Frequently Asked Questions

Who should I contact if I am interested in the Academy?

Students from out of town who are interested in the Alberni District Hockey Academy are encouraged to contact John McDonald at ADSS (250-723-6251).

Students from Port Alberni are encouraged to contact their school representative to get more information.  See contacts page.

What about transportation?  How do students get to and from the rink?

In September 2012 the new ADSS opened.  This school is conveniently located right across the street from the Multiplex.  For students in Grade 9 - 12 transportation is pretty straightforward.

For Middle School students it depends on class time.  Morning classes parents are expected to drop students off at the rink and the Academy will provide bus transportation back to school.  In the afternoon the Academy will provide transportation to the rink but parents are expected to make arrangements for pickup.

What grade levels?

We are currently pleased to offer the Academy Program to Grades 8 - 12 from Alberni District Secondary

What skill level do you need to have to register for the academy?

We accept players of all skill levels into our Academy.  The skill level varies greatly amongst our students.  We have students who are brand new to hockey, players actively playing Junior hockey and everything in between.   We do not require a set skill level to enroll.  However, we require all students to demonstrate effort and a willingness to improve their individual skill level.

What about student assessment/evaluation?

For more information click on the assessment/evaluation page.

Does the Academy play in competitive games or participate in tournaments?

At this point in time our Academy does not participate in competitive games or tournaments with outside teams.  As a Hockey Canada Skills Academy our primary focus is skill development not competition.  Our classes do however, participate in games and fun 3 on 3 tournaments within the Academy in order to offer fun competitive opportunities.

Are ice and/or dry land sessions run by a private company?

All our Academy classes are led by School District 70 employees.   Under their supervision and leadership we bring in expert instructors to help conduct and enhance our on ice and off ice sessions.   As noted in our instructors section we utilize a number of professional instructors including Junior A coaches, Gold in the Net, and Strength and Conditioning coaches.

How many students are accepted into an academy class?

Group size depends on a number of factors.  Interest/enrollment, grade level etc.  Ideally we try to have each class to be around 20 students.  However, our classes sizes have ranged 15 - 30.  Occasionally as a result of facility availability we have to combine classes.

How many goaltenders are accepted into an academy class? 

There is no hard and fast rule to how many players in any position are accepted into the program.  We try to have 2 - 4 goaltenders in each class but have made exceptions to this.

Is the Academy affiliated with any other organizations?

The SD70 Hockey Skills Academy is a licensed program through Hockey Canada.  In addition to the partnership between the School District and Hockey Canada our Academy also has a working relationship with Alberni Valley Minor Hockey, Alberni Valley Bulldogs, Gold in the Net and other community organizations.

Are Academy fees tax deductible?

Academy fees for children 15 years of age and under can be applied to the Children's Fitness Tax Credit.

How often are academy ice sessions?

The schedule for academy ice sessions depends on the class that a student is enrolled in.  Generally the frequency of classes is as follows:

Grade 8 & 9 Students - On the ice every other school day from September to March.  Occasional dryland training session if ice is not available. (approximately 50 - 60 session)

Grade 10, 11, & 12 - Academy classes every school day for one semester (September to  January).  Dryland and off ice sessions regularly added to enhance the on ice skill development. (approximately 80 classes)

Does the academy offer goaltender specific instruction? 

Yes.   We work with a professional goalie coach to offer goaltender specific training.  Instructors work to design training programs and offer drills to develop each goaltenders skill level.   We also work with a number of goaltender coaches in the community.