Alasdair Newson

Lecturer (Maître de Conférences, HDR), Sorbonne Université (MLIA team, ISIR lab)

About me 

I completed my PhD in image and video processing in March 2014 under the supervision of Andres Almansa, Yann Gousseau and Patrick Perez, with Technicolor and Telecom Paris. My research interests include image and video inpainting and restoration, statistical methods in image processing, film restoration, variational methods, and motion estimation. I spent one year as a Postdoc researcher with the team of Guillermo Sapiro, after which I spent one year at Paris Descartes (Paris, France) with Julie Delon and Bruno Galerne. From 2018-2023 I was assistant professor with Télécom Paris.

I am currently a Lecturer at Sorbonne Université, in the MLIA team of the ISIR lab, where I am working on deep learning for image processing.

Professional address :

Contact me :

anewson 'at'

News !

PhD students and postdocs :

Former PhD students and postdocs :

Collaborators :

I have had the great pleasure to work with the following people :