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Above is the 37th Star Number 7993, one of the many 'stars' found in pi.

A000040 (r = 1), A001358 (r = 2), A014612 (r = 3), A014613 (r = 4), this sequence (r = 5), A046306 (r = 6), A046308 (r = 7), A046310 (r = 8), A046312 (r = 9), A046314 (r = 10)

37x73infinity.com is part of the 37x73.com suite of websites dedicated to the discipline of biblical mathematics. The focus of this site is to explore the infinite mathematical evidence of God in its many varieties, including transcendental and irrational decimal expansions, infinite sets and infinite iterative formulations.


The Lord Jesus Christ in Pi


Pi, the ratio of the circle, is a superstar of mathematics. People who know almost nothing about the deeper disciplines of mathematics almost always know about the number pi and how its decimal expansion, is never-ending and never-repeating.  Pi has its own holiday (3/14) a legion of fans and followers who plumb its depths for meaning (personal and otherwise). In a sense, pi is the closest object mathematics has to a cult of personality, a real religious icon, a universal touchstone of all mystical meaning.

And of course, its symbol is the circle, the most perfect object imaginable.

Being that the decimal expansion of pi, is infinite one can find just about anything one wants, if one is willing to look long and hard enough. There are websites dedicated to re-purposing pi into the utterly mundane and trivial, such as finding your phone number or birthday in the endless tracts of decimals. So it is easy for the pseudo-intellectual skeptic to pass off all numerical finds within pi as nothing more than fancy and foolishness.

However, pi is a two-edged sword.

The infinity of pi is 'big' enough to fit any number you can imagine, but it does so with a great and terrible cost. The pattern of pi, is unique and eternal and set in stone more permanent than all the atoms of the universe. Whatever pattern (trivial or otherwise) found in pi, has been there forever and will be there forever. It was there before the beginning of the universe and will be there long after the universe is gone. That is its terrible toll; the millstone that grinds so fine, grinds forever so.

So it is of some interest that in calculating the numbers of the proper Greek name of the Lord Jesus Christ, a name of the greatest historical and religious contention, that we should find a remarkably complex geometry that completes and connects to so many of the other patterns already discovered in that name.

Filling both aspects of the stars we get 73 x 121 = 8833, the difference being: Jesus x 11 (8833 - 3168 = 515 x 11).

This 'Star of Stars' configuration is of course been made famous in the biblical mathematics community for it being found in the first verse of the Bible, 37 x 73, the very basis of the name of this website. They can be several formulas for these sorts of configurations, as is common in mathematics. Mathematicians select certain formulations over others based on various criteria, from simplicity, to the highest possible coefficient and utilitarian function itself. However, once in a while, a formula finds a shortcut or connects to a very important and well-known mathematical series. In such cases it is always noted if not highlighted.

In the case of the classic star of stars formulation, we find a shortcut to the octagonal numbers in one of the most beautiful mathematical formulas I have ever seen. The basic formulas is 12 times X plus 1, the X here being only those octagonal numbers that have a perfect square as an index number, i.e. index #: 4,9,16,25,36... . This makes the first verse not only inherently self-referential but also self validating, since it employ the Hebrew ordinal value to produce the Hebrew standard value of the sum.

In the opposite parity (the odd version of the Nexus Configuration) we find the same imprint in the Lord's Prayer.

The Greek ordinal puzzle of the Lord's Prayer from the Textus Receptus.

This configuration is also highlighted in the decimal expansion of pi:

The configuration of the 907 decimals of pi into stars and hexagons holds it's own bevy of biblical connections. The perimeters of the four hexagons come to 541, the 100th prime and the star of Israel. The three 181 stars contain the stars of 37 and 73, whose pi decimals come to 473 and 911 respectively, both meaning creation/beginning.

Octagonal numbers can also be represented by a figurative square surrounded by four complementing triangles. A quick analysis of the factors of these triangles reveals one of the more persistent patterns seen in biblical mathematics, that of the Exodus-Ontological-Statement, the Lord's naming himself unto Moses, (Exo.3:14) known in English 'I am that I am.' Because this statement in Hebrew ordinal is 21 for I AM and 21 x 4 for I am that I am, it is primary component of the Three-Seven Code and is often employed as a geometric rebus-puzzle revealing the name of the Son of God, here in the 3168 digits of pi itself.

Octagonal numbers were once referred to as 'Star Numbers' due to this starry geometry. Stars of this kind and the hexagonal variety are always a reference to the star of Bethlehem, the sign of the coming Messiah.

The decimal expansion of transcendental numbers like pi, are not supposed to have any pattern to them at all. According to the best minds in the history of mathematics, pi and numbers directly related pi are totally random. A pattern like the 70th octagonal number that accords itself to the 3168 places of pi are therefore deemed nothing more than random artifacts, of which there are infinite, but by which no connected pattern appears.

That being said, there should be no similar pattern seen in say the decimal expansion of pi squared (π2 = 9.869604401...)

The difference between the two decimal expansions could not be more perfect from a biblical mathematics perspective or the nature of the Three-Seven Code. There is a limited range to which any two decimal expansion will digitally sum to, the average digtal summation between 4.5, the average of the nine cardinal numbers.

So the number of the logos (373) is perfect thematically and geometrically as its figurative geometry 'fits' within the 2D representation of the 70th octagonal number. To appreciate the full meaning of the logos (the Word) could take a life-time and libraries upon libraries of books; to sum it up real quick let's just call it ultimate truth, what is known today as 'science', the mathematical model of the universe.

The second most important representation of pi is 'Tau' or 2pi, the functional workhorse of the mathematics of the circle. Looking at the 3168 decimals here and we find something eerily similar:

The ordinal version of the Greek name comes to 294 which interacts with the 70th cubes in a number of ways. Being that 343,000 is a cube of cubes, based on the 7th cubes (343) and the name Lord Jesus Christ — 294 is the six faces of each one of those cubes, as well as the net of the cube, the universalized symbol of the Cross.

The number of surviving pages of the Aleppo Codex...

This configuration can be quartered into the sacred name in English

The fact that pi highlights another octagonal number is not that surprising, but what is surprising is which octagonal it decided to choose, in a manner of speaking. The infinite pattern of pi is set in eternal stone and cannot be altered or manipulated, meaning that any patterns witnessed in its decimal expansion were selected rather than imposed.

So it is remarkable that this 50th octagonal is highlighted that has so many connections to the name Jesus and Jesus Christ, and that this geometry is connected to the 70th octagonal which is also highlighted by pi.

This connection happens because both the 50th and 70th octagonal numbers share a common identity in the number 1225, one of the rare square-triangular number, numbers that are both triangles and squares. The former square-triangular number is 36 and the one after is 41,616, which shows how rare these numbers are. The previous square-triangle (36) and is intriguing in this context.

36 x 4 = 144 = Lord Jesus Christ (ordinal Hebrew)

(36 x 4) + 81 = 225 = In the beginning God created the heavens (ordinal Hebrew)

The subsequent number is also related:

(17 x 17) x 144 = 41,616

This then is part of the ever-expanding wonder that is the design features of simply the name and numbers selected for God and the Son of God.

All the five platonic solids, in their figurative version display a mathematically significant 'Nesting' phenomenon. The formulation for these numbers are typically based on the vertices of the shape and display a number of surprising connections to the polygonal numbers.

Nesting Diamonds are directly related to centered hexagons and the complimenting hexagrams or 'Star Numbers', those mathematical instruments so pivotal to the understanding of biblical mathematics. So it should be of note that both the 37th centered hexagon and its partner the 37th hexagram are both highlighted by pi.

The universal Law of the Torah:

The name Jesus Christ in Hebrew and in Greek

unite the square and circle in compelling ways

Other important patterns can be found in the decimal expansion of pi related to the name('s) of Jesus and can be seen here in the Jesus Code page.


© Copyright 2020, johnelias@israelmail.com

"None of the inventors of atheism was a naturalist. All of them were very mediocre philosophers."

—Arthur Eddington


Want to get the latest discoveries in biblical mathematics? Then email johnelias@israelmail.com Subject Line: Updates!

© Copyright 2020, johnelias@israelmail.com

This geometry orbits around the 26th cube:

The 4 interior frames and any 1 side of the whole complex = 800 the Greek Kurios 'Lord'.

All the empty windows of all 8 the cube-frames comes to 31,680 or Lord Jesus Christ x 10.