
In addition to graduate student work, the ACN lab also invites several qualified undergraduates to assist and contribute within the lab. The lab operates on a hierarchical system in which new undergraduate members are first strongly guided by graduate students in gaining exposure to lab basics. It is up to undergraduate students to show interest, work ethic, and a strong initiative in order to progress in the lab.

Undergraduates in the lab are expected to perform a variety of tasks, including, but not limited to, data organization, EEG cap cleaning, inventory management, participate in training sessions, and assisting graduate students with research sessions. The level of involvement in the lab is determined by the goals of the individual undergraduate students. Once beginning to work in the lab, students should formulate goals and experiences so that they can ensure a worthwhile lab experience. That being said, Dr. Decker and the graduate student lab members are very flexible and willing to help undergraduate members fulfill their potential and reach their goals.

Level 1: To start with, a new undergraduate will learn electroencephalography (EEG) cap fitting and cleaning, data organization, and general lab upkeep. New undergraduates are highly valued and help the lab run efficiently. Therefore, newer (level 1) undergraduates are at a bare minimum expected to carry out lab maintenance with little need for supervision. Undergraduates will transition to more hands-on experience (Level 2) with training in electroencephalography cap administration and exposure to neuropsychological assessments

Level 2: As students gain more experience in the lab, the graduate students begin conducting training sessions with the undergraduates in areas such as EEG data acquisition and assessment administration. When possible, undergraduates will assist graduate students with more data management (such as assessment scoring), project tasks, and more integrated lab work. In some circumstances, undergraduates may assist in participant sessions and administration of study protocol.

Level 3: Undergraduates officially become level 3 once they have applied to and been awarded a Magellan Scholarship (and any scholarship equivalent). We encourage every undergraduate to work towards and apply to the University of South Carolina's undergraduate Magellan Scholars scholarship. The Magellan Scholarship is a university funded undergraduate research grant that allows an undergraduate (or team of undergraduates) to conduct an official research study of their own. As required by USC, all Magellan scholars in the ACN Lab will work with Dr. Decker as their mentor during the project. During this time, magellan scholars may utilize help from newer undergraduate members. Working in the ACN lab provides undergraduate students with a unique opportunity to gain experience in all levels of research.

Whether an undergraduate aims to apply for a grant or simply wishes to gain more exposure to lab infrastructure, the ACN Lab will help provide undergraduate students with practical research experience and prepare them for future experiences in graduate school and/or the workforce. Undergraduate members will be introduced to multiple facets of research, as well as a variety of topics from Traumatic Brain Injury to Dyslexia.

If you are interested in becoming an undergraduate member of the ACN lab at the University of South Carolina, contact Dr. Scott Decker (sdecker@mailbox.sc.edu) or a graduate student. You can find all contact information on our contact page