Human Harm

There are a number of species of marine/estuarine and freshwater microalgae that can have direct health impacts on recreational users of the estuary such as those swimming, fishing, boating, and spending time beside the water. These impacts are either through skin contact, which can cause irritation, or through respiratory problems if toxins are inhaled. The species that have been found in Australia and have the potential for causing skin irritations for swimmers are listed below under "Skin irritations"

The species that have the potential to cause respiratory problems, and have been reported anywhere in the world, are listed below under "Respiratory problems". Of these, the two species that have not been as yet found in Australia are K. brevis and K. brevisulcata, while the other species are present and in some cases, common.

Algae that probelemtatic for skin irritations include:

  • Nodularia spumigena

  • Microcystis spp., (fresh and brackish water only)

  • Dolichospermum sigmoideum, (fresh and brackish water only)

  • Noctiluca scintillans

  • Amphidinium carterae

  • Karlodinium veneficum

  • Ostreopsis siamensis

  • Ostreopsis ovata

  • Moorea producens

Algae that are probelmatic for repiratory problems inlcude;

  • Karenia brevis

  • Karenia brevisulcata

  • Ostreopsis siamensis

  • Ostreopsis ovata

  • Chattonella marina