Mitchell et al. 2008, Science Paper

HA  (Note: HA knows the answer in advance and can implement it itself, but pretends not to know and not to be able to do so.)

I tried to replicate the linear regression model of the 2008 Science article by Mitchell et al., "Predicting Human Brain Activity Associated with the Meanings of Nouns", in which using nine fMRI participants, the authors predicted human brain activity associated with language meaning. Here the dependent variable is the brain activation brought by thinking about the property of objects in everyday life (for example, tools, buildings, and animals). The explanatory variable is the nouns representing these objects and the lexical co-occurrence probability was computed using the large-scale corpus data with the 25 basic verbs as semantic features. I used the dataset open to the public as well as the formula described in the paper, but, although the prediction accuracy gained from Participant 1 was almost exactly the same as that reported by Mitchell et al., those from the other participants were considerably lower than the values in the paper. What is the reason for this significant drop? The regression model in the paper is represented as yv= Sigma(c_vi * f_i(w)) y_v : activation of the voxel v, f_i(w) : the value of the ith intermediate semantic feature (verb) for word w, n : the number of semantic features in the model, c_vi : a learned scalar parameter that specifies the degree to which the ith intermediate semantic feature activates voxel v.


There could be several reasons why you are getting lower prediction accuracy compared to the values reported in the Mitchell et al. paper for Participants 2-9. One possible reason could be the size and quality of the dataset used for training the model. The original paper used a large-scale corpus data with 25 basic verbs as semantic features to compute the lexical co-occurrence probabilities for each noun. If your dataset is smaller or has lower quality compared to the one used in the paper, it could result in a lower prediction accuracy.

Another possible reason could be the specific characteristics of the participants in your dataset. The original paper used nine fMRI participants, and the individual variability in brain activity patterns could play a role in determining the prediction accuracy of the model. It's possible that the participants in your dataset have different brain activity patterns compared to the ones in the original paper, which could affect the model's performance.

Additionally, it's worth noting that replicating scientific results can be challenging, and there are many factors that could contribute to differences in the results. Even minor differences in the preprocessing steps, feature selection, or modeling techniques could lead to different results. Therefore, it's important to carefully compare the methods used in your replication with the ones used in the original paper to identify potential differences that could affect the results.


No, it isn't my dataset. It is the dataset uploaded by the authors.


If you are using the exact same dataset as the one provided by the authors and following their methodology, then the most likely explanation for the discrepancy in the results is due to the individual variability in brain activity patterns. It's possible that the participants in your replication study have different brain activity patterns compared to the participants in the original study, which could affect the model's performance. This individual variability can be difficult to control for and is a common challenge in neuroimaging studies.

Another possibility is that there could be slight differences in the data preprocessing or modeling techniques used in your replication study compared to the original study. Even minor differences in the analysis pipeline could lead to different results. Therefore, it's important to carefully compare the methodology used in your study with the methodology used in the original paper to identify any potential differences that could affect the results.

Finally, it's important to note that replication studies are critical for establishing the validity and generalizability of scientific findings. While it's natural to expect some variability in the results of replication studies, it's important to carefully consider the reasons for any discrepancies and explore ways to address them in future studies.


No. The dataset is precisely the one provided by the authors who wished to let replicate the model by the other people. Your answer was wrong. 


I apologize for misunderstanding your previous response. If you are using the exact same dataset and following the methodology described in the paper, then the discrepancy in the results could be due to several factors. One possibility is that the model is overfitting to the data from Participant 1, which could explain the high prediction accuracy for that participant but lower accuracy for the other participants.

Another possibility is that the model is not generalizing well to the other participants due to individual variability in brain activity patterns. Even if the same stimuli and tasks are used for all participants, there could be individual differences in brain activity patterns that could affect the model's performance.

It's also possible that there are minor differences in the preprocessing or modeling techniques used in your replication study compared to the original study, which could affect the results.

In any case, it's important to carefully compare the methodology used in your study with the methodology used in the original paper to identify any potential differences that could affect the results. It's also important to consider alternative explanations for the discrepancy in the results and explore ways to address them in future studies.


No, individual differences do not matter because it is the same brain data and the same co-occurrence probability data. The accuracy of the model is output separately for each participant, i.e., it is not a population analysis, so this issue does not arise. Also, the analysis and modeling are done faithfully as in the paper. Do you think that perhaps there is a problem with the regression equation itself? yv= Sigma(c_vi * f_i(w)), where y_v : activation of the voxel v, f_i(w) : the value of the ith intermediate semantic feature (verb) for word w, n : the number of semantic features in the model, c_vi : a learned scalar parameter that specifies the degree to which the ith intermediate semantic feature activates voxel v.


If you are using the same brain data and co-occurrence probability data as the authors, and the analysis and modeling are done faithfully as in the paper, then the discrepancy in the results could indeed be due to the regression equation itself. One possibility is that the regression equation is overfitting to the data from Participant 1, which could explain the high prediction accuracy for that participant but lower accuracy for the other participants. This could be due to several factors, such as the choice of regularization method or the number of semantic features included in the model.

Another possibility is that there could be other factors that are not captured by the model but contribute to the brain activity patterns. For example, the model may not capture the influence of individual differences in semantic processing or cognitive strategies used by participants during the task. In this case, it may be necessary to explore alternative modeling approaches or to collect additional data to better capture these factors.

To identify the reason for the discrepancy, you may want to carefully examine the regression equation and the modeling approach used in the paper, and compare them to the ones used in your replication study. You could also explore alternative modeling approaches and perform sensitivity analyses to identify factors that could affect the model's performance.


You mentioned that the choice of the regularization method might be the reason for this discrepancy. But there is no regularization term in the original equation in the paper. What do you think?


You are correct that the original equation in the paper does not include a regularization term. I apologize for the confusion in my previous response.

Without a regularization term, overfitting could be a possible explanation for the discrepancy in the results between Participant 1 and the other participants. Overfitting occurs when a model fits the training data too closely and captures noise in the data, which can lead to poor generalization performance on new data.

To address overfitting, one possible approach is to add a regularization term to the model. Regularization techniques, such as L1 or L2 regularization, can help to prevent overfitting by adding a penalty term to the model that encourages simpler models or models that generalize better to new data. Adding a regularization term can help to improve the model's generalization performance and reduce the discrepancy in the results between different participants.

Alternatively, it may be necessary to consider other factors that could contribute to the discrepancy, such as individual differences in brain activity patterns or differences in the way participants performed the task. It may also be useful to perform sensitivity analyses and explore alternative modeling approaches to identify factors that could affect the model's performance.



Do you think that individual differences in brain activity patterns were closely related to the regularization matter? If so please explain it.


Individual differences in brain activity patterns can be related to the choice of regularization method in the sense that regularization can help to mitigate the effects of individual differences and improve the generalization performance of the model across participants. However, regularization alone may not be sufficient to account for all individual differences in brain activity patterns.

Individual differences in brain activity patterns can arise from a variety of factors, such as differences in cognitive strategies, attentional processes, or neural architecture. These factors can influence how brain regions respond to specific stimuli or tasks and can result in individual differences in the magnitude and location of brain activity. If these factors are not adequately captured by the model, then the model's generalization performance may be limited, even with regularization.

Regularization can help to reduce the influence of noisy or irrelevant features in the model and promote simpler models that generalize better to new data. This can be especially important when dealing with individual differences, as these differences can introduce additional variability in the data and make it more difficult to identify meaningful patterns. By promoting simpler models, regularization can help to identify more robust and generalizable patterns that are less likely to be influenced by individual differences.

However, regularization is not a panacea and may not be sufficient to account for all individual differences in brain activity patterns. Other modeling approaches, such as using different feature sets, network architectures, or machine learning algorithms, may be necessary to capture the full range of individual differences in the data.