Seeking knowledge from Einstein.
A day outing at Georgia Tech to celebrate Tiffany
Congratulations to our laboratory postdoc Dr. Justin Kim for joining Federal Drug Administration (FDA) as a Clinical Analyst. Justin joined our lab as a Ph.D. student (with Prof. Andrew Steelman) and moved to GaTech to be a postdoc in Das Lab. He helped in setting up the lab and worked on a new molecule DHA-Glycine. Justin has published 7 papers and two more are soon to be published.
We are deeply grateful to NIGMS-NIH for funding the R35 Outstanding Investigator Award (MIRA) for Lipid Metabolism Research, which will support Das Lab over the next five years. A heartfelt thank you to my students and staff for their incredible efforts !
Das Lab welcomes Mr. Brendon Brown as an incoming chemistry rotation student in Fall 2024.
Brendon completed his BS (Chemistry) at UNC Chapel Hill. He also has extensive teaching experience.
Das Lab welcomes Mr. Johnny Bui as an incoming graduate student in Fall 2024.
Johnny completed his BS (Chemistry) from Emory University. He has varied research experience, loves music and loves to tinker with instruments.
Das Lab Summer Get Together at Chai Pani (July 2024)
Dr. Das met Prof. Mark Schumacher and Prof. Judith Hellman at 2024 NCCIH Cannabinoid Research Principal Investigators Meeting: Exploring the Mechanisms Underlying Analgesic Properties of Minor Cannabinoids and Terpenes (May 2024)
Guess who came to Dinner? Prof. Simone Brixius-Anderko from Univ. of Pittsburgh
Joined by Prof. Eddie Morgan and Prof. Dionna Williams from Emory
Simone's talk at Emory on CYP4Fs.
Go P450s!!
Congratulations to Das Lab Alumni Dr. William Arnold for joining his first academic position as Cryo-EM Scientific Manager at Stanford University where he will work on cutting edge structural studies of membrane proteins. Also he just published an impactful paper in Nature Structural Biology 2024"Structural basis of TRPV1 modulation by endogenous bioactive lipids"
Congratulations to Mr. Peter Chapman for getting the President's Undergraduate Research Awards (PURA)!!
Das lab presented the following talks and posters at the Southeast Enzyme Conference 2024 at GSU
Dr. Kundu gave oral presentation
Anna, Rajatabha, Daniel and Anisha presented a poster
Congratulations to Dr. Justin Kim and Dr. Hannah Huff for publishing COX-LOX-EPOX regulation
Prostaglandins and other Lipid Mediators (POLM)!!
Congratulations to Ms. Tiffany Tang on acing her qualifying exam!
Das Lab gets Vasser Woolly Faculty Fellowship to study a new class of lipid neurotransmitters arising from omega-3 fatty acids
Das Lab welcomes Ms. Christina Knight as an undergraduate researcher!!
Congratulations to Dr. Debanjan Kundu for being chosen to give an oral presentation at the 14th Annual Southeast Enzyme Conference to be help on April 27th 2024
Congratulations to Henry Mastrion for getting the President’s Undergraduate Research Award (PURA) award for summer 2024. Thanks to his graduate mentor Rajatabha for helping him put this together.
Congratulations to Members of Das and Qian labs for publishing their first paper together in Science Advances.
Smith, J., Carnevale, L., Das, A*, Chen, Q.*,"Electron Videography of a Lipid–Protein Tango",
2024, Science Advances, Accepted
Prof. Das has been inducted into the Inclusive STEM Teaching Fellows program 2024.
(Left) Prof. Merrill, Prof. Das, Anisha, Leah, Wenyu, Daniel, Rajatabha, Yibo and Elijah
Prof. Das spearheaded the creation of an innovative course focusing on lipid biochemistry (CHEM 8853). Besides the regular lectures, there are three guest lectures - Dr. Xin Ma, Dr. Bif and Prof. Al Merrill (Lipid Maps). The coursework encompassed a comprehensive exploration of structural lipids, signaling lipids, as well as the intricate dynamics of protein-lipid interactions.
Professor Al Merrill delivered a captivating guest lecture on Sphingolipids.
Congratulations to Dr. Pritam Roy for publishing a solid research work in ACS-JNP
Collaboration with Sarlah Group and Tajkhorshid Group
Elucidating the Mechanism of Metabolism of Cannabichromene by Human Cytochrome P450s. ACS-Journal of Natural Products
Pritam Roy, Jonathan Maturano, Hale Hasdemir, Angel Lopez, Fengyun Xu, Judith Hellman, Emad Tajkhorshid, David Sarlah* and Aditi Das*
Das Lab Wishes Happy New Year 2024!!
May this year bring a lot of good science, laughter and funding to do critical thinking in peace!!
Congratulations to Robbie Vrolijk for President’s Undergraduate Research Salary Award program (PURA)!!
Das Lab extends a hearty welcome to three first-year Ph.D. students:
Ms. Anisha Rai from IISER Pune, Mr. Daniel Wongo from Georgia State Univ, and Mr. Rajatabha Das from NIPER Mohali.
Additionally, a warm welcome is extended to Henry Mastrion, a sophomore in Biochemistry!
We look forward to an amazing scientific journey exploring lipid metabolizing CYPs!!
Multi-PI AFOSR Biophysics Grant has been funded.
Congrats to Das Lab, Chen Lab (UIUC) and Wang Lab (UIUC):
"Understanding the “mission versatility” of membrane proteins and cells by all-scale nanoscopic imaging"
Postdoc Appreciation Lunch:
I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to Dr. Justin Kim and Dr. Debanjan Kundu, our dedicated postdocs, for their tireless efforts in ensuring the smooth operation of our laboratory.
Insightful scientific dialogues encompassing topics from enzymology, protein design to medchem and optical microscopy. Grateful to Prof. Chayan Dutta and Prof. Gadda for granting me the chance to give a talk and interact with researchers @ Georgia State University Chemistry.
Prof. Das delivers a plenary talk at ISSX conference 2023. Deepest thanks to Dr. Amit Kalgutkar for the invitation.
Ms. Tiffany Tang presents a lightening talk and her poster on CYP2U1 at the ISSX conference 2023
Prof. Das gives invited talks at American Chemical Society (ACS) San Francisco:
Cannabis division (MEDI, CHAS)
Biol division
Prof. Das and Prof. Phoebe Glazer (NCSU)
Laboratory logistics discussion with the group at Cafe Momonake !!
Lot of ideas about laboratory management and what can make students feel inclusive in our group !!
August 1st 2023
Today marks our one-year anniversary at Georgia Tech, and I must say it has been an incredible journey setting up the laboratory from scratch again. As we reflect on this milestone, let's take a moment to recall some of our best moments together. I want to express my heartfelt gratitude to Dr. Kim for his immense support throughout the process—whether it was assisting with the move, packing, purchasing equipment, or providing invaluable insights and analyses. Dr. Roy, and Mark Eschbach worked very hard to wrap up the laboratory at UIUC. Tiffany did a remarkable job setting up the new methods and commencing work on an intriguing new protein. Anna and Robbie's arrival and contributions significantly aided in the lab's set-up during this journey. During the Spring semester, I had the opportunity to teach a sizable undergraduate class. The Spring semester also saw Dr. Kundu and Peter joining our team, diving into projects involving cannabinoids. During the summer, we were fortunate to have Madison join us as the Bagwell fellow. Throughout this year, we have celebrated moments of joy, navigated through challenges, and, above all, fostered scientific enthusiasm among us.
Go Das Lab!! Go Jackets!! Here's to an inspiring future filled with exciting science and accomplishments.
Our paper with Steelman lab, Sinha lab and Nowak lab got accepted in Journal of Neuroinflammation. Congrats to all co-authors especially first author Allison and Justin for working so hard on this project. "Influenza A virus infection disrupts oligodendrocyte homeostasis and alters the myelin lipidome in the adult mouse"
Prof. Das met her Ph.D advisor Prof. Michael Hecht after 18 years at Princeton
Das Lab Awesome Members Are Featured Here!!
Thank you so much for being part of the team!!
Prof. Das has been invited to speak at special session at ICRS 2023 in Toronto
She will talk about cannabigerol, CBD and cannabichromene metabolism by P450s to generate novel bioactive oxidized metabolites.
(Left) CANBIC-8: (Right) Prof. Das was the session chair: Fantastic talks by Prof. Bren, Goldberg, Hayashi and Williamson
College of Sciences Celebration to give College awards and welcome new faculty.
Congratulations to Ms. Tiffany (Yi Chien) Tang who led the effort of putting together this book chapter on the role of omega-3 and omega-6 endocannabinoids in Cardiovascular pharmacology!!
Thank you Dr. Kim who helped in writing this chapter.
This is our first manuscript from Georgia Tech
Go Yellow Jackets!!
Thank you to Prof. Torres and the GT Molecular Bio-Medical research community.
It was a pleasure to share our lab's work with the community.
Thank you Thermo and Fisher for sponsoring the event
Harnessing good fats to relieve MS symptoms
Researchers find that fish oil derivative reduces and delays disease–causing inflammation in mice by Dr. Marissa Locke Rottinghaus
The researchers looked at docosahexaenoyl ethanolamide (DHEA), a derivative of the lipids found in cold-water fish and fish oil supplements, and its impact on the immune system. Interestingly, DHEA has been shown to be anti-inflammatory and has similar properties to cannabis in some contexts.
“We believe our findings could lead to the discovery of new solutions to aid in managing symptoms of multiple sclerosis and other chronic inflammatory diseases ,” Das said. “There is no cure for MS, yet, and anything to help improve the patients’ symptoms is always of interest,” Kim said.
Das Lab welcomes Dr. Kundu!!
He prepared our first graduate student recruiting poster.
Presented by Tiffany!!
Dr. Kim's paper on Role of Omega-3 Endocannabinoids in the Modulation of T-cell Activity in a Multiple Sclerosis EAE Model has been accepted in Journal of Biological Chemistry (JBC) 2023
Congratulations to Dr. Kim for his perseverance and hard work in completing this difficult project!!
The project demonstrates the importance of DHA-endocannabinoid DHEA in delaying the diseases onset in multiple sclerosis
Biological phenomena ranging from enzymatic catalysis to synaptic transmission find their origins in the morphological fluctuations of biomolecules and biomolecular assemblies in liquid water. In collaboration with Prof. Qian Chen's group at UIUC, we developed an approach for 'molecular videography'--combining liquid-phase transmission electron microscopy with molecular modeling--with which we filmed the nanoscale morphological fluctuations of individual, freely suspended, and unlabelled membrane protein nanodiscs in liquid
Published in Biorxiv and currently under revision at Nature Methods
Visitor from Illinois
We all had a lot of fun learning new methods, setting up the lab and finally eating at "Blue India".
All the best to Dr. Roy as he ventures out to new journey.
CBG paper led by Dr. Pritam Roy and a collaboration with Sarlah Group @ UIUC and Hellman Group @ UCSF is accepted in ACS-Biochemistry.
Dr. Roy also won the best poster award at the International P450 meeting!!
Congratulations to all the authors who put in so much hard work!!
Das Lab@GT welcomes Dr. Kundu as the newest member to the laboratory.
Dr. Kundu has a Ph.D. degree in Biochemical engineering from IIT (BHU) and will bring his diverse expertise on protein biotechnology !!
Walking at the beautiful GT campus
Das Lab @ GT welcomes Ms. Anna Denissiouk and Mr. Robbie Vrolijk!!
Anna is a BME major and Robbie is a Biochem major.
Prof. Das started her new position at Georgia Tech on August 1st 2022.
New Journey!!
Cytochrome P450 meeting at DC. Prof. Das chaired the plenary session with fantastic talks from Prof. Guengerich and Prof. Isoherranan
Prof. Das met Dr. Jahnabi Roy (Das Lab Alumni) who is currently working at FDA
Dr. Roy won the best poster award. His work was supported by Angel Lopez and Mark Eschbach and David Dennis (sarlah group). Congrats to the team!!
Georgia Tech Chemistry announced about four new faculty members !!
UIUC-Das Lab
We wish you all the best with your journey!!
Das Lab Halloween Celebrations. AJ decorated the door. From Left Dr. Das, Ghaith, AJ, Dr. Roy and Sathvik
Cannabigerol is rapidly metabolized by cytochrome P450s to form bioactive metabolites.
The paper has been submitted and the preview is available in chemrxiv
Excited to announce that the Das lab is moving to School of Chemistry and Biochemistry at Georgia Tech in Fall 2022
Thrilled to be in a chemistry department where our lab’s passion for #biochemistry # enzymology #lipid metabolism # membrane proteins # chemical biology will get a new home. Our lab will be located at the Petit Institute of Bioengineering and Biosciences@IBB. Come and Join us!! Go #Yellowjackets#Rambling Wreck.
Grateful to have spend over a decade @Illinois and to all the Illinois colleagues, students, and staff!!
Justin Kim with Das and Steelman Lab members
Justin Kim successfully defends his Ph.D. thesis and becomes Dr. Kim
Our first paper with Sarlah Group!!
Congrats to Angel Lopez and Daphne Anand
Congratulations to Mark Eschbach!!
Our collaboration with Prof. Hongzhen Hu. Lipid metabolites are thought to control pain. This is an evidence that estrogen metabolites control uterine pain
Our paper with Shukla Group !!
Congratulations to Dr. Pritam Roy for this interesting study published with Piomelli Group!!
El Sohly Award with Dr. Roman Sarott and the award committee chair and division chair.
Cannabis Chemistry Subdivision gives out ElSohly Award that is sponsored by Heidolph North America. It's been amazing to see advances in cannabis chemistry move out of the shadows and into mainstream academic institutions.
Das Group was awarded the El Sohly Award 2022 by the American Chemical Society for molecular research on cannabinoid metabolism by cytochrome P450s.
Prof. Das gives invited talk to the Department of Chemistry at University of New South Wales in Sydney, Australia
Thanks to Prof. Kris Kilian for the invitation!!
Kris is a long-term friend and collaborator of Das Lab.
Das Lab has invited Prof. Heather Bradshaw from Indiana University Bloomington to give a seminar on the following topic.
"Regulation of endocannabinoids and related lipids by THC and CBD: effects of sex, enzymes, and development?"
Date Sep 28, 2021 Time 4:00 pm
Location https://illinois.zoom.us/j/83566081431?pwd=VllERlduN0hrUUYzQ1p0YTk2U2xKZz09
Das Lab Welcomes Kendall Blackenberg and Sathvik Pai as project students
Kendall is a sophomore in Chemical Engineering
Sathvik is a sophomore in Material Engineering
CYP2D6 paper on phytocannabinoid metabolism and inhibition is accepted in ACS Biochemistry.
It is a collaborative effort with Emad Tajkhorshid's group led by Archit Vasan. Congratulations to Dr. Hannah Huff, the first author!!.
Deepest thanks to Dr. Pritam Roy who single handedly managed the review of this paper which made the paper stronger!!
Crystal Lake Park Canoeing
Laboratory generates trash. In this brilliant video (starring Das Lab researchers), Dr. Pritam Roy shows that ........ See for yourself.
First Summer Laboratory Get Together 2021
(From Left) Daphne, Dr. Deo, Dr. Roy, AJ, Justin, Mark, Beckah, Marko ( We recruit them young)
Greetings from a former student: Ms. Susan Zelasko
Susan Zelasko always wanted her work to help others. It wasn’t until college though, when she realized that research could be another powerful avenue to help others. During Zelasko’s undergrad at UIUC, she worked with Dr. Aditi Das. “She really opened up my eyes to how research can be a great tool for addressing some of the big issues in medicine,” Zelasko said. Instead of deciding between medicine and research, Zelasko is pursuing both in the joint MD/PhD Program at UW-Madison.
Prof. Das will serve as a permanent study section member in Biochemistry and Biophysics of Membranes Study Section – BBM starting September 2021. This study section reviews research applications concerned with all biochemical and biophysical aspects of membrane structure and function, and with their constituent protein and lipid components. Emphasis is on the molecular details of processes that occur on or within membranes. Areas include use of biochemical and biophysical techniques to understand the structure and function of membranes and membrane-proteins.
Quotation from NIH about being appointed as permanent study section “Membership on a study section represents a major commitment of professional time and energy, as well as a unique opportunity to contribute to the national biomedical research effort.”
Minor Cannabinoid Research Group: David Dennis (Sarlah group), Mark, Pritam and Daphne (Das group). Looking forward to publishing papers together on minor cannabinoids.
Das Laboratory welcomes Mr. Angel Lopez as a Research Specialist to work on the Minor Cannabinoid in Cancer project.
Prof. Das gave an invited talk to Department of Chemical Biology and Pharmacology at Emory University.
Special Thanks to Prof. Edward Morgan for the kind invitation.
Prof. Das gave an invited talk to Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry at Purdue University. Prof. Das was excited to meet several membrane protein enthusiasts.
Thanks to Prof. Angeline Lyon for hosting her.
Das Laboratory was recently awarded the American Society of Nutrition (ASN) ELR Stokstad Award. Dr. Das will receive the award at the ASN Scientific Sessions and Annual Meeting, 2021. The award is given for outstanding fundamental research in nutrition. It is supported by an endowment from the family of ELR Stokstad. Dr. Das will receive $2,500 and an engraved plaque at the National Meeting. Dr. Das wants to thank Division of Nutritional Sciences (DNS) for the nomination.
Prof. Das gave an invited talk to the School of Chemistry and Biochemistry at Georgia Tech.
Thanks to Prof. Amit Reddi and Prof. M.G. Finn for this kind invitation.
Prof. Emily Scott was invited by Das Lab to deliver a talk at the Department of Biochemistry on using structural biology to develop better drugs for CYP17A1.
Cytochrome P450 17A1 with the prostate cancer drug abiraterone (Zytiga®).
Prof. Das is giving an invited talk to the Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Skaggs School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences
Thanks to Prof. Jed Lampe for his kind invitation.
Congratulations to Justin Kim who passed his preliminary exam in DNS.
Justin Kim is awarded the Margin of Excellence Grants to study effect of endocannabinoids on T-cells
Margin of Excellence Grants
Lipid epoxides target pain and inflammatory pathways
When modified using a process known as epoxidation, two naturally occurring lipids are converted into potent agents that target multiple cannabinoid receptors in neurons, interrupting pathways that promote pain and inflammation, researchers report. These modified compounds, called epo-NA5HT and epo-NADA, have much more powerful effects than the molecules from which they are derived, which also regulate pain and inflammation. Reported in the Nature Communications, the study opens a new avenue of research in the effort to find alternatives to potentially addictive opioid pain killers, researchers say.
Congratulations to William Arnold who lead the study!!
Justin Kim has been awarded William C. Rose Endowed Award from DNS.
William C Rose was an American biochemist and nutritionist. He discovered the amino acid threonine, and his research determined the necessity for essential amino acids in diet and the minimum daily requirements of all amino acids for optimal growth.
Dr. Roy made a Das Lab Video
Prof. Das comments for an Alzoforum article on a new excellent article on the use of sEH inhibitors in Alzheimer disease
Astrocytes Agitated, Becalmed. [Science Translational Medicine, 2020.]
Aayush Kaul from Das Laboratory receives high distinction in his Undergraduate Thesis Work. Since the lab started, every year undergraduate students have received highest or high distinction in their thesis. Congratulations to Dr. Hannah Huff who mentored him.
Das Lab is featured in Cancer Center News with our collaborators and colleagues
Prof. Das gives invited talk to University of Michigan, Scott, Lampe and Estrada laboratory groups on Endocannabinoid and phytocannabinoid metabolism by P450s
Thank you Prof. Emily Scott for the kind invitation
Wonderful joint presentation of Das Lab and Steelman Lab
At ILSI - Nutrition
Das Lab welcomes Dr. Pritam Roy as a new postdoctoral associate. Dr. Roy obtained his Ph.D. from IIT Kharagpur an have used several spectroscopic tools to do research on Dityrosine (DT) and nitrotyrosine (NT) formation in various proteins. ,
Swapnil Shah Class of 2020 is recipient of several awards and honors.
May 2020
We published a review paper on the structure-function studies of CYP2J2 epoxygenase in Pharmacology & Therapeutics (impact factor 11).
We want to thank Dr. Zeldin for inviting us to write this review. Congratulations to Austin and William who put major effort in writing this paper. We also thank Justin and Hannah and former Das lab members for working hard on this paper.
This review is very long and comprehensive.
May 2020
Swapnil Shah who is a talented undergraduate was awarded High Distinction for this thesis. He is keeping the tradition of Das Lab alive . Congratulations and we wish you all the best at Medical School!!
May 22nd 2020: CCIL SEED funding of 250K to DAS LAB, FAN LAB & SARLAH LAB Elucidating the Role of Minor Cannabinoids on Immune Cell Activation Involved in Lung Cancer Metastatic Progression
31st MARCH 2020
Hannah Huff purified COX-1 enzyme from sheep seminal vesicles that was used by a recent study from Chan Lab that was published in Angew Chem. 2020
Hannah and Brad's Wedding Celebration
Playing Chess at Holiday Party 2020
Dr. Das was awarded Zoetis Research Excellence Award by the College of Veterinary Medicine
William Arnold Hooding Ceremony 2019
Jahnabi Roy Hooding Ceremony 2018
November 2019
Mark Eschbach joins as a Research Specialist Chemistry
Profs. Panigrahy, Das and Ann-Skulas at the Eicosanoid Research Foundation (ERF) Florida
2019 National Award
ERF awarded Prof. Das, Young Investigator Award (Biochemistry & Molecular Pharmacology)
Our book chapter was released at the meeting by Springer
NIH R21 funding to DAS LAB & SARLAH LAB to systematically evaluate the interaction of minor cannabinoids with pain receptors.
Gut Brain Axis (GBA) Fellowship
Justin Kim from Das Lab has received GBA fellowship from DNS.
Dr. Das is also a preceptor of the USDA GBA fellowship grant from USDA. Congrats to Justin and the Das lab!!
Lunch at Destihl to celebrate Summer 2019
National Award 2019
Prof. Das was awarded Mary Swartz Rose Award from American Society of Nutrition for Outstanding work n Bioactive Dietary Compounds
Prof. Das meet Prof. Makris at CANBIC 2019 after many years.
Prof. Das is promoted to Associate professor with tenure
Justin Kim wins the best speaker award at the VetMed Research Day 2019 for this talk on "Endocannabinoid dysregulation in Multiple Sclerosis"
Lots of Good News and Awards and Recognitions!!
Congratulations to Insup Hong and Demetri Maroutsos for receiving High Distinction for their thesis
Congratulations to Justin Kim and Asma Albakri for winning Division of Nutritional Sciences Margin of Excellence Award
Congratulations to Aayush Kaul and Diane Wei for winning MCB summer fellowship!!
Congratulations to Benjamin Ray for winning Oliver J. Bell Merit Scholarship!!
Congratulations to Benjamin Ray for winning 2019 Berkowitz Summer Fellow
Das Lab wins several awards at MCB ceremony
Cayman chemicals is selling 19,20-EDP-EA (DHEA-epoxides), the newly discovered endocannabinoid epoxides reported in PNAS 2017.
Congratulations to Hannah Huff for publishing her first author paper on the challenging system where she showed that macromolecular crowding accelerates the metabolism of drugs by membrane bound cytochrome P450s. The paper was published in Protein Science !!
Congratulations to Prof. Aditi Das ! She has been selected to receive the National 2019 Mary Swartz Rose Young Investigator Award from the American Society for Nutrition (ASN) and its Foundation. This award is given to an investigator for outstanding research on the safety and efficacy of bioactive compounds for human health.
MIB Agents Osteosarcoma Alliance
Mission: The Mission of M.I.B. Agents is to Make It Better for children with osteosarcoma, bone cancer. Finally, M.I.B. Agents is dedicated to increasing research for better treatments and outcomes for those with osteosarcoma.
Dr. Das gives a talk on the involvement of the cannabinoid system in Osteosarcoma.
Prof. Das was elected to the editorial board of Frontiers in Pharmacology and Current Drug Metabolism
This year's first paper is published in Journal of Lipid Research. Congratulations to Dr. Jahnabi Roy
Global analysis of osteosarcoma lipidomes reveal altered lipid profiles in metastatic versus nonmetastatic cells
Jahnabi Roy, Payam Dibaeinia, Timothy M. Fan, Saurabh Sinha, and Aditi Das* J. Lipid Res. 2019 60 (2)
November 2018
William Arnold defends his thesis and becomes Dr. William Arnold. The first minority graduate student from the laboratory. Will has accepted a post-doctoral position in Prof. David Julius and Yifan Chen's laboratory at UCSF and will be working on lipid modulation of pain channels. Good luck Will!!
November 2018
The Cancer center of Illinois had their annual meeting. Dr. Das was invited to present her work on the anti-cancer properties of the endocannabinoid epoxides
October 2018
Congratulations to Das Lab, Josh Gulley Lab and Nu-Chu Liang for getting NIH R21 Grant from NIDA"Effect of co-use of Alcohol and Cannabis on Rat Behavior!!" Thanks Lauren Carnevale for generating the THC metabolites Data for this project!!
September 2018
September 12th 2018 - Congratulations to Das Lab and Steelman Lab for getting DNS 20/20 Vision Award from the Division of Nutritional Sciences!!
August 2018
Aug 31st 2018 - Congratulations to the Das and Steelman Lab for obtaining a High Risk- High reward grant from NMSS (NATIONAL MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS SOCIETY) to study the role of endocannabinoid epoxides in MS patients.
July 2018
July 30th 2018, Congratulations to Das Lab for obtaining Instrument Grant Supplement from NIGMS to buy a much needed new HPLC machine for the laboratory. Thanks Josephine for helping me to put together the supplement.
Supplements for Equipment Purchases for NIGMS Awardees, NOT-GM-18-022.
July 17th 2018, Congratulations to Dr. Jahnabi Roy for publishing her paper in J. Med. Chem. Her paper has received a lot of press and has been highlighted in almost 25 news outlet.
May 15th 2018, Das Lab receives USDA - Future Interdisciplinary Research Explorations (FIRE) grant along with Andrew Steelman to study lipidomics changes in myelin sheath during infection. Congrats to Justin!! He generated the preliminary data for the project.
April 2018
April 13th 2018 - Dr. Das gives an invited talk at the Gill Center at Indian Bloomington. She deeply thanks Prof. Heather Bradshaw for inviting her and being a wonderful host.
April 2018 - William Arnold gives a talk at the Biochemistry department annual award meeting. He won the Colin Wraight best paper award for his paper in Biochemistry.
April 2018 - Dr. Das and Will are featured at Beckman Institute News.
March 2018
March 2018- Dr. Das and William Arnold present their work at the Winter Eicosanoid Meeting at Washington DC.
December 2017
December 14th 2017- William Arnold biochemistry paper has been featured in F1000 prime. Thanks to John Imig for recommendation.
December 7th 2017- Dr. Das has been invited to deliver a talk at Winter Eicosanoid Meeting in the role of endocannabinoid epoxides in cancer.
December 5th 2017- Dr. Das gave an invited talk at UIC medical school, Division of Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism. Special Thanks to Prof. Brian Layden for hosting her.
Holiday Cheers from Das Lab
November 2017
November 30th 2017 - William Arnold wins competitive Travel Award to attend Winter Eicosanoid Meeting at Baltimore!!
November 30th 2017 - William Arnold's DOX paper was accepted in Biochemistry. CONGRATULATIONS WILLIAM!!
November 13th 2017 - Dr. Das hosted Prof. John Imig, from Medical College of Wisconsin. He is one of the leading experts of the Epoxide-Hypertension field.
November 10th 2017 - Jahnabi Roy defends her thesis. CONGRATULATIONS Jahnabi!!!
The first woman Ph.D. of the lab. She with her favorite molecule 10,11-EDP-EA.
She is joining scientist position at U.S. ARMY INSTITUTE OF SURGICAL RESEARCH.
September 2017
September 14th 2017- Congratulations to Jahnabi!! Das Lab collaborative work with Fan Lab was published in PLOS One. This study compared the proteome of canine and human osteosarcoma. The paper was a work of almost three years of dedicated effort.
September 1st 2017- Dr. Das gave invited talk at the 20th International Conference of Cytochrome P450 at Dusseldorf, Germany. She had the pleasure of meeting Prof. Omura.
August 2017
Aug 15th 2017- Das Lab welcome Justin Kim as a new Ph.D. student from the Division of Nutritional Sciences. Welcome Justin!!
August 15th 2017- Jahnabi published her recent work in PLOS one. This is our first collaborative paper with Prof. Tim Fan's Lab on Osteosarcoma. Congrats Jahnabi!
July 2017
July 19th 2017- Our lab's research is featured in several news articles.
Highlighted in Forbes
Highlighted in Bioscience Technology
Highlighted in Nutrition Insight
Highlighted in New Medical Life Sciences
Highlighted in Eurekalert
June 8th 2017 - Big News!!!
The lab published in PNAS (Direct Submission).
Congratulations to Dan McDougle who lead the effort from conception to execution. We also want to congratulate Josephine who handled all the reviews and developed the in house PRESTO-Tango assay for receptor activation. The was a team effort and we collaborated with Kilian Lab, Johnson Lab and Holinstat Lab. We also want to thank Ko Lab and Campbell Lab for sharing their expertise on DMT-Myograph. Thank you for all the help!!
May 2017
May 31st 2017- Dr. Das is giving oral presentation at 20th International Conference on Cytochrome P450: Biochemistry, Biophysics and Biotechnology. The Conference will be held 27-31 August 2017 at the Heinrich-Heine University Düsseldorf.
May 30th 2017- William Arnold from Dr. Aditi Das’s research group for receiving the 2nd Colin A. Wraight Memorial Award for an Outstanding Paper.
Arnold WR, Baylon JL, Tajkhorshid E, and Das A. (2016) Asymmetric Binding and Metabolism of Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids (PUFAs) by CYP2J2 Epoxygenase. Biochemistry 55:6969-6980.
May 8th 2017- Das Lab gets second NIH Grant from National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) to elucidate the pharmacology of novel endocannabinoid epoxides.
Special Thanks to Dan McDougle who initiated this project and to Josephine Watson and Jahnabi Ray for producing the preliminary data for this work.
April 2017
April 25th 2017- Dr. Das's MCB150 interview has been posted here.
April 10th 2017 - Mr. Insup Hong and Demetri Maroutsos has been award MCB summer fellowship. Congrats!!
March 2017
March 21st 2017 - Mr. Justin Kim has been selected for the Nutritional Sciences Research Excellence Assistantship given to the top entering student in the program. Congrats Justin!!
March 20th 2017 - Das lab welcomes Mr. Justin Kim as a new Ph.D student to the lab from the Division of Nutritional Sciences. Justin has majored in Biology from UMass Amherst and has published two papers. He has lot of interest in Biochemical and Molecular Nutrition. Welcome Justin!!
March 13 2017 - Dr. Das is giving invited talk at Department of Pharmacology, NYU medical school. Her host is Prof. Austin Guo (cancelled due to NY blizzard)
March 14th 2017 - Dr. Das is giving invited talk at the Department of Biology, Yeshiva University. Her host is Prof. Josefa Steinhauer.
Feb 2nd 2017- Das Lab welcomes Mr. Insup Hong as an undergraduate researcher