Etica della Rivista


Malpractice statement

The Publisher states the following principles of publication use and ethics:

1.      Only original works, that have not been previously published and in which the data do not infringe the copyright of another person or organization, are accepted for publishing.

2.      Every submitted paper is reviewed anonymously by 2-3 reviewers.

3.      Publisher has the right to use plagiarism detection software to screen submitted papers.

4.      Authors retain copyright over their work, while allowing the conference to place this unpublished work under a Creative Commons Attribution License, which allows others to freely access, use.

5.      Publisher undertakes to publish articles accepted after reviewing and, according to the scientific quality of an article, publish them electronically and include them in various international scientific paper data bases.

6.      Publisher undertakes to use author’s personal data only for the needs of identification of authors and co-authors, as well as to preserve data in accordance with the restrictions determined in the current regulations of the Republic of Italy.

The author (-s) of original article confirms and guarantees that:

1.      A paper has been written by the Author (s) who has (have) been stated in the Paper and in this statement and there is no any other person who would have any rights to this Paper.

2.      The Paper is original; it has not been previously published and is notunder simultaneous consideration by another publications.

3.      The Paper will notlater be submitted elsewhere.

4.      There are references for all the pictures, data and other materials used in the Paper.

5.      The results of the Paper are genuine; they do not infringe on the original work of another person or organisation. The Author (-s) have taken all the necessary measures to ensure the requirements of the sponsors’ who finance the Paper.

6.      If author finds a significant error after the publishing of the paper, it is the author’s obligation to promptly notify the editor.

7.      The Author (-s) has (have) been authorised to submit the Paper for publication; the intellectual property rights will not be infringed according to the 14th, 15th articles of the Copyright law and other normative acts of the Republic of Italy and international normative acts binding for the Republic of Italy.

8.      The Author (-s) take (-s) the sole responsibility related to the third parties’ objections and demands concerning the publishing or using the Paper.

9.      The Author (s) take (-s) all the responsibility and promptly, irrevocably and unconditionally undertakes to independently at his (their) own expenses and risk if there will be objections or demands from the third parties’ concerning the publishing or using the Paper.

Publication editor:

1.      Ensures double-blind peer-review of the submitted paper.

2.      Until the publishing, ensures the confidentiality of information concerning the submitted article.

3.      Strives to prevent any possible conflict of interests between authors and reviewers or editors.


1.      Evaluates the content of the article according to the scientific article criteria, without regard to ethnic origin, gender, sexual orientation, citizenship, religious beliefs or political views of the authors.

2.      Keeps confidential all the information related to submitted paper.

3.      Notifies the editor if there is a suspicion of plagiarism or copyright infringement.

4.      If the reviewer feels unqualified to review or knows that it is impossible to provide review in time, he should notify the Editor-in-Chief and ask to exempt him from reviewing.