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{ Photos }

We love photos! We want to make a digital photo album - a collection of all the photos of our special day. If you're interested in contributing & didn't get a card with instructions, send us an email & we'll tell you how! If you want to share them, but are unsure of how to upload them yourself, you can email them to us and we'll take care of the upload.

If you want to browse the photos, please visit:

We would love to have photos, but we'd really like to keep them to one location: Picasa. Please don't upload them to social networking sites (Facebook, Flickr, Myspace, Bebo, etc.). It is our special day and while we enjoy sharing it, we'd like to have some control over our privacy and what goes out in the vast space of internet about us. Thanks for understanding. If you'd like to get a bit more understanding on why this could be an issue, please check out this discussion.

Last edited: December 18, 2009. Copyright Jessica & Alexander, 2006-2009.