Anglo-Celtia racism. Overseas Anglos Oppose UN Indigenous Rights Declaration
Gideon Polya, “Anglo-Celtia Racism. Overseas Anglos Oppose UN Indigenous Rights Declaration”, MWC News, 14 September 2007, not cached by Google.
Anglo-Celtia Racism. Overseas Anglos Oppose UN Indigenous Rights Declaration
According to a report from the Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) ABC On-line: “The UN General Assembly adopted a non-binding declaration protecting the human, land and resources rights of the world's 370 million Indigenous people, despite opposition from Australia, Canada, New Zealand and the United States. The vote in the assembly was 143 in favour and four against. Eleven countries, including Russia and Colombia, abstained.”
While 143 member states of the UN General Assembly voted on Thursday 13 September in favour of the text, 11 abstained and four member states - racist, Bush-ite, Anglo-Celtic-dominated Australia, Canada, New Zealand and the United States - voted against it.
“A non-binding text, the Declaration sets out the individual and collective rights of indigenous peoples, as well as their rights to culture, identity, language, employment, health, education and other issues. The Declaration emphasizes the rights of indigenous peoples to maintain and strengthen their own institutions, cultures and traditions and to pursue their development in keeping with their own needs and aspirations. It also prohibits discrimination against indigenous peoples and promotes their full and effective participation in all matters that concern them, and their right to remain distinct and to pursue their own visions of economic and social development.”
Australia, Canada, New Zealand and the United States all voted against the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous People and are all involved in the invasion, occupation, deprivation and mass murder of the Indigenous People of Afghanistan - as of March 2007 the post-invasion excess deaths in Occupied Afghanistan total 2.4 million, the post-invasion under-5 infant deaths total 1.9 million and the refugees total 3.7 million (see "The Cost of War" on MWC News). This carnage is due to gross violation of the Geneva Convention by all 4 Bush-ite countries [Australia belatedly finally signed on in 2009].
Of course all 4 countries have an appalling centuries-long record of genocide against their own Indigenous people - that is continuing in the case of Australia. Thus the annual death rate is 2.4% for Indigenous Australians in the Northern Territory and 2.5% for Australian sheep (see "Sydney Madonna & Aboriginal Genocide" on MWC News).
Australia has recently, in a bi-partisan fashion, suspended the 1975 Racial Discrimination Act insofar as it applies to Indigenous Australians in the Northern Territory (see “Racism in Australia” on MWC News) - a contemptible racist act of infamy that has trashed Racist White Australia's international reputation as well as demonstrating that its signing up to anti-racist international human rights conventions is a lie.
The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates “total per capita medical expenditure at average exchange rate ($US)” (2004) as $14 (US-UK-Australia-Occupied Afghanistan), $58 (US-UK-Australia-Occupied Iraq) versus $3,123 (Occupier Australia). Indigenous Australian medical services are under-funded by about $1.5 billion annually (according to the data in a very detailed report on Indigenous Australian Health by N. Thomson et al: “Overview of Indigenous Health, 2004”).
These deficient medical expenditure statistics are reflected in an “annual avoidable death rate” (annual excess death rate) of Indigenous Australians that is 2.2-0.4 = 1.8% for Indigenous Australians and 2.4-0.4 = 2.0% for Indigenous Australians in the Northern Territory - as compared to 0% for White New Zealand and for White Australia, 0.4% (South Asia), 0.5% (Occupied Iraq), 1.0% (non-Arab Africa) and 1.8% (Occupied Afghanistan).
1.8% per year of 460,000 times 11 years = about 90,000 Indigenous Australians have died avoidably under the 11 year rule of the Coalition Government.
The Indigenous infant death rate is over 3 times that of Australia as whole. The difference translates to over 146 avoidable under-5 Indigenous infant deaths annually or over 146 x 11 = about 1,600 avoidable under-5 year old Indigenous infant deaths under the Coalition Government.
The inescapable logic of voting against prohibition of racial discrimination against Indigenous People is that those adopting this position favour such discrimination – as horribly further evidenced by the continuing Aboriginal Genocide being remorselessly if passively implemented by Australia.
There must be zero tolerance for racism. What can decent people do? All they can do is to (a) inform people about Anglo-Celtia racism and (b) act ethically in relation to their avoideble purchase of goods and services from flagrantly racist countries such as Australia, Canada, New Zealand and the US.
Would you buy soap made in Auschwitz?