Curriculum Vitae

 Alasdair Newson

Assistant Professor (Maître de Conférences),

Télécom Paris

Alasdair Newson

Date of birth : 27/04/1987

Place of birth : Leamington Spa (UK)

 Nationality: British, French

Email : anewson 'at'

Personal webpage

[Professional experience]


Jan. 2011 - March. 2014 PhD in image processing, with Technicolor and Télécom ParisTech, France

 “On Video Completion: Line Scratch Detection and Video Inpainting in Complex Scenes”.

Sept. 2005 – July 2010 Université de Technologie de Compiègne, France

Engineering diploma (Master's degree) in Computer Science. Specialisation in real-time and embedded systems.

 June 2005 Lycée International de Saint-Germain-en-Laye, France

French Baccalauréat (scientific section, mention bien)

Academic exchanges

Feb. 2009 – July 2009

[Academic exchanges]Feb. 2007 - July 2007

Technische Universität Berlin, Germany

Six months exchange, in the department of electronics and computer science.

Fachhochschule Karlsruhe, Germany

Six months exchange.

[Professional Skills]


Computer science skills

 Intercultural experience

Bilingual English-French, German (fluent), Spanish (beginner), Japanese (beginner).

Specialisation domains : Image and video processing, computer vision. Image/video inpainting, statistical methods for image processing, variational methods.

Computer skills : C, C++, Matlab, Scilab, Ada, Python, VHDL, assembler, SQL, UML, Pascal, Latex, Excel, Word, PowerPoint.

Having lived in Great-Britain, Canada, France, Germany and the United States, I enjoy discovering and adapting to new cultures and situations.

[Awards and distinctions]