubs, companies, etc.
We prepared a poster and a label (please see below) that you can easily print out and put on a donation can:
Label for a donation can
To our American Friends: organize a “1 USD for Alicja” or “1 CAD for Alicja” action with friends and family in Churches, sporting clubs, companies, etc.
Dear Friends,
Today’s world has become a global village and, even if we live in Europe, thanks to the internet, we know so many wonderful people living across the Atlantic. Some of them are friends and family of children with health problems similar to Alicja’s. Some others are friends of our friends or again people with Polish origins and that’s how we met.
As we try to deal with this extremely difficult task of raising 150 thousand USD for Alicja’s leg reconstruction surgery in Florida, we wish to say to you: You can help our daughter as well :-)
You can organize a “1 USD for Alicja” or “1 CAD for Alicja” action with friends & family in Churches, sporting clubs, companies, etc.
We prepared a poster and a label (please see below) that you can easily print out and put on a donation can:
Label for a donation can
You can also help by donating through PayPal or Alicja's treatment bank account (please see options 1 & 2 above).
Thank you!
Parents of Alicja
Please, forward our appeal to your family, friends and people that, you think, can make a difference in Alicja's life.
Remember, every penny counts!
Thank you!
Parents of Alicja
Copyright © 2009-2013 All rights reserved - Alicja Nowicka; Website, Text & Photographs - Ania & Radek