
Hello! This is my homepage!!!

In this web-page, you can find things about my current and old research and other stuff about myself :-) !!

My personal email is: a.koulouri84@gmail.com

Recent Research

Project: EEG Source Imaging: Different techniques based on Bayesian statistics and machine learning for the reconstruction of focal source activity using EEG measurements (TAU Imagin Platform, 2022-2023).

Project : High Accuracy Electrical Brain Imaging (attract-eu.com, 2018-2020)

Project : Super-resolution techniques for localizing sparse focal sources using sparsity prior in discrete grids (with applications in microbiology, neuroimage and space weather). (Funded by Finnish Academy 2018-2022)

Our vision is to build and demonstrate a non-invasive Prototype Brain Communicator that can translate and transfer information from brain to machine and from machine to brain.

Potential applications in the first stage would be in field of medicine: brain controlled Robotic Limbs and Prosthetics with closed-loop feedback to the brain. In later stage also other application areas would be considered, such as Entertainment, Safety and Lifestyle.

Real time imaging of ionospheric scintillation over South America

Super-resolution: Estimation of Locations of Positive and Negative Peaks

Briefly about me

My name is Alexandra Koulouri and I am from Kerkyra (Corfu), Greece. After my high school graduation I moved to Thessaloniki to continue my studies! I obtained a degree of Electrical and Computer Engineer, from Aristotle University of Thessaloniki in September 2007. Since then I have travelled in many places around the world.... exchanging scientific and cultural ideas. I hope a PhD in tomographic methods and convex optimizations with applications in EEG Source Imaging.

I am interested in applied and computational mathematics, especially in Bayesian statistics, convex and non-convex optimizations problems, data analysis and prediction using machine learning and tomographic methods.

Currently, I run my own project funded by the Finnish Academy on Superresolution in Linear Inverse Problems. The applications, I am working on, are related to brain source imaging using EEG recording, the estimation of the skull conductivity using EEG and EIT, detection of single molecules in fluorescence microscopy and static/dynamic ionospheric weather (mainly ionospheric scintillation for GNSS users at the moment).