Ice Lanterns

You will need:

two containers (not glass!!)

one needs to be able to fit inside the other with at least a 3 cm gap around otherwise the lantern will be too thin and break

some leaves, flowers, anything you like to add as decoration.

a tea light

Firstly arrange your containers, then you can go and collect your decorations.

Arrange your decorations in your bigger container. (they will move around a bit when you add the water in the next step)

Fill both containers with water - otherwise the inner one will float! (you could also use sand or stone in the inner one)

NOTE: we used just boiled water for one and tap water for the other. the just boiled one made almost totally clear ice and the tap water was more cloudy when frozen.

Remember to be careful when moving containers full of boiling water- ask for help from an adult to put them in the freezer

and either put them outside to freeze (it's meant to be very cold tonight) or put them in the freezer (particularly if using boiling water- you need it to freeze fast to get the clear ice)

Leave overnight or until fully frozen. then remove containers (try running the sides under the tap to help loosen them) place a tea light inside and sit back in enjoy your beautiful ice lantern! (we'd love to see some pictures!)

Click here to see how we made Ice Marbles