
Anna's bio

Born in Valencia (Spain), Anna Esparcia-Alcázar obtained a degree in Ingenieria Industrial from the Universitat Politècnica de València. After working as a lecturer in Control Engineering at the Departamento de Ingeniería de Sistemas, Computadores y Automática (currently DISA), in 1995 she joined the Department of Electronics and Electrical Engineering of the University of Glasgow, where she obtained a PhD (Thesis: "Genetic Programming for Adaptive Digital Signal Processing") and also worked as a Research Assistant.

In 1998 Dr. Esparcia-Alcázar joined the Industrial Control Centre (currently Institute for Energy and Environment) at the University of Strathclyde as a Research Fellow working on the CONVEX project, a joint project with the University of Glasgow, British Aerospace and Stirling Dynamics Ltd.

From January 2000 till August 2002 she worked for Barcelona-based GTD- Ingenieria de Sistemas y Software Industrial, Advanced Logistics Group and Pivetal Sistemas (currently Cortex).

From September 2002 till September 2010 Dr. Esparcia-Alcázar was with the Instituto Tecnológico de Informática (ITI) at the Universidad Politécnica de València, where she was Coordinator of the Complex Adaptive Systems Group. From October 2010 till October 2011 she was Associate Lecturer at the Department of Systems Engineering and Automation (DISA) at the Universidad Politecnica de Valencia

From October 2010 to March 2015 she was Head of R&D at S2 Grupo, where she was the Technical Manager and Coordinator of FP7 project MUSES, (October 2012 -September 2015). Between May 2015 and September 2017 she was with the Software Production Methods Centre (PROS) of the Universitat Politècnica de València

Since October 2016 she is Associate Professor at the Systems Engineering and Control Department (DISA) of the UPV

She is Senior Member of the IEEE since 2009 and served as an elect member of the Executive Committee of SIGEVO, the Special Interest Group of the ACM on Genetic and Evolutionary Computation, in the period 2009-2015.

She is actively involved in the organisation of the main conferences in Genetic and Evolutionary computation; this includes/has included the following roles:

She was co-founder in 2014 and is currently Vice-President of the Society for the promotion of Evolutionary Computation in Europe, SPECIES, which supports the Evo* conferences.

In April 2015 she received the Award for Outstanding Contribution in Evolutionary Computation,

Since January 2017 she is part of the editorial board of Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines.
