Soldier Roster

Field Officers:

Colonel James Evans

Colonel Joseph Snider

Lt. Col. John G. Kelley

Lt. Col. Jonathan Lockwood


Company A

Capt. Samuel Snider

Lt. James E. Murdock

Archibald Stemple

William McClain Jenkins

Company B (courtesy of Linda Fluharty)

James Alexander Chambers

Company D "Graysville Wildcats"

George Frazier - "Kiss my ass"

Company E

Jonah Bayles


Click on one of the alphabetical groupings below to scroll through the list of soldiers or use the "Search Site" function on the upper right to locate a particular soldier.

Soldiers Cont'd:

Company F

Capt. John C. Felton and biography

Company G "Rough and Ready Guards"

George Berger - "when drunk always rong"

Company K

Lt. Abner Johnson

William Lamberson