Working Papers

Less Macho, More Mellow: The Malleability of Competitiveness,with Emilia Del Bono, Angus Holford and Patrick Nolen. Link

HeforShe: Bargaining Power, Parental Beliefs, and Parental Investments,” with Alejandrina Cristia, Pauline Grosjean, and Sarah Walker, CEPR Working paper DP 18775. Link 

Expectations about the Productivity of Effort and Academic Outcomes: Evidence from a Randomized Information,” with Emilia Del Bono, Angus Holford, Sonkurt Sen and Vedran Lesic. Link

The Silent Treatment: Correlations of Spousal Expectations and Information Flow within Couples,” with Basit Zafar and Gizem Kosar. Draft coming soon.

Uncertainty Attitudes, Subjective Expectations and Decisions under Uncertainty,” with Jayant Ganguli and Friederike Mengel.  Link

Infant Mortality Expectation and Fertility Choice in Rural Malawi,” with Hans-Peter Kohler and Ali Vergili. Link.

"Ambiguity about COVID-related health risks and protective health behaviors among young adults," with Emilia Del Bono and Angus Holford. Link

The Impact of a Personalised Blood Pressure Warning on Health Outcomes and Behaviours,” with Sonia Bhalotra, Jonathan James and Paul Fisher. Link

Subjective Expectations and Contraception.”

Older projects


Expectations about Social Security and Retirement Planning: The Role of Uncertainty and the Impact of Economic Shocks,” with Susann Rohwedder

Violent Conflicts and Risky Sexual Behavior in Uganda,” with Ricardo Menezes Cordeiro, MICROCON Research Working Paper 60.

Preparation for Retirement, Financial Literacy and Cognitive Resources,” with Susann Rohwedder and Robert J. Willis. Michigan Retirement Research Center Working Paper WP 2008-190 Link

Managing the Risk of Life,” with Robert J. Willis, Michigan Retirement Research Center Working Paper WP 2007-167. Link

Probabilistic Thinking and Early Social Security Claiming,” with Michael Perry and Robert J. Willis, Michigan Retirement Research Center Working Paper WP 2006-129. Link