1-10-2019, 7-10-2019








The Southern India recognizes and adores Sadashiva Brahmendra as the celebrated composer of divine kirthanas; but not many may be aware he in his later years was an Avadhutha, a jeevan_muktha who lonely wandered the hills and dales, ran along the river banks, naked or semi naked, in a state of divine bliss. He unmindful of the scorching sun, pouring rain, blowing chill winds roamed in wilderness without ever uttering a word, slept under starry sky, shunned all human contact and was ever in a supreme intoxicated state. Today he is revered not merely for his musical compositions but also for his sublime Advaita text “Atma Vidya Vilasa” the most favorite spiritual text of Sri Chandrasekhara Bharathi Swami the 34th Jagadguru of Sringeri Peetha. The swami , himself an Avadhuta, a week before his passing away, parted with all his meager possessions but retained, on second thought, a copy of Atma Vidya Vilasa till the day prior to his departure.

Not many facts are known about his life. It is believed Sadashiva Brahmendra lived in the time of Sharabhoji, ruler of Tanjore (1712 -1728). This is based on the oral tradition that Sadashiva Brahmendra presented a copy of his work Atma Vidya Vilasa to King Sharbhoji when the king called on the Avadhuta to pay his respects.

His childhood name was Shivarama_krishna .He was the son of Somasundaram Avadhani, a Vedic scholar of Telugu Niyogi origin who lived in Madurai in Tamil Nadu.It is said Shivarama’s family name was ‘Moksham’ and his mother was Parvathy. He was born in Nerur situated by the quiet flowing Cauvery, near Karuru. He had his early education in traditional subjects under Ramabhadra Dikshitar who lived in Tiruvisai_nallur a.k.a. Shahajipuram.There the young Shivarama came under the influence of what were renowned as the triumvirate of Bhajana tradition viz. Sridhar Venkatesha Iyer, Sri Bhodendra Sarasathi and Bashyam Gopala_krishna Sastry.

On his return, Shivarama still in his early teens was promptly married. He however, soon thereafter ran away from home never to return. He went to Tiruvisai_nallur and while wandering aimlessly in the woods nearby, he met his Guru Sri Paramashivendra Sarasvati who initiated Shivarama into sanyasa and named him Sadashiva_Brahmendra.

Sadashiva Brahmendra was an active young man , talkative and always chirping away. On one occasion his incessant talk so annoyed his Guru that he in despair called out “Sadashiva! When will you learn to be quiet?”. The disciple promptly replied, “Right now, Master”. He fell into silence and never talked again the rest of his life. He gradually withdrew from the world, introspected and plunged into intense penance. He discarded all norms of accepted behavior, wandered naked aimlessly in the hills and along the Cauvery. He looked wild and insane. When some one reported to Sri Paramashivendra that his disciple had gone insane, the Guru was delighted and exclaimed “Will I ever be so fortunate!” He realized that his disciple was now an Avadhuta.

Sadashiva Brahmendra remained in that state; beyond body consciousness, not bound by ordinary social conventions and worldly concerns for a long period. A number of stories and myths grew around his mystical powers.

On one occasion when he met his past associate Sridhar Venkatesha Iyer, the later remarked that it was laudable to be a mauni in worldly matters; and questioned what prevented him from singing the praise of the Almighty. Sadashiva Brahmendra saw reason in the argument.

He thereafter created a series of musical compositions in praise of

Sri Rama

(Pibare Rama rasam,

Khelathi mama hridaye,

Bhajare Raghuveeram,

Cheta Sriramam,

Prathi varam varam manasa etc.);

of Sri Krishna

( Smara nandakumaram ,

Gayathi vanamali,

Bhajare Gopalam maanasa ,

Bhajare Yadu natham maanasa ,

Kridathi vanamali ,

Bruhi mukundethi etc.); and

on Brahman

(Sarvam Brahma maya re ,

Khelathi Brahmande Bhagavan ,

Manasa sanchara re ,

Tadvad jeevanam Brahmani etc.).




adasiva Brahmendra

Sadasiva Brahmendra, a great ascetic, a Brahma jnani lived in 17th century in Tamilnadu. He was a profound Advaita Scholar who renounced the materialistic life at an early age. His compositions are out-pourings of devotion and philosophy. They elevate us to the realms of spiritual heights. Inspite of his excellence in the knowledge of the Vedas and other scriptures he used to wander freely in his own spiritual world. Songs like Pibare Rama rasam, Manasa sancharare, Gayati vanamali etc. haunt our minds drenching us in Bhakti Rasa.

Mudra:- Parama hamsa.

bhajarE yadu nAdham - piloo - Adi

bruhi mukundEti - kuranji - Adi

chintA nAsti kilA - SankarAbharaNam - Adi

bhajarE gOpAlam - hindOLam - Adi

chEtaha SrirAmam - sindhu bhairavi - Adi

gAyati vana mAli - hamsadhwani - Adi

mAnasa sanchara rE - sAma - Adi