Staying in touch

There are three ways to communicate with the HDGC community.

  1. AAG members who pay HDGC SG dues ($8 regular, $1 student) can post announcements, initiate discussions, and share files on the AAG Knowledge Communities portal.

  2. We also have an independent listserv maintained by former Chair Darla Munroe at Ohio State University. Many people subscribe to both.

  3. Follow us on twitter @hdgc_aag!

To join the HDGC LISTSERV:

(1) Click on the following link:

(2) A few seconds later you will get back an email message with directions to reply to the message. Follow the directions and you will be automatically signed up. This email message also contains directions on how to use Mailman. Keep this message for your information.

To send mail to the HDGC LISTSERV:

Use the address:

When sending an email to the list, make sure you send the email from the email account you used to subscribe to the list.

To unsubscribe from the HDGC LISTSERV:

Again, click on the following link: and follow the instructions at the bottom of the page.