
Cosmology is a science studying the origin, history and fate of the Universe, as well as physical processes governing it. Cosmological observations entered an era where the volumes of data collected by telescopes are immense. At the same time, incredible progress has recently been made in the fields of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning - sciences of creating advanced mathematical and statistical models to learn from the data. These techniques allow for analysis or large, rich datasets. In this workshop, we would like to explore the possibilities of applying these new methods to cosmological data. The benefits can potentially be vast, such as enabling extremely fast analyses of very large image datasets, accelerating cosmological simulations, and extracting more information from the data, to name a few. Machine Learning can also potentially greatly benefit from collaboration with cosmologists: new cosmological datasets can stimulate developments of new, complex learning methods and algorithms. By bringing together researchers from Cosmology and Machine Learning, we aim to foster collaboration between these two disciplines.

In order to favor discussion and collaboration between the participant, the workshop will take place at the Congressi Stefano Franscini (CSF), the meeting platform of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology of Zurich (ETH Zurich). It provides an ideal meeting point for all members of the international scientific community who wish to discuss the state of the art and new challenges of any field of research.

The photos from the workshop are available here.

Dates and program

The workshop will take place from the Monday 10 until Wednesday 12 of June 2019. Participants are expected to arrive on Sunday 9 of June.

The program can be found here, and the list of guest speakers here. We encourage submission of abstracts for contributed talks and posters.


The costs are approximately 650 CHF, and depend on the choice of the room. Cost breakdown:

1) registration fee 150 CHF,

2) meals at Monte Verita 225 CHF,

3) hotel room, ranging from ~50 CHF to ~130 CHF per night, depending on the option chosen.

We are not able to provide support for travel and participation costs.

The extended deadline for registration is 30 April 2019.

Register here. We will contact you shortly after the first step of the registration to confirm it. Please do not pay the workshop fee before the registration is confirmed. Due to the capacity on site in Monte Verita, the number of participants is limited. For that reason, we kindly ask you to wait with the payment of making travel arrangements until your participation has been confirmed (confirmations will be sent soon after the registration).

The registration consists of three steps:

  • Registration on this website, including the talk abstract
  • Registration fee payment on the CSF Online platform
  • Booking of the hotel on the Monte Verita website


Follow the links to get in touch with the organizers:

Aurelien Lucchi, Nathanael Perraudin, Tomasz Kacprzak