Wrestler of the Week - February 21

Post date: Mar 5, 2013 3:54:29 AM

Wrestler of the Week for February 21 is Grade 11 wrestler Tristan Schulze. Tristan was selected to receive this award by a teammate who wanted to recognize him for all his hard work and dedication this season. Tristan did not miss a practice all year. Tristan also did not wrestle a single match this year. Tristan was unable to compete due to a serious shoulder injury which took place late last season and was again reinjured this summer. The shoulder injury did not stop Tristan from dedicating himself entirely to the sport. There wasn’t anything this guy wouldn’t do for the team: Washing mats, moving mats, washing mats, filming matches, taking attendance, timing scrimmage sessions. Tristan did anything that was asked of him and more. That is why Tristan is an excellent choice for Wrestler of the Week. A Championship Team cannot be built without the selfless dedication of individuals like Tristan. Thank you for all your work to help the Tradition Continue.