Lies, slies and Spin Down Under. White Australia ignores the Awful Truth

Gideon Polya, “Lies, Slies and Spin Down Under. White Australia ignores the Awful Truth”, MWC News, 17 May, partly cached by Google.

Lies. Slies and Spin Down Under. White Australia ignores the Awful Truth

AUSTRALIA will be going to Federal Elections later this year. The contest involves the extreme right wing, militant, Bush-ite conservative, Liberal (!) Party-National Party (farmer’s party) Coalition Government led by Prime Minister John Howard and the Opposition Australian Labor Party (ALP) led by a religious right, right-wing, extremely pro-American Kevin Rudd. The minor parties – the Australian Greens and the Australian Democrats – have good records in relation to the Environment, Global Warming, Industrial Rights and Peace. Realistically, decent Australians opposed to lying, war, industrial bullying, racism, man-made global warming and environmental vandalism hope that the Labor Opposition will win Government and help bring Australia back to a rational and humane course.

However there is a fundamental problem in Australia of UNTRUTH in public life through media and politician lying by commission, lying by omission, spin-based untruth ("slies") and blatant, knee-jerk, bald denial of expert scientific and medical opinions. The Coalition is appallingly guilty but unfortunately the Labor Opposition is also guilty of spin and avoidance of unpleasant truths. A brief list of Bi-partisan FAILURES in relation to Truth follows below - noting that, Truth versus Lies aside, all the matters listed should be Major Issues in a decent democratic Australia but are largely ignored by the Major Parties and by the cowardly, racist, holocaust-ignoring Mainstream Media. Of course many of the issues below are ALSO issues for Canadians, Americans, the British and the Europeans in general. For carefully-researched articles on this see MWC News.

1. Excess deaths in Iraq: top US medical epidemiologists - from the world's top and Nobel Laureate-containing Bloomberg School of Public Health at the top US medical university Johns Hopkins, published peer-reviewed in the top medical journal The Lancet and endorsed by 27 top Australian medical experts - estimated 655,000 post-invasion excess deaths (as of July 2006) , corresponding to 0.9 million (May 2007) and about 1.0 million (May 2007 if a Syria/Jordan mortality baseline is used for comparison). YET the Government says "No" and even the Opposition asserts "61,000".

2. Coal and greenhouse gas pollution: data from the official US Energy Information Administration (EIA) on oil-, gas- and coal-derived carbon dioxide (CO2) pollution indicates that the total annual CO2 pollution from oil, gas and coal is 27,043 million tonnes. For a world population of 6,450 million (2005) this corresponds to an annual per capita CO2 production of 4.2 tonnes per person per year. For Australia the annual per capita CO2 production is 19.2 tonnes but Australia is also the world’s biggest coal exporter. If we include the CO2 from Australian coal exports in the picture, then the figure becomes 40.3 tonnes per person for Australia as compared to 20 (the US), 20 (Canada), China (3.7) 1.0 (India), 0.7 (Pakistan) and 0.25 (Bangladesh). In 2006 an Indian (West Bengal) island -Lohachara Island - that was once home to 10,000 people finally disappeared. YET, while the ALP Opposition is "greener" than the Coalition, it is resolutely committed to Coal (Australia is the biggest Coal exporter in the world) i.e. locking Australia in as a nation of selfish, PC racist Climate Criminals imposing Climate Genocide on deltaic Third World and Developing countries such as Bangladesh.

3. Universities and Abolition of Fees: University education in Australia used to be FREE – but no longer, due to BOTH Major Parties. Australia needs a complement of research-informed scholars (for industrial, security, health and other national interest reasons) but why should 17-21 year old university students have to pay for it? Further (and I am talking from 40 years of experience and indeed PRESENT academic experience) high quality TEACHING with maximal student access and by research-informed scholarly experts can be delivered (e.g. by Accredited Remote Learning, ARL) for 10 times lower cost than the present on-campus cost. YET both the Coalition and Opposition are committed to the Public Fiction and to University Fees.

4. State Education: the State Education Systems in the various States do their best with limited resources but ordinary Australian taxpayers - and more particularly their Children - are being grossly short-changed. This is the worst-kept Bipartisan secret in Australia YET both the Coalition and the ALP Opposition insist on the lavish funding of private schools.

5. Common School curricula: both the Coalition and the ALP Opposition want "common National curricula" in Maths, English and History in Australian Schools and yet the examples above show that both parties are in practice committed to anti-arithmetic spin and lying by omission. Just imagine that both Major Parties had a de facto policy of removing mention of the WW2 Jewish Holocaust (5-6 million victims) from the national curriculum - YET I suspect (from delivering lectures on the subject) that only about 1% of Australians are aware of the man-made, WW2 Bengal Famine in British-ruled India that claimed 4 million lives, was associated with horrendous sexual abuse of starving women and girls, may have been due to a deliberate “scorched earth” British defence strategy against the Japanese - and has been largely "rubbed out" of British (and Australian) history.

6. Further to #2, and renewable energy sources: solar energy incident on the earth is 10,000 times greater than the energy currently used by Man. Applying the lowest environmental impact factor of 2 (see Australian expert Dr Mark Diesendorf) to the cost of fossil fuels, we find that solar and wind (indirect solar) are ALREADY competitive with coal. It is estimated that even without such an environmental impact factor, based on "economies of scale" commercial "non-silicon thin-film photovoltaics (PVs)" from the ETH, Switzerland will be competitive with coal in 5 years and Indian mass-produced "silicon thin-film PVs" will be competitive with coal within 10 years; optimal, large-scale wind farms in California are already competitive with coal. YET both Government and Coalition are committed to Coal.

7. War crimes in Iraq and Afghanistan: from UN Population Division and the latest medical literature data from Johns Hopkins University, post-invasion excess deaths in the Bush War on Terror total 3.4 million. Taking the 2006 Johns Hopkins data but using a Jordan/Syria comparative baseline of 4 deaths per 1,000 per year (as opposed to a baseline of 5.5 deaths per 1,000 per year for pre-invasion Iraq after 12 years of crippling Sanctions) gives an annual excess death rate of 9.3 per 1,000 i.e. 9,300 per million and post-invasion excess deaths totalling 9,300 x 27 x 4 = 1,004,400 i.e. 1.0 million as of March 2007. Further, the UN estimates that there are 4 million Iraqi refugees and WHO estimates that the “total annual per capita medical expenditure” in Occupied Iraq is merely $64 - as compared to $23 for Occupied Afghanistan, $2,389 (Occupier UK), $2,874 (Occupier Australia) and $5,711 (Occupier US) (2003 figures). The latest UN data indicate 2.4 million post-invasion excess deaths in Afghanistan, and that there are 3.7 million Afghan refugees. The latest UNICEF data indicate 370,000 Occupied Afghan children and 122,000 Occupied Iraqi children are dying each year or 1,300 daily or ONE PER MINUTE - 90% avoidable and due to gross US Alliance war crimes involving non-provision of life-sustaining requisites unequivocally demanded of Occupiers by Articles 38, 55 and 56 of the Geneva Convention Relative to the Treatment of Civilian Persons in Time of War. YET both the Coalition and the ALP Opposition are committed to the ongoing Afghanistan atrocity which amounts to an Afghan Genocide as defined by the UN Genocide Convention.

8. Forests and wild nature: a recent study published in the prestigious US scientific journal Science estimated that the benefits from the preservation of remaining wild nature would exceed the cost of doing so by a factor of OVER 100 - YET both the Coalition and the Opposition are committed to wanton destruction of our forests.

9. Opiate-related drug deaths - Australia's Centre for Drug Research (Curtin University) estimated that 7 million people die from drugs globally each year - about 5 million from tobacco, 1.8 million from alcohol and 0.2 million from illicit drugs (0.1 million opiate-drug related). It is estimated that about 0.55 million people have died globally from opiate drug-related causes since the US invasion of Afghanistan - largely due to US restoration of the Taliban-destroyed Afghan opium industry from a few percent of world share in 2001 to 76% by 2002 and a current 90% of world market share. This has cost the lives of about 0.5 million people globally, including 1,600 Australians, 3,000 Canadians, 3,200 Brits and 50,000 Americans. YET the Coalition and the Opposition support US policies in Afghanistan.

10. Aboriginal Genocide: recent medical literature and UN Population Division data indicate that the "annual death rate" is 2.2% (for Australian Aborigines i.e. Indigenous Australians), 2.4% (Australian Aborigines in the Northern Territory), 0.4% (what it should be for a comparably high birth-rate community), 0.7% (White Australia), 2.5% (for Australian SHEEP), 2.7% (under-5 year old infants in US-UK-Australia-occupied Iraq) and 6.7% (under-5 year old infants in US-UK-Australia-occupied Afghanistan) - as compared to 10% (Australian POWs of the Japanese in WW2). YET neither the Coalition nor Opposition will act to stop this CONTINUING Aboriginal Genocide.

11. War on Terror and Human Rights: about 7,000 Western civilians have been murdered by Muslim-origin non-state terrorists in the last 40 years (including Israelis and assuming - an increasingly implausible assumption - no US or US surrogate involvement in the 9/11 atrocity). In comparison the post-invasion excess deaths (avoidable deaths, deaths that did not have to happen) in the Bush War of Terror in the Occupied Iraqi and Afghan Territories total 1.0 million and 2.4 million, respectively (mostly Women and Children) - these estimates being consonant with independently estimated post-invasion under-5 infant deaths of 0.5 million and 1.9 million, respectively. YET both the Coalition and Opposition are in denial, support the continuing Bush War on Terror (in reality a cowardly and racist War on Arab, Muslim, Asian and Non-European Women and Children), indeed want to scale up our involvement in the Afghan Genocide and have collaborated in passing the most horrendous violations of Australian civil liberties in the Anti-Terrorism Laws and associated Sedition Laws. No doubt we must be protected from terrorists - but Coalition and Opposition policies exacerbate the threat and SUPPORT the most egregious state terrorists , namely US State Terrorism (USST), Israeli State Terrorism (IST) and US-Israeli State Terrorism (USIST) which are linked to post-invasion excess deaths in the Occupied Palestinian, Iraqi and Afghan Territories now totaling 0.3 million, 1.0 million and 2.4 million, respectively.

12. Anti-Arab anti-Semitism, Islamophobia and xenophobia: these obscenities are now entrenched in Australia with cowardly, dog-whistling, weaselly, bipartisan support - while being courageously and forthrightly REJECTED by both former PMs Gough Whitlam and Malcolm Fraser. Indeed last year 25,000 Australian citizens were being shelled and bombed by the Israelis in Lebanon - but only the Greens and Democrats demanded immediate cessation while both the Government and ALP Opposition expressed form support for war criminal, Racist Zionist-run Apartheid Israel. I can't see how anyone objecting to UTTERLY REPUGNANT anti-semitism of either the anti-Jewish or anti-Arab variety can vote for major parties who turn a blind eye to the bombing of Semitic-origin Australian citizens. Australia continues to IGNORE the horrible actuality that the Bush War on Terror is (in terms of victims) a cowardly and racist War on Women and Children, a War on Arab Women and Children, a War on Muslim Women and Children, a War on Asian Women and Children and a War on Non-European Women and Children.

13. The Australian Wheat Board (AWB) scandal: it was estimated from WHO data in a recent speech to Parliament by Green Senator Rachel Siewert that the A$300 million in paid bribes to Saddam Hussein by AWB (and thus diverted from the extremely limited UN Oil for Food Program) cost the lives of up to 21,000 under-5 year old Iraqi infants. YET no corporate or government officials have been arraigned and neither the Government nor Opposition seem keen on doing their duty in this respect. Politically correct racism? Australian-complicit Asian infant deaths don't matter?

14. Uranium sales to nuclear weapons countries: Dr John Holdren, President of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) recently listed Nuclear weapons, Global warming and Poverty as the 3 most acute threats facing the World. As outlined above, Australia and its Anglo-Celtia Allies are deeply implicated in all 3 threats to Humanity. Australia is set to become the world’s biggest uranium exporter – with Bi-partisan support for the expansion of uranium mining. While the ALP Opposition (unlike the anti-Science Bush-ite Coalition Government) is wisely opposed to a nuclear power industry for Australia, it supports expansion of the Uranium Mining Industry and the elaborate FICTION that when nuclear weapons countries (the US, UK, France, China etc) receive and store Australian uranium they store it on ONE side of the warehouse – and only uranium on the OTHER side goes to make weapons of mass destruction. Nuclear-armed US and Israel have encouraged World hysteria over Iran’s uranium enrichment for peaceful purposes (to the point of threatening to bomb them with nuclear weapons) – but PC racist White Australia leads the world in laser uranium enrichment technology, is intimately linked with the US global Nuclear Terror system and supplies uranium to major nuclear weapons states.

15. Major over-riding issue of risk management: Rational Risk Management (as most successfully practised in Aviation) successively involves (a) correct information, (b) scientific analysis (involving the critical testing of potentially falsifiable hypotheses), and (c) systemic change to minimize Risk. YET both Government and Opposition, for vote-winning reasons, are variously party to (a) censorship, self-censorship and turning a blind eye, (b) anti-scientific spin (involving use of selected facts to support a partisan position), and (c) “blame and shame” of suitable victims rather than of sensible systemic change - and thereby increasing Risk to Australians.

The above points will come as immense surprise to most White Australians (and indeed to most Anglo-Celts and Europeans in general) who are cocooned by lying, racist, holocaust-ignoring Mainstream media and resolutely truth-ignoring spin-driven politicians. I will endeavour to present these views to Australian politicians and Mainstream media – but I suspect that only the Australian Greens and Australian Democrats will listen. Indeed I recently became so despairing that I turned from failing Words to painting huge polemical Paintings for Peace, Amity and for respect for Mother and Child (for “Alhambra Pollock”, “Sydney Madonna”, “Melbourne Madonna” , “Manhattan Madonna”, “Qana”, “Truelove” and “Isfahan Matisse” see: ).

The Australian Labor Party Opposition Leader Kevin Rudd (Religious Right Rudd, R3) recently flew all the way to New York and secured a public endorsement as an alternative Prime Minister from Anglo-Celtia Kingmaker, Australian-born media mogul Rupert Murdoch. Hopefully he WILL win and set Australia on a course of greater honesty, decency and global responsibility (he will sign Kyoto for starters, something that the climate criminal, Bush-ite Australian Coalition Government refuses to do). YET most of the matters listed above will not even merit public discussion in PC Racist White Australia.- “politically correct” racist White Australia will continue to “look the other way”.