
Peer-Reviewed Publications

"It Pays to be big: Price discrimination in maritime shipping" , European Economic Review 153, April 2023, with Volodymyr Lugovskyy (Indiana University)  

"Tariffs, Product Quality, and the Relative Prices of Durables: Evidence from 1989-2009 U.S. Microdata",  European Economic Review 116, May 2019, with Volodymyr Lugovskyy(Indiana University),  (Online Appendix  and HsCexConcordance.csv)  

“Electoral Systems and Protectionism: An Industry-Level Analysis”, Canadian Journal of Economics 46(2), May 2013, with Carolyn Evans

“Domestic Productivity and Variety Gains from Trade”, Journal of International Economics 80(2), March 2010, with Volodymyr Lugovskyy (Indiana University) 

Policy Papers and Book Chapters

"Fathoming Shipping Costs: An Exploration of Recent Literature, Data, and Patterns", Policy Research Working Paper 9992. World Bank, Washington, 2022, with Volodymyr Lugovskyy, Alexandre Skiba, and David Terner.

“Trade Infrastructure and Trade Costs: A Study of Select Asian Ports”, Infrastructure’s Role In Lowering Asia’s Trade Costs. (eds. Brooks and Hummels), Edward Elgar Publishing (2009), with Jon Haveman and Christopher Thornberg

Working Papers

"Growth Volatility and Trade: Market Diversification vs. Production Specialization"CEPR Discussion Paper 17330, 2022, with Miguel Leon-Ledesma (University of Kent) and Laura Puzzello (Monash University)  under submission

Older Papers

"How Strong is the Love of Variety?",  March 2011