Irrational pi-phi-e

Irrational Proof

Pi-Phi-E Spreadsheet

The irrational numbers pi, phi and e are some of the most important numbers to mathematics and thereby science. Rob Slattery of had the smarts to put the three together and the discovery has never ceased.

The sum here (72,900) is a multifaceted monster being both 2700 x 27 and the square 270 x 270.

This particular Sierpinski triangle appears highlighted in the triple decimal expansion in a number of ways, most particularly in and of itself.

The Sierpinksi triangle is a classic example of a fractal. Why it appears so prominently in this collection of decimal expansions is yet a mystery.

This Sierpinksi arrangement appears to be a master scaffolding for a truly enormous master puzzle hidden away in the depths of the far reaches of the decimal expansions of pi, phi and e. The basic unit and piece of this puzzle is T-24, the sum 300, the very same sum from Genesis 1:2 for the Spirit of God — what Christians call the Holy Spirit.

The puzzle is composed of 29 individual pieces, ranging from 300 to 90,000 (300^2) and they seem to be meant to fit the scaffolding of the Sierpinksi configuration.


Σ: πφe 1-20 = 300 (1 x 300)

Σ: πφe 1-402 = 5400 (18 x 300)

Σ: πφe 1-424 = 5700 (19 x 300)

Σ: πφe 1-795 = 10,800 (36 x 300)

Σ: πφe 1-1046 = 14,100 (47 x 300)

Σ: πφe 1-1177 = 15,900 (53 x 300)

Σ: πφe 1-1266 = 17,100 (57 x 300)

Σ: πφe 1-1728 = 23,400 (78 x 300)

Σ: πφe 1-2038 = 27,600 (92 x 300)

Σ: πφe 1-2060 = 27,900 (93 x 300)

Σ: πφe 1-2125 = 28,800 (96 x 300)

Σ: πφe 1-2269 = 30,900 (103 x 300)

Σ: πφe 1-2408 = 32,700 (109 x 300)

Σ: πφe 1-2430 = 33,000 (110 x 300)

Σ: πφe 1-3345 = 45,300 (151 x 300)

Σ: πφe 1-4144 = 56,100 (187 x 300)

Σ: πφe 1-4280 = 57,900 (193 x 300)

Σ: πφe 1-4299 = 58,200 (194 x 300)

Σ: πφe 1-4882 = 66,000 (220 x 300)

Σ: πφe 1-4989 = 67,500 (225 x 300)

Σ: πφe 1-5261 = 70,100 (237 x 300)

Σ: πφe 1-5403 = 72,900 (243 x 300)

Σ: πφe 1-5602 = 75,600 (252 x 300)

Σ: πφe 1-5917 = 79,800 (266 x 300)

Σ: πφe 1-6057 = 81,600 (272 x 300)

Σ: πφe 1-6291 = 84,600 (282 x 300)

Σ: πφe 1-6335 = 85,200 (284 x 300)

Σ: πφe 1-6599 = 88,800 (296 x 300)

Σ: πφe 1-6693 = 90,000 (300 x 300)

An important piece of the puzzle is how we see this very same Sierpinksi Triangle in pi, phi and e now integrated with the 23rd and 24th triangles making the 24th square (576) the Greek sum for Spirit.

And is a perfect match and overlay for T-24.

This sum (46,656) that pi, phi and e appear to highlight, is once again directly related to a primary feature (and well noted by many researchers) of the perimeter of the triangle of the first verse.

Another connection between these numbers and the first verse is the pi, phi, e sum of 1-2979 or 40,515,

a triangle of triangles of the first verse sum. 2701 x 15 = 40,515 (T-5 x T-73)

This conjunctions of the 24th square contains a mirror analog of the 24th triangle:

300 x 109 = 32,700 (Σ: πφe 1-2408)

576 x 109 = 62,784 (Σ: πφe 1-4650)

Which connect on the scaffolding of the Sierpinksi triangle:

One of the most important features of the triangle of the first verse is how the 37th triangle fits perfectly within the 73rd triangle. We see this same pattern in this configuration in the number 1176, the 48th triangle which is composed of three 300's and one central 276.

These two triangles and their fit together of the 24th square (the square of Spirit-Pneuma-576) make a complete composite puzzle. How large and how far this puzzle extends into the infinite depths of pi, phi and e, is anybody's guess. As of now, it runs into tens of thousands of decimal places and hundreds of thousands in its sum.

The white Sierpinksi triangle is the scaffolding of the puzzle and the neutral component. Around this grid wrap the other triangle configurations. First with a terrific triangle of triangles of 496 x 300 that fills in the empty triangle within the 32nd triangle (528):

The number 496 is also a perfect number, making this something of perfect triangle of triangles.

Matched to this then is a 276 configuration that is a perfect match again for the Sierpinski Scaffolding of 72,900:

This three configurations are meant to go together in a grand mathematical puzzle:

The 276 triangle and its various multiples that appear within the triple decimal expansion also corresponds to this same structure independently.

The 23rd triangle shows a very strong coordination with the Sierpinski scaffolding, creating a base for the top third. This sort of pattern can be seen in the biblical text with the sums of Genesis and John 1:1.

This pattern of the lower half is repeated now with distribution of a Greek tetraktys.

And it does this in many ways:

Like it somehow knows how to fill in the blanks...

And these two conjoined triangles can of course display mutual integration.

This specific Sierpinksi triangle of 72,900 appears to be, not only highlighted, but specifically fine tuned to the triple expansion of pi, phi and e, such that even the fine perimeter of the T-24 triangle (300) is accentuated with a fine focus.

The outline of the Sierpinksi configuration is an analog arrangement independent of the 72,900 triangle of triangles.

So far what we have looks like two dimensional fractal whose focus is the 24th (300). The periphery of that focus are geometric neighbors to T-24, such as T-23 which together produces square 24. This would suggest that even the 25th triangle (325) may also appear strongly in the triple expansion, as it is the other neighbor of the 24th triangle.

But is this only a two dimensional puzzle?

Rob Slattery pointed out that the sum of the first 24 triangles is a nice round number (2600). Naturally, series of triangles, are in and of themselves interrelated geometric bodies. Stack a bunch of triangles on top of each other and you get a triangular pyramid, or what mathematicians call a tetrahedron.

Each layer of this pyramid is a triangular number. Each face has 300 units, the sum of the Hebrew, the Spirit of God, what Christians call the Holy Spirit.

I don't think Mr. Slattery knew this when he drew my attention to the 2600, but the number 2600 is also highlighted in triple decimals of pi, phi and e. This of course lends further credence to the T-24 contention, as it is T-24, the triangle of the Spirit of God thrust out into three dimensions.

If that were all, that would be more than enough.

As it is, it is only the beginning.

The very next multiple of 2600 is itself a tetrahedron of tetrahedrons.

Looking further:

Three dimensions, expands the possibilities exponentially. It also changes the nature of the relationships between disparate geometric bodies. All these bodies appear to be interrelated. Each category by itself seems to have hits and misses. But by amassing the entire corpus of geometry seen in pi, phi and e we can see how disparate elements suddenly become connected like so many lego bricks.

The first 22nd tetrahedron multiple comes way down in the numbers @ position 5241. Oddly, like Athena from the head of Zeus, this tetrahedron is fully formed as a proper tetrahedron of tetrahedrons. The other 22nd tetrahedron multiple under 100,000 is displays the other way in which this configurations can be constructed. One is a tetrahedron of tetrahedrons and the other is a tetrahedron of tetrahedrons of tetrahedrons.

Click Images to Enlarge

Yet another complex of compound tetrahedrons comes in very near to the mark of 72,900 at 72,800. This one display the number 780 on each subface for the proper biblical rendition of Lord Jesus Christ in Hebrew.

This then is a grand sort of puzzle, buried in the very fabric of the universe. The puzzle, has so many possible solutions that it would be impossible to list them all here. Even the number of way just the multiples of 300 can fit in the Sierpinksi triangle is a daunting task to put together.

The puzzle proper runs up decimal place 6693 where the sum comes to 90,000 or 300 x 300. Even here we find increasing complexity where 90,000 is also a squared triangle number which makes it the sum of the first 24 cubes.

Solutions to the puzzle can be found by employing both two-dimensional and three-dimensional forms related to the 24 triangle, such as the tetrahedron. These all appear to interplay with wondrous modularity.

Here is an example drawn from three sources*:

Σ: πφe 1-2038 = 27,600

Σ: πφe 1-4420 = 59,800

Σ: πφe 1-4972 = 67,275

* The triple expansion of pi, phi and e, in this island of operation 1-90,000, displays a far higher connection to 300 that chance itself would allow. The multiples of 300 are 23% above normal and the multiples of the related tetrahedrons (2300, 2600, 2925) all register 200-300% over against what chance would allow. I suspect these fluctuations normalize eventually, unless the puzzle is infinite. Nevertheless, these sort of probability spikes, appear to be symptomatic of Divine Math. How that might be possible, I cannot guess, nor I suspect could science currently say.

The key to these three is once again the template of the Sierpinksi triangle and the tetrahedron. The last sum (67,275) produces exactly twenty-three tetrahedrons of the 25th category (2925). The second sum produces exactly twenty-three tetrahedrons of the 24th category. And the first sum produces ninety two triangles of 300.

These three create a tetrahedral perimeter of T-24 triangle, twenty-three per side (23 x 3 = 69). The 192 triangles are particularly ingenious, in that they fit on the four sides of a tetrahedron (92/4 =23).

In summation of this fabulous puzzle, the key to solving the hard parts is by synergizing the many pieces.

The Sierpinski sum (72,900) , since it is a square number, can be mathematically reiterated in a number of ways:

To some the above graphic may just seem like so many of the others. Mathematics such as this have the tendency to abstract us from the pertinent context. Further reading in the other Gospels might lead one to the great Catholic Supposition (I myself am of no particular denomination). For it is in the Catholic reading of this naming of Simon-Peter that is the supposed understanding of the foundation of the Catholic Church.

Matthew 16:18

And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter,

and upon this rock I will build my church;

and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.

= 13,041 (T-161)

This star of stars displaying a provenance with Genesis 1:1 and more recently the Shema (Greek) would bolster this idea of Peter being the rock of the Papacy.

The perimeter here displays coordination with the Three-Seven fractal.

The difference in the index between the above configuration and the below is another triangle of triangles.

5403 - 1728 = 3675

T-49 x 3 = 3675

7 x 7 x 3

In the above graphic we a general agreement between the numbers highlighted in the Bible and three fundamental constants of the physical universe. Exactly how this is metaphysically or mathematical possible is a matter of deep speculation.

The universal Law of the Torah:

The snowflake matrix of 151 and 200, because they are intersecting configurations don't scale easily or normally (see below) so each 200-snowflake must be individuated.

And related geometries...

From one of 'Blue' numbers from the Biblewheel 2869, we see a furtherance of the evidence in Scripture and Prophecy.

What is the average observer to make of this?

Well stop thinking about snowflakes and start thinking about math.

The math we see here is doubly corroborative of Richard McGough's initial discovery. This hexagonal 151 matrix discovered by Bill Downie, is not necessarily a snowflake. It is rather a crystal, because all snowflakes are crystals. This then is the Word of Scripture made crystalline via figurative mathematics with dictionary definition and spelling.

This matrix in the ordinal names of Jesus Christ was first discovered by Bill Downie of the

By continuing the intersectioning outwards we can make a matrix of the pattern in the sum of Genesis 1:1 with the selfsame symmetry of a crystal.

By highlighting the Jesus Christ—151 figure in the surrounding 12 hexagons (12 Disciples) we create the classic Jenkins Containment proof, the 1998/703 split. This clearly indicates that the number and figure of 151 in this arrangement is there and is only there to bring one's attention to the name in English ordinal of Jesus Christ—151.

This configuration also lends itself in another way, once again highlighting the central 19, a protoform fractal of the Jesus Christ—151crystal, as seen above.

A feature often missed in the math of the first verse is how 54 is itself part of the magic equation:

54 x 37 = 1998

54 = 37th composite number

We can replicate this once more with the whole sum of Jesus Christ-2368 now divided into quarters, representing a central cross configuration.

Three stars over ZIon:


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"There was a young fellow from Trinity

Who took

But the number digits

Gave him the fidgets;

He dropped Math and took up Divinity."

— George Gamow: One, Two, Three... Infinity