Research impact stories

A very nice summary of some of the impact of the educational technology research in Open Lab can be found at Open Lab's "USING TECHNOLOGY TO IMPROVE COLLABORATIVE LEARNING FOR HUNDREDS OF SCHOOLCHILDREN" blog post


More about the research behind this work can be found in the following papers

  1. Richardson, D. & Kharrufa, A (2020). We are the Greatest Showmen: Configuring a Framework for Project-Based Mobile Learning. In Proceedings of ACM CHI 2020 (to appear)

  2. Richardson, D., Jarusriboonchai, P., Montague, K., & Kharrufa, A. (2018). Parklearn: creating, sharing and engaging with place-based activities for seamless mobile learning. In Proceedings of ACM MobileHCI.

  3. Richardson, D., Crivellaro, C., Kharrufa, A. , Montague, K., and Olivier, P. (2017) Exploring Public Places as Infrastructures for Civic M-Learning. In C&T'17. ACM.

  4. Venn-Wycherley, M., and Kharrufa, A. (2019). HOPE for Computing Education: Towards the Infrastructuring of Support for University-School Partnerships. In Proceedings of CHI’19. ACM.

  5. Venn-Wycherley, M., Bennett, C., Kharrufa, A. (2020) Design Studios for K-12 Computing Education. To appear in the ACM SIG on Computer Science Education Conference (SIGSCE) in March 2020, USA, ACM

  6. Sarangapani, V., Kharrufa, A., Leat, D., Wright, P. (2019) Fostering deep learning in cross-cultural education through use of content-creation tools. In Proceedings of the 10th Indian Conference on Human-Computer Interaction. ACM.

  7. Sarangapani, V., Kharuffa, A., Leat, D., & Wright, P. (2018) Creating interactive digital content: a cross-cultural approach to develop critical peer feedback. In Proceedings of the 32nd International BCS Human Computer Interaction Conference.

  8. Sarangapani, V., Kharrufa, A., Balaam, M., Leat, D., Wright, P. (2016) Virtual.Cultural.Collaboration – Mobile Phones, Video Technology, and Cross-Cultural Learning. In Proceedings of MobileHCI'16. ACM.