Volodymyr Lugovskyy 

Associate Professor of Economics 

Fields: International Trade, International Transportation, Experimental Economics, Environmental Regulations, Consumer Choice under Rational Inattention


Working Papers

Refining the Analysis of Medicare Plan Choices and Utilization: A Disaggregated Approach, (with Michael DeDad, Austin Knies, and Alexandre Skiba), online appendix, codes

Unintended Consequences of Environmental Regulation of Maritime Shipping: Carbon Leakage to Air Shipping  (with Alexandre Skiba and David Terner), under submission; non-technical summary, R&R at the Journal of International Economics

Who Pays for Markups in a Global Economy? The Unequal Impacts of International Rent-Shifting (with S. Ding & A. Lashkaripour, 2022)

Quality Choice in Information-Intensive Goods: The Significance of Education and Income (with DeDad, Melo, Skiba), R&R

Fathoming Shipping Costs: An Exploration of Recent Literature, Data, and Patterns (w Ardelean, Skiba, and Terner)

Internal Geography and the Effect of Imports on Non-Homothetic Consumption Patterns within the U.S. (with Alexandre Skiba)

Trading Institutions in Experimental Asset Markets: Theory and Evidence (with Buler Gulent, Daniela Puzzello, and Steven Tucker)

On Cooperation in Finitely and Indefinitely Repeated Prisoner’s Dilemma Games (with Daniela Puzzello and James Walker)

Published/Accepted Papers

Profits, Scale Economies, and the Gains from Trade and Industrial Policy. (2023) American Economic Review, 113 (10): 2759-2808 (with Ahmad Lashkaripour) 

It Pays to Be Big: Price Discrimination in Maritime Shipping  (2023), European Economic Review, 153, (with Adina Ardelean)

"What is the Impact of Introducing a Parallel OTC Market? Theory and Evidence from the Chinese Interbank FX Market" (2021) Journal of Financial Economics, May 2021, 140(1), 270-291 (with Craig Holden, Dong Lu, and Daniela Puzzello) 

"Tariffs, Product Quality, and the Relative Prices of Durables: Evidence from 1989-2009 U.S. Microdata" European Economic Review, 2019 114, 54-75 (with Adina Ardelean); OnlineAppendix; Estimated Quality Slopes; CEX-HS concordance

"Asymmetric Effects of Financial Development on Export Price and Quality Across Countries"Review Of International Economics 2019, 27 (2), 594-642 (with ByeongHwa Choi)

"Cash versus extra-credit incentives in experimental asset markets," Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 150, June 2018, 19-27 (with S. Ding, D. Puzzello, S. Tucker, A. Williams) 

"An Experimental Study of Finitely and Infinitely Repeated Linear Public Goods Games" Games and Economic Behavior, Volume 102, March 2017, pages 286-302 (with Daniela Puzzello, Andrea Sorensen, James Walker, and Arlington Williams) Data

"Positive and Negative Effects of Distance on Export Prices." Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 127 (2016), pp. 155-181 (with Alexandre Skiba)

How Geography Affects Quality”Journal of Development Economics, 115 (2015), pp. 156-180 (with Alexandre Skiba)

"Traders' Heterogeneity and Bubble-Crash Patterns in Experimental Asset Markets" Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization,117 September 2015, pp. 82-101 (with Sascha Baghestanian and Daniela Puzzello)

“Asset-Holdings Caps and Bubbles in Experimental Asset Markets”Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, November 2014, pp. 781-797 (with Daniela Puzzello, Steven Tucker, and Arlington Williams)

Export Growth and Credit Constraints”  European Economic Review, 80 (2010), 280-291. (with Tibor Besedes and Byung-Cheol Kim)

"Domestic Productivity and Variety Gains from TradeJournal of International Economics, 80 (2010), 280-291. (with Adina Ardelean)

"An Experimental Investigation of Overbidding in All-Pay Auction" European Economic Review, 54, (2010), 974-997. (with Daniela Puzzello and Steven Tucker)

"International Pricing in a Generalized Model of Ideal Variety" Journal of Money Credit and Banking, Vol 41(1), Jan 2009, 3-33. (with David Hummels)

"The Trade Reducing Effects of Market Power in International ShippingJournal of Development Economics, Vol 89 (1), May 2009, 84-97. (with David Hummels and Alexandre Skiba)

"Usable Data? Matched Partner Trade Statistics as a Measure of Transportation Costs" Review of International Economics, Vol 14(1), Feb 2006. (with David Hummels) 

"Caps on Bidding in All-Pay Auctions: Comments on the Experiments of A. Rapoport and W. Amaldoss" Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 61, 276-283, 2006. (with Emmanuel Dechenaux and Dan Kovenock)