Publications and Presentations


Anzalone, C., Decker, S.L. (2023). Examining Neuropsychological Outcomes Among Youth Concussion Patients With and Without Neurodevelopmental Learning Disorders. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society. 29(1), 170-171. 

Samuels, J., Decker, S.L. (2023). Neurocognitive constructs as longitudinal predictors of reading fluency. Psychology in the Schools. 60(10), 3920-3946. 

Anzalone, C., Luedke, J.C., Decker, S.L. (2023). Translating research practices in the cognitive assessment of mild traumatic brain injury into applied practice: A systematic review and assessment guide. Translational Issues in Psychological Science. 9(1),6. 

Luedke, J.C., Anzalone, C., Decker, S.L. (2022). The Impact of Math Disability Eligibility on Neurophysiological Conclusions. Clinical Neuropsychologist. 36(4), 765-766.

Jiang, Y., Li, X., Harrison, S.E., Zhang, J.J., Qiao, S.,  Decker, S., Zhao, J., Zhao, G., (2022). Long-term effects of a resilience-based intervention on mental health of children affected by parental HIV in China: Testing the mediation effects of emotion regulation and coping. Children and Youth Services Review, 106363.

Anzalone, C., Bridges, R.M., Luedke, J.C., Decker, S.L. (2021). Neurocognitive correlates of persisting concussion symptoms in youth.  Applied Neuropsychology: Child, 1-10.

Hoskins, W.H., Hobbs, W.I., Eason, M.J., Decker, S.L., Tang, J. (2021). The design and implementation of the Carolina Automated Reading Evaluation for reading deficit screening. Computers in Human Behavior, Reports 4, 100123.

Ferraracci, J., Anzalone, C., Bridges, R.M., Moore, R.D.,  Decker, S.L. (2021). QEEG correlates of cognitive processing speed in children and adolescents with traumatic brain injuries. Applied Neuropsychology: Child 10 (3), 247-257. 

Bridges, R.M., Decker, S.L. (2021). ADHD in University Settings: Predictive Validity of Quantitative EEG Coherence. Journal of Clinical Neurophysiology 38 (4), 323-330. 

Decker, S.L., Luedke, J.C. (2021). Evidence-based use of cognitive testing for academic interventions: A critical appraisal of meta-analytic methodologies. Frontiers in Education, 6, 74. 

Decker, S.L. (2021). Don't use a bifactor model unless you believe the true structure is bifactor. Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment 39 (1), 39-49.

Decker, S.L., Bridges, R.M., Luedke, J.C., Eason, M.J.(2021). Dimensional evaluation of cognitive measures: Methodological confounds and theoretical concerns. Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment 39(1), 3-27.

Decker, S.L., Anzalone, C., Bridges, R.M., Luedke, J.C. (2021). Neuropsychologically Driven Evidence-Based Interventions in School Psychology. Understanding the Biological Basis of Behavior, 387-408.

Anzalone, C., Luedke, J.C., Green, J.J., Decker S.L. (2020). QEEG coherence patterns related to mathematics ability in children. Neurofeedback, 107-112.

Decker, S. L., Strait, J. E., Roberts, A. M., Wright, E. (2018). Cognitive mediators of reading comprehension in early development. Contemporary School Psychology.

Decker, S.L., Fillmore, P. T., & Roberts, A. M. (2017). Coherence: The measurement and application of brain connectivity. NeuroRegulation, 4(1) [Special Issue], 3-13. doi:10.15540/nr.4.1.3

Roberts, A. M., Fillmore, P. T., & Decker, S. L. (2016). Clinical Applicability of the Test-retest Reliability of qEEG Coherence. NeuroRegulation, 3(1), 7–22.

Decker, S. L., Ezrine, G. A., & Ferraracci, J. (2016). Latent Dimensions of Executive Functions in Early Childhood. Journal of Pediatric Neuropsychology, 1-10.

Decker, S. L., Wright, E. K. C., Vetter, T. (2016). WJ-IV Scoring and Reporting Online Program Review. In D. P. Flanagan & V. C. Alfonso (Eds.), WJ-IV clinical use and interpretation: Scientist-practitioner perspectives (107-122). San Diego, CA: Elsevier. 

Decker, S. L., & Roberts, A. M. (2015). Cognitive predictors of early math development. Psychology in the Schools, 52(5),477-488. doi: 10.1002/pits.21837.

Coben, R., Wright, E. K. C., Decker, S. L., & Morgan, T. (2015). The impact of coherence neurofeedback on reading delays in learning disabled children: A randomized controlled study. NeuroRegulation, 2(4), 168-178.

Decker, S. L., Roberts, A. M., Roberts, K. L., Stafford, A. L., & Eckert, M. A. (2016). Cognitive components of developmental writing skill. Psychology in the Schools.

Decker, S. L., Roberts, A. M., & Wright, E. K. C. (2014). Book Review [Review of Neurotherapy and neurofeedback: Brain-based treatment for psychological and behavioral problems]. PsycCRITIQUES, 59(4), Article 5.

Englund, J. A., Decker, S. L., Allen, R. A., & Roberts, A. M. (2014). Common Cognitive Deficits in Children With Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder and Autism: Working Memory and Visual-Motor Integration. Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment, 32 (2).

Englund, J. A., & Decker, S. L., Woodlief, D. T., & DiStefano, C. (2014). Development and Evaluation of an Online, Multi-component Working Memory Battery. Assessment, 21(5), 543-561.

Decker, S. L., Roberts, A. M., & Englund, J. A. (2013). Cognitive predictors of rapid picture naming. Learning and Individual Differences.

Beran, M., Decker, S. L., & Schwartz, A., & Smith, D. J. (2012). Uncertainty monitoring by young children in a computerized task. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology.  

Decker, S. L. (2012). Dimensional integration of assessment outcomes with intervention services for children with specific-learning disabilities. Journal of Applied School Psychology.

Decker, S. L., Englund, J. A., & Albritton, K. (2012). Integrating multi-tiered measurement outcomes for special education eligibility with sequential decision-making methodology. Psychology in the Schools, 49(4), 368-384.

Decker, S. L., Englund, J. A., & Roberts, A. M. (2012). Higher-order factor structures for the WISC-IV: Implications for neuropsychological test interpretation. Applied Neuropsychology: Child.

Decker, S. L., Schneider, J. W., & Hale, J. B. (2012). Estimating base rates of impairment in neuropsychological test batteries: A comparison of quantitative methods Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology

Decker, S. L., Wright, E. K. C., & Roberts, A. M. (2013). Book Review of Psychopathology of Childhood and Adolescence: A Neuropsychological Approach. Applied Neuropsychology: Child 3(1), 81-82.

Englund, J. A. (2012). Computerized Cognitive Training: An Introduction. South Carolina Association of School Psychologists: School Psych Scene, 45(6), 1-6.

Englund, J. A., & Palomares, M. (2012) The relationship of global form and motion detection to reading fluency. Vision Research, 67, 14-21.

Roberts, A. M., (April 2012). Understanding motor skills in children with dyspraxia, ADHD, autism, and other learning disabilities: A guide to improving coordination [Review of the book by Lisa Kurtz]. School Psych Scene, 45(5).

Strait, G. G., McQuillin, S., Smith, B. H., & Englund, J. A. (2012). Using Motivational Interviewing with children and adolescents: A cognitive and neurodevelopmental perspective. Advances in School Mental Health Promotion. Manuscript accepted for publication.

Beran, M. J., Decker, S. L., Schwartz, A., & Schultz, N. (2011). Monkeys (Macaca Mulatta and Cebus Apella) and adults and children (Homo Sapiens) compare subtests of moving stimuli based on numerosity. Frontiers in Psychology, 2(61), 1-7.

Decker, S. L., Englund,J. A., Carboni, J. A., & Brooks, J. H. (2011). Cognitive and developmental influences in visual-motor integration skills in young children. Psychological Assessment, 23(4), 1010-1016.

Decker, S. L., Englund, J. A., & Roberts, A. M. (2011). Intellectual and neuropsychological assessment of individuals with physical and sensory disabilities and traumatic brain injury. In Flanagan, D. P., & Harrison, P. L. (Eds.) Contemporary Intellectual Assessment (3rd ed.). New York: Guilford.

Palomares, M., Englund, J. A., & Ahlers, S. (2011). Patterns and trajectories in Williams Syndrome:  the case of visual orientation discrimination. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 32(3), 1021-1029.

Decker, S. L. (2010). Tactile measures in the structure of intelligence. Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology, 64(1), 53-59.

Decker, S. L., Carboni, J. A., & Englund, J. A. (2010). Assessing visual-spatial and construction skills in a pediatric population. In Davis, A. S. (Ed.) Handbook of Pediatric Neuropsychology. New York: Springer Publishing. 

Multi-authored position paper. (2010). The Learning Disabilities Association of American’s White Paper on Evaluation, Identification, and Eligibility Criteria for Students with Specific Learning Disabilities. Learning Disabilities: A Multidisciplinary Journal.  

Schmitt, A. & Decker, S. L. (2009). Tests of Memory and Learning Second Edition (TOMAL-2). Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment, 27(2), 157-166. 

Allen, R. & Decker, S. L. (2008). Utility of the Bender Visual-Motor Gestalt Test Second Edition (BG-II) in the assessment of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Perceptual and Motor Skills, 107(3), 663-675.

Allen, R., Robins, D., & Decker, S. L. (2008). Autism spectrum disorders: Neurobiology and current assessment practice. Psychology in the Schools, 45(10), 905-917.

Brenneman, M., Decker, S. L., Meyers, J., & Johnson, K. (2008). Does a continuous measure of handedness predict reading processes and reading related skills across the lifespan? Laterality. 481-503.

Decker, S. L. (2008). Intervention psychometrics: Using norm-referenced methods for treatment planning and monitoring. Assessment of Effective Interventions. 38(1). 52-61.

Decker. S.L. (2008). Introduction to special issue: Applications of neuropsychology in the schools. Psychology in the Schools. 45(9), 779-780

Decker, S. L. (2008). School neuropsychology consultation in neurodevelopmental disorders. Psychology in the Schools. 45(9), 799-811.

Hale, J. B., Reddy, L. A., Decker, S. L., Thompson, R. Henzel, J., Teodori, A., Forrest, E., Eusebio, E., Denckla, M. B. (2008). Development and validation of a 15-minute executive function and behavior rating screening battery for children with ADHD. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology, 31(8), 897-912.

Decker, S. L. (2007). Measuring growth and decline in visual-motor processes using the Bender-Gestalt II.Psychoeducational Assessment, 26, 1, 3-15. 

Decker, S. L., Hill, S. K. & Dean, R. S. (2007). Evidence of construct similarity in Executive Functions and Fluid Reasoning abilities. International Journal of Neuroscience, 117(6), 735-748.

Hays, D. G., Chang, C. Y., & Decker, S. L. (2007). Initial development and psychometric data for the Privilege and Oppression Inventory. Measurement and Evaluation in Counseling and Development, 40, 66-79. (ACA Research Award 2008 & MECD/Patricia Elmore Research Award 2008).

Decker, S. Allan, R., & Choca, J (2006). Construct validity of the Bender-Gestalt II with the WISC-III. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 102, 133-141.

Decker, S. L., Franklin, R. & Rohling, M. (2005). Evidence based methods of interpretation. Clinical Neuropsychologist (Abstract), 19(3/4), p529.

Brannigan, G. G. & Decker, S. L. (2005). The Bender-Gestalt II. American Journal of Orthopsychiatric Association, 76(1), 10-12.

Decker, S. L. (2004). Incremental validity in tactile measures in predicting letter-word identification skills. Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology, 19(7).907-908.

Decker, S.L., McIntosh, D., Kelly, A., Nichols, S., Titus, J., & Dean, R. S. (2001). Comorbidity Among Individuals Classified with Attention Disorders. International Journal of Neuroscience, 0, 1-12.

Hill, S. K., Dean, R. S., & Decker, S. L. (2001). Integration of Neuropsychological and Cognitive Theory in Rehabilitation. International Journal of Neuroscience, 111, 195-210.

Hill, S. K., Decker, S., Dean, R. S., & Woodcock, R. W.(1999). Defining underlying functions of the Category Test, TMT, and WCST with Woodcock-Johnson fluid reasoning. Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology, 14, 79.

McCoy, K. D., Hill, S. K., Dean R. S., & Decker, S. (1998). Reliability and construct validation of a neuropsychological symptom inventory. International Journal of Neuroscience, 96, 127-139.

Non Refereed Journals 

Brannigan, G. G., Decker, S. L.,& Madsen, D. H. (2004). Innovative features of the Bender-Gestalt II and expanded guidelines for the use of the Global Scoring System. Assessment Service Bulletin. Itasca, IL: Riverside Publishing.

Schrank, F. A., Becker, K. A, & Decker, S.L. (2001). Calculating ability/achievement discrepancies between the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children –Third Edition and the Woodcock-Johnson Tests of Achievement. (Assessment Service Bulletin #4). Itasca, IL: Riverside Publishing.

Decker, S. L. & Knowles, K. (2002). Response to Krupp’s article. Wisconsin School Psychologists Association, Inc, 2(1), 20-22.

Decker, S. L. (2002). Confirmatory models of sensory-motor and cognitive constructs. Dissertation Abstracts. Ball State University. Muncie, IN.

Edited Special Issues of Journals

Decker, S. L., Hale, J. B., & Flanagan, D. P. (2013). Professional practices issues in the assessment of intellectual development in children for educational applications. Psychology in the Schools, 50(3), 300-313.

Decker, S. L. (2008). Applications of neuropsychology in the schools: Special Issue. Psychology in the Schools. 45(9). 


NASP 2014 Symposium 

Roberts, A. M., Wright, E. K. C., Scherr, J. F., Schiele, B., Englund, J. A., & Decker, S. L. (February, 2014). Working Memory Assessment: Implications for School Psychologists. Symposium presented at the National Association of School Psychologists Annual Conference, Washington, D.C.

NASP 2013 Symposium 

Englund, J. A., Roberts, A. M., Decker, S. L. (February, 2013). Research-based alternative models of SLD identification. Symposium presented at the National Association of School Psychologists Annual Conference, Seattle, WA

NASP 2012 Symposium

Englund, J. A., Roberts, A. M., & Scherr. J. F. (February, 2012). 

What can brain waves tell us about executive functions? Symposium presented at the National Association of School Psychologists Annual Conference, Philadelphia, PA.

NASP 2011 Symposium

Englund, J. A., & Robinson, A. (February, 2011), Visual integration and reading fluency. Symposium presented at the National Association of School Psychologists Annual Convention, San Francisco, CA.


Luedke, J.C., Perazzo, D.C., Smith, S., Decker, S.L. (2023) Childhood Neurological Correlates of Specific Reading Learning Disability. Poster presented at the American Academy of Clinical Neuropsychology, Washington, D.C. 

Eason, M., Decker, S., (2021). A-32 Does Inhibition Contribute to Word Reading beyond Non-inhibition Processes? Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology. 36(6), 1073-1073.

Anzalone, C., Bridges, R.M., Luedke, J.C., Decker, S.L. (2021). A-114 Neurocognitive Correlates of Persistent Post-Concussion Syndrome in Youth. Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology. 36(6), 1163-1164.

Luedke, J.C., Decker, S.L., (2021). A-31 Distinguishing Neuro-Markers of Math Learning Disability Using EEG Coherence. Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology. 36(6), 1072-1072.

Ferraracci, J.T., Vetter, T., Wright, E. K. C., Roberts, K. L., Stafford, A. L., & Decker, S. (February, 2016). Cognitive profiles of children with traumatic brain injury. Poster presented at the National Association of School Psychologists Annual Convention, New Orleans, L.A.

Roberts, K. L., Decker, S. L., & Siegel, A. J. (February, 2015). Cognitive mediators of the relationship between sex and math reasoning. Poster presented at the National Association of School Psychologists Annual Convention, Orlando, F.L.

Stafford, A., Vetter, T., Roberts, A., & Decker, S. (February, 2015). Cognitive mediators of reading comprehension across development. Poster presented at the National Association of School Psychologists Annual Convention, Washington, D.C.

Wright, E. K. C., Habing, B., Decker, S. L. (February, 2015). Detecting differential item functioning using WINSTEPS model specification options. Poster presented at the National Association of School Psychologists Annual Conference, Orlando, F.L.

Roberts, K. L., Roberts, A. M., Wright, E. K. C., & Decker, S. L. (February, 2014). Cognitive predictors of academic writing skills across early grade levels. Poster presented at the National Association of School Psychologists Annual Convention, Washington, D.C.

Stafford, A. L., Roberts, A. M., Wright, E. K. C., & Decker, S. L. (February 2014). Cognitive predictors of reading comprehension across development. Poster presented at the National Association of School Psychologists Annual Convention, Washington D.C.

Wright, E. K. C., Decker, S. L., Englund, J. A. (February, 2014). Cultural invariance of Bender-Gestalt-II performance: An initial exploratory analysis for individuals ages 4 to 7. Poster presented at the National Association of School Psychologists Annual Conference, Washington, D.C.

Roberts, A. M., & Decker, S. L. (February, 2013). Cognitive predictors of rapid naming. Poster presented at the National Association of School Psychologists Annual Conference, Seattle, W.A.

Wright, E. K. C., Decker, S. L., Englund, J. E., & Roberts, M. A. (February, 2013). Comparing higher-order factor structures for the WISC-IV: Support for a factor-based interpretive approach. Poster presented at the National Association of School Psychologists Annual Conference, Seattle, W.A.

Englund, J. A., & Decker, S. L. (February, 2012). Sensitivity of Bender-Gestalt II and Stanford-Binet V performance to atypical development in neurodevelopmental disorders. Poster presented at the National Association of School Psychologists Annual Conference, Philadelphia, PA.

Roberts, A. M., & Decker, S. L. (February, 2012). Crystallized intelligence and its importance for academic success. Poster presented at the National Association of School Psychologists Annual Conference, Philadelphia, PA.

Englund, J. A., & Decker, S. L. (February, 2011). Cognitive and developmental influences in visual-motor integration skills. Poster presented at the National Association of School Psychologists Annual Conference, Philadelphia, PA.

SC Association of School Psychologists

Miller, M. Schiele, B., & Wright, E. K. C. (October, 2014). Best practices in identification of internalizing disorders in the schools: An examination of anxiety, depression, and eating disorders. Presentation presented at the South Carolina Association of School Psychologists Fall Conference, Columbia, SC.

Wright, E. K. C., Decker, S. L., Englund, J. E., & Roberts, M. A. (September, 2012). Comparing higher-order factor structures for the WISC-IV: Support for a factor-based interpretive approach. Poster presented at the South Carolina Association of School Psychologists Fall Conference, Columbia, SC.

Englund, J. A., & Decker, S. L. (2011). The South Carolina Early Evaluation Net (SCREEN): A Brief Online Working Memory Assessment. Poster presented at the South Carolina Association of School Psychologists Conference, Columbia, SC.

Roberts, A. M. Scherr, J. F., & Decker, S. L. (October, 2011). Crystallized intelligence: Its importance in language development for academic success. Poster presented at the South Carolina Association of School Psychologists Fall Conference, Columbia, SC.

Roberts, A. M., Englund, J. A., Hodes, D., Hinojosa S., & Decker, S. L. (October, 2010). Variability of multi-tiered measurement models in RTI. Poster presented at the South Carolina Association of School Psychologists Fall Conference, Columbia, SC.

Englund, J. A., Roberts, A. M., Hodes, D., & Decker, S. L. (October, 2010). Cognitive influences on visual-motor integration. Poster presented at the South Carolina Association of School Psychologists Fall Conference, Columbia, SC.

Tonnsen, B., Englund, J. A., Tackett, B., Nihart, E., & Roberts, J. (2010). Cross-battery assessment: An integrated approach for South Carolina school psychologists. Poster presented at the South Carolina Association of School Psychologists Conference, Columbia, SC.


Decker, S.L. & Ferraracci, J. (July, 2015) Neuropsychological Approaches to Assessment of TBI in Children and Adults. Symposium presented at the Life with Brain Injury Statewide Conference, Columbia, SC.

Decker, S. L., Allen, R., & Wright, E. K. C. (May, 2015) Cognitive predictors of early math development. Poster presented at the Association for Psychological Science Conference, New York, NY.

Howerton, O., Decker, S. L., & Wright, E. K. C. (April, 2015). Advancing working memory assessment through the use of QEEG. Poster presented at Discovery Day at the University of South Carolina.

Anderson, V., Decker, S. L., & Wright, E. K. C. (April, 2015). Cranial electrotherapy stimulation and EEG: Investigating the effects of the Alpha-Stim AID. Poster presented at Discovery Day at the University of South Carolina.

Roberts, A. M. (November, 2013). Case Studies of the Effects of Neurofeedback on the Cognitive Profiles of College Students. Poster presented at the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies Annual Conference, Nashville, TN.

The Relationship of Global Form and Coherent Motion Detection to Reading Fluency Poster 2011

USC Graduate Student Day 

Roberts, A. M. (April, 2013). Effects of neurofeedback on cognitive profiles of college students with ADHD.Presentation at the University of South Carolina Graduate Student Day, Columbia, SC.

Englund, J. A. (March, 2012) The SCREEN: An Online, Theoretically Guided Working Memory Measure. Poster presented at the University of South Carolina Graduate Student Day, Columbia, SC.

Roberts, A. M. (March, 2012). Case studies in traumatic brain injury. Presentation at the University of South Carolina Graduate Student Day, Columbia, SC.

Richland County Court-Appointed Special Advocates Training 2011

Englund, J. A., & Roberts, A. M. (March, 2011). Special education issues: Learning disabilities. Presentation for the annual Volunteers for Youth Conference (sponsored by Richland County Court-Appointed Special Advocates), Columbia, SC.

Non-ACN Works - Resources for Audience of NASP 2017

Budzynski, T. H., Budzynski, H. K., Evans, J. R., & Abarbanel, A. (Eds.). (2009). Introduction to quantitative EEG and neurofeedback: Advanced theory and applications. Academic Press.

Collura, T.F. (2009) Towards a Coherent View of Brain Connectivity , Journal of Neurotherapy, vol. 12 (2-3), 99-110).

Marzbani, H., Marateb, H. R., & Mansourian, M. (2016). Neurofeedback: a comprehensive review on system design, methodology and clinical applications. Basic and clinical neuroscience, 7(2), 143.

Micoulaud Franchi, J., Geoffroy, P., Fond, G., Lopez, R., Bioulac10, S., & Philip11, P. (2016). EEG Neurofeedback treatments in 44 children with ADHD: An updated meta-‐analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials. Neurofeedback in ADHD.

Rogala, J., Jurewicz, K., Paluch, K., Kublik, E., Cetnarski, R., & Wróbel, A. (2016). The Do's and Don'ts of Neurofeedback Training: A Review of the Controlled Studies Using Healthy Adults. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 10.

Snyder, S. M., & Hall, J. R. (2006). A meta-analysis of quantitative EEG power associated with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder. Journal of Clinical Neurophysiology, 23(5), 441-456.