Accepted Workshops

Important dates

    • Workshop papers recommended due date: July 3, 2015 (see individual workshop sites for their specific deadlines)
    • Camera-ready versions of accepted papers due to AAAI Press: August 12, 2015

For additional information, please contact the workshops chair Emmett Tomai or the organizers of the workshops. Workshop websites and contact information will be updated soon.

Artificial Intelligence in Adversarial Real-Time Games

The goal of this workshop is to again bring together AI researchers and game AI programmers from industry, who are interested in adversarial real-time game AI, to present and exchange ideas on the subject, and to discuss how academia and game companies can work together to improve the state-of-the-art in AI for real-time games.



    • Michael Buro, University of Alberta, Canada
  • Santiago Ontanon, Drexel University, USA

Experimental AI in Games


The Experimental AI in Games (EXAG) workshop aims to foster experimentation within AI research and all aspects of games and game development. This year, EXAG is accepting three kinds of submission:

  1. Papers arguing for new roles of AI in games and game development or presenting prototypes of experimental applications of AI in games and game creation
  2. Tutorials on sharable tools and resources for experimental AI in games
  3. Demonstrations of innovative tools or games in this space

EXAG will also include a games night, the DAGGER 2.0 event, and a hackathon / game jam in the evenings around the workshop!


Intelligent Narrative Technologies and Social Believability in Games

Update: SBG will be held jointly with INT.

The Intelligent Narrative Technologies (INT) workshop series aims to advance research in artificial intelligence for the computational understanding and expression of narrative. Previous meetings of this workshop have brought together computer scientists, psychologists, narrative theorists, media theorists, artists, writers, and members of the interactive entertainment industry. From this broad expertise, the workshop focuses on computational systems to represent, reason about, create, adapt, and perform interactive and non-interactive narrative experiences.




  • Camille Barot, North Carolina State University, USA
  • Boyang “Albert” Li, Disney Research, USA
  • Jonathan Rowe, North Carolina State University, USA
  • Emmett Tomai, University of Texas – Pan American, USA

Social believability is of key interest to computer game studies, development, and believable game characters are of essence for player enjoyment and immersion. Thus, discussing elements of immersion from a research and a design perspective may contribute to developing more entertaining computer games. The purpose of this workshop is to facilitate discussion on the theories and models for NPC social behavior and social affordances in industry as well as between different but related academic disciplines. The expected outcome is a better understanding of the overlaps and differences within and between these communities.



    • Harko Verhagen, Stockholm University, Sweden
    • Mirjam Palosaari Eladhari, Otter Play, Malta
    • Josh McCoy, American University, USA
    • Magnus Johansson, Stockholm University, Sweden

Player Modeling

The primary focus of this workshop is on the use of CI/AI for understanding players, their actions, decisions, plans, intentions, and their cognitive, behavioural as well as affective manifestations. CI/AI can also be used for capturing, modelling and optimising the player’s experience during gameplay. We argue that the ultimate direct and indirect use of player models is to assess and enhance player experience. On this basis, this workshop attempts to encourage a dialog among researchers in the AI, human-computer interaction, game design, cognitive modelling, affective computing and psychology disciplines who investigate dissimilar methodologies for improving user (player) experiences.




    • Noor Shaker, IT University of Copenhagen, Denmark
  • Georgios Yannakakis, University of Malta, Malta
    • Pieter Spronck, Tilburg University, The Netherlands