
TAKE the TOURTHREE/SEVEN-MAP FAQ Gematria Reference —Video-Channel

The Lord Jesus Christ in Pi

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Pi, the ratio of the circle, is a superstar of mathematics. People who know almost nothing about the deeper disciplines of math almost always know about the number pi and how its decimal expansion, is never-ending and never-repeating. Pi has its own holiday (3/14) and a legion of fans and followers who plumb its depths for meaning (personal and otherwise). In a sense, pi is the closest object mathematics has to a cult of personality, a real religious icon, a universal touchstone of all mystical meaning.

And of course, its symbol is the circle, the most perfect object imaginable.

If you stare at the animation and meditate upon its truth, you may begin to appreciate

the power and prestige of the message and meaning of the Son of God and its unfathomable depth.

The animation above displays what the digital sum of the first 3168 decimals of pi look like. The structure it creates, the cube within a cube within cube could be correctly labeled as manifest order. If it stood alone it would be forgotten, called a curiosity or an anomaly. But it does not stand alone. It stands forefront at an army of other such facts that are witness to the awesome truth of Christ and the Christian message.

What does it mean? Its meaning is purely theological: Christ is Divine as the creeds proclaim.

What does it portend? Who can say? The pattern of pi is infinite.

(π) The Double Anomaly in Pi (π)

What we can say is that the first 6,000 or so decimal places of pi correspond very nicely in a double pi-anomaly with the name The Lord Jesus Christ, in the original Koine Greek, the language in which the name was first transmitted to the world.

This connection is mathematically based on the use of positive/negative n-values in the 1st and 2nd generalized octagonal numbers.

This then creates an uncanny and eerily precise geometry in what is supposed to be a completely random series of digits.

Click on the image to see it full size.

The thing about the 70th Star Number (28,981) is that it is not like any other star number. It is more like a 'super-star'. This is due to its unusual prime factors: 73 x 397, which offer a window into the most important sum in the Bible — Genesis 1:1.

Click to see FULL SIZE (6000x2000)

Each of the three above represent 28,981 individual units in three different configurations.

Perhaps the most astounding aspect of this double-anomaly in pi, is how it coordinates with the sum 3168. All those decimals of pi that add up to that giant star (28,981) have a 'nominal' connection to the number 3168. By nominal, I mean, in name only and there is no mathematical nor logical connection between the 3168 and the 70th Star found in the 6406 decimals of pi.

I'm not saying its not evidence or proof of God (only an idiot would try to deny that), what I am saying that they are totally mathematically unconnected. YET ALL THE DIVISORS of the number 3168 appear geometrically patterned in the 70th Star.

All of them.

The prime number 397 is a hidden gem of the Three-Seven Code, being the mirrored hexagon of star number 793 and also being Logos signature in Cube-Code:

3³ + 7³ + 3³ = 397

397 reversed 793

397 = 37th Pythagorean Prime

Many of these patterns are highly compelling and imply a strange and cosmic intelligence at work. Many of the patterns may appear to the untrained eye as not quite right or somewhat incomplete. Those however are the ones that are actually more important and more mathematically compelling than the ones that just look like 'pretty' star patterns. For instance, many of the patterns appear to reveal a perfect border around the hexagon of 397. That border numbers 66 because it is 6 sides times 11 units. It is this fact and feature of both the factors of 3168 and the side-length multiple of the hexagon being the prime number 11 that makes these patterns fit so well together.

The animation is simply a series of examples of how these factors integrate with 73 x 397, the 70th Star Number. The examples are by no means definitive or exhaustive, that's because there are trillions and trillions of different patterns that display this connection between the two. Since all the factors of 3168 appear symmetrically and logically patterned in the geometry, it is fair to add them all up.

2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 3 x 3 x 11 = 3168

All the divisors of 3168:

1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 9, 11, 12, 16, 18, 22, 24, 32, 33, 36, 44, 48, 66, 72, 88, 96, 99, 132, 144, 176, 198, 264, 288, 352, 396, 528, 792, 1056, 1584,

Needless to mention, but this sum will also perform an enormous number of symmetrical gymnastics, being that 666 is itself the 18th multiple of 37, hence one can populate 180 stars of 37 in and about this giant star configuration.

The hexagonal center of the double-pi-anomaly of the 70th star number, is the most quoted passage in all the Bible.

The sum of Matthew 22:44 has real visual impact when placed on the side of 70th octagonal 'Hourglass' configuration.

The LOGOS in pi

The 'Logos' or the Word, the Greek word used in John 1:1, is the New Testament's most important facet of the Three-Seven Code. The word employed 'Logos' is itself a historically realized symbol of the truth and power of science, and has been used by historians as such for centuries. But mathematically, it is the Word itself that has implications far beyond what its five Greek letters could ever seem to imply. This is one of the very few instances where the 'literal' word is the truth.

In the light of the sum of Genesis 1:1 being 37x73 and John 1:1 being a completion of the 112th triangle (6328) the importance of the word Logos in standard Greek coming to 373, cannot be underestimated.

The high concept it of it all is this:

373 is simply a symbolic abbreviation of 37x73

Once caught up with the basic facts of biblical mathematics, it is then fair to pose this question: If this all-important 'word' to the history of science is actually important to the actual science of mathematics, then wouldn't that importance be found the decimal expansion of pi, not only the 'Rock-star' of science but the actual, legitimate star of the mathematics of science?

In other words: If the Logos is something, then shouldn't it be something even bigger, in pi?

It's a fair question.

The pattern of the Logos (373) in the decimal expansion of pi, is extremely abundant and the GIF above is truly but the tip of the iceberg and had to be edited down to the barest essentials. What makes much of this possible (mathematically) is the sheer unrivaled versatility of the star numbers. Being that hexagrams are an extension of the hexagon (nature's favorite pattern) they show an incredible multiplicity of symmetries, like no other (which is probably the reason it is the favorite of nature).

HOWEVER, the Logos, with 7 stars and 6 hexagons, is pattern of patterns, hence a highly concentrated amplified and magnified version of a hexagram. Which means all the abundance of multiplicities seen in the hexagram are exponentially greater in the Logos pattern. This is the implicit design feature that gives biblical mathematics its power and flexibility.

In the above GIF animation (all which can be referenced in the supporting links at the top of the page) the two columns of triangles along either side are indeed and in fact, exactly 2990 decimals of pi. The selection of these opposing triangulations is precisely mathematical, as they are the only triangles that can produce hexagram configurations, aka the Star Numbers.

These are connected to Biblical mathematics in a 'foundational way,' since these are the exact same series of triangles that produce the sum of the Hebrew alphabet and are precisely 1/2 the geometry of the stars up to the star of Israel (541).

Another important 'starry' feature, is that all centered nonagonal numbers, are the average of a star number and its centered hexagon, meaning that every number that is a multiple of a nonagonal number (including all multiples of 10) are the sum of just so many star numbers and centered hexagons, i.e. 10 x 10 = (5 x 7) + (5 x 13), 28 x 28 = (14 x 19) + (14 x 37), and e.g. 10 x 28 = (5 x 19) + (5 x 37), etc., etc..

To those unfamiliar with the roots of Judaeo-Christian thought, this may seem like a lark. Indeed some Christian denominations give zero credence or consideration to Hebrew, the Hebrew Scriptures or the language itself, even though they were the original source. However, what must, in the least be acknowledged is the tremendous weight great thinkers and entire ages of intellectuals have placed on the power and significance of the Hebrew letters, their meaning and mysticism.

So finding a pattern that mathematically accords these 22 arch-symbols of religion with the mathematical patterns of the rest of the Bible is no minor matter. The pattern of the Hebrew in this way, is only positive, i.e. only showing half (the positive half) of the picture. The second half that completes the pattern of the hexagram (star of David) is the hidden half, the shadow or the mirror opposite of the positive. This concept of the mirror opposite is a primary feature of biblical mathematics and no better examples is the equation 2701 + 1072 = 3773, that is Genesis 1:1 sum plus its mirror opposite sum equals 3773.

Click to ENLARGE

Pi is big.

Everyone knows that pi is infinite and that's really impressive too. The problem with infinity, however, is that there are very few ways that humans can study it, quite simply because it is way too big. Yet we can study portions of pi and thankfully, the first 2990 decimals of pi is a perfect place to start. What makes it so perfect is that is accords itself to the Three-Seven Code with its amazing digital sum of 37 x 373, nothing could be more Three/Seven than that! AND those same 2990 decimals of pi are themselves a perfect matrix of Biblical Mathematics:

26 x 115 = 2990

Yahweh x Jesus the Messiah

(יהוה) x (המשיח יהושע)

46 x 65 = 2990

God x Lord

(Θεος) x (אדני)

The real key then to understanding this part of pi, is seeing the relationship between these two elements. That is the matrix of the 2990 decimals of pi and how that correlates to the output of the 37 x 373 digital sum. No better example can be provided than the following, where the decimals of pi (on the left) themselves form specific geometries which are mirrored in the Logos Star of Stars (37x373).

If you don't find this impressive, then all that means is that you don't truly understand it.

We must also remember that 37x373 can be reversed into 373x37, or in other words, it can be formulated as 373 units of 37, where the 37's can also alternate as either stars of centered hexagons (and we won't even mention the 3D cubic possibilities).

The way in which those 2990 decimals pi break down into three the important segments (1369, 733 & 888) is something that numbers like pi should not be able to do. Yet it does. There are only two ways humans can respond to that: fear (and denial) or awe. I prefer the latter.

If you were to capture the totality of all the findings of Biblical Mathematics and marry them to the single greatest number in the history of science and extract its most stunning pattern, you would have the following graphic:

The triangle of stars in Genesis 1:1, found in the Greek name of Jesus Christ, are perfectly mirrored by the triangle of Logos-Stars, found in the Hebrew name of Jesus Christ. It should go without saying, but the evidence here has only one possible conclusion: Whatever you call the BEING that inspired the patterns of Genesis 1:1 and knew the patterns of pi out to three-thousand places, that same BEING, that other-worldly intelligence, IT self-identifies with the name Jesus Christ.

Something worth considering.

Currently, humanity's ability to study/understand/interact with infinity is extremely limited. Pi itself is more than just one infinity. It has infinite decimals, yes, but each one of those infinite decimals has an infinite number of mathematical relationships with all the other decimals in pi. So pi (and other irrational and transcendental numbers like it) are an infinitely dense data packages that humanity has yet to unwrap and may never fully do so. But we can begin to see the faint outlines of the ribbons and bows on this wrapped up Christmas Present of sorts, by following the Three's and the Seven's:

Click to see FULL SIZE

There are an infinity of patterns in pi like the above.

In my mind, the most important patterns in pi (philosophically, metaphysically and religiously) are the two stars. The Double Anomaly that produces the 70th Star Number (29,891) the second being: the Logos Star of Stars (13,801). These two formidable configurations doubtless connect one to another in ways yet undiscovered.

BUT... that's not all pi has to say on the subject.

In another stunning perfection of pi, employing the exact same methodology AND NUMBERS, we find that our number 373 deployed now in a 3 x 3 square of pyramids, one inside another. The 780 sum corresponding to the proper and highest, holiest version of the name Lord Jesus Christ in Hebrew, which creates a three dimensional perfection, the likes of which I have never seen before.

Finally, a good control test, for the scientific side of this: is to see if the same name and number-methodology works in another language, the current preeminent language on the planet earth: English. It does with clear delineation between the first and second name, a pattern presented primarily for proof.

Click to make BIG

The 37th Star Number (7993), is an important configuration highlighted in pi, and one that is first suggested on the ancient writing on the wall.


The Writing on the Wall:

Daniel 5:25

And this is the writing that was written,


Passages like from Dan. 5:25, the famous 'writing on the wall' are primary patterns used biblical mathematics, due to the origin and source of the text and the fact that it is specifically highlighted in the text. This ancient mysterious text correlates to an amazing modern connection to the modern Hebrew reading and the most famous number in all of science (pi).

Only very recently (late 2020) has the biblical mathematics community really begun to uncover the amazing versatility and greater mathematical importance to the Centered Dodecagonal numbers, referred to commonly as the Star Numbers. I have written extensively about these numbers and their ingenious simplicity that hides manifest complexity, here in Star Math(s) and the Star Fractal.

So when one sees the 37th Star Number (7993) be highlighted by the most significant number in mathematics (pi) at an important juncture and subset of the first major set of pi, one tends to sit up and pay attention. I call this a subset of the first major set, because it can be mathematical defined as having a common multiple with the larger pi-matrix set of pi-1-2990.

First Major Set of pi: 1-2990 (26 x 115 = 2990)

Subset of Major Set of pi: 1-1768 (26 x 68 = 1768)

The component geometry of the 37th star is itself composed of hidden references to the math of Genesis 1:1.

The 37th Star is connected to Biblical Mathematics due to its iteration number (being the 37th) which connects directly to the factors of the first verse (37 x 73). This connection is strengthened by the fact that its representation holds the same mirroring of the digits, around the central 99's (99 being itself the 73rd composite number) and this mirroring is emboldened by the 37th nonagonal triangle which is the twinned triangle that produces the 37th star. The number 5 here being the average of 3 and 7.

3997 = 37th centered hexagonal number

5995 = 37th nonagonal triangle

7993 = 37th star number

3997 + 1998 = 5995

5995 + 1998 = 7993

But it how the pi-matrix (pi: 1-1768) correlates and confirms this, is truly astonishing. The circled inset image in the upper left hand corner of the above graphic, displays how this pi-matrix can be seen as cubic shell of frames, based in the Three-Seven Code. The number 26 is the shell of the 3^3 where 68 is the frame of the 7th. A careful analysis of these components shows the connection between the larger star figure and the 8 corners of the cubic pi-matrix sum of 1768.

In the vast array of mathematics now in the family of biblical mathematics, there is almost always a confirmatory proof. In pi, it is the interplay between the pi-matrix and the digital sum figure that provides much of this evidence. A secondary connection to biblical gematria is the fact the sum 1768 is the exact equivalent of the modern Hebrew value for the 'Writing on the Wall.'

Modern Hebrew (final forms) of Mene Mene Tekel Upharsin = 1768

Here again we should look for confirmation proof.

In the graphic below what you are seeing is double correlation in pi, where two expressions of geometry mutually meet. The four hexagons on the right (corresponding to the four words) form the two aspects of a centered hexagon. These being, 1st and 2nd pentagonal numbers (top half and lower half) the basis of the Pentagonal Number Theorem of the Euler Function and Partition Theory, i.e. bedrock mathematics. The triangle with the overlaid deconstruction of the 37th star, is the geometric expression found in the digital sum of pi, where the delineated hexagons are the decimals of pi itself which also form a specific pattern in their geometry.

The smaller triangles in blue are the component pieces of the 37th star separated into its 12 component triangles of T(36).

The pi-matrix here branches out into another composite geometry completed at pi:1-3676, where the two component halves of the centered hexagons (1st and 2nd pentagonal numbers produce centered hexagons) and creates an increasingly complex puzzle. The 37th star number (7993) coordinates its geometry in a number of ways, these being only a few of the examples.

The connection of the pi-matrix sum 3676 to biblical gematria is both profound and deep, but can only be appreciated with a proper understanding of the Hebrew name for Jesus the Messiah (754), this being one of the common features found throughout the gematria and math of the Bible. One of the unmentioned connections in the first major set of pi, is how 754 connects the major set sum of 2990.

1118 + 754 + 1118 = 2990

The Shema = 1118 = Hear O Israel, the Lord your God is One Lord.

This is indeed a playful riddle and a Trinitarian one at that. But 1118 is also the value of Mene Mene Tekel Upharsin, in standard Hebrew. The connection of this composite complexity in the pi-matrix is the fact that 3676 is the sum of this famous Jewish commandment that is the origin of the Hasidic phylactery (Tefillin) 'prayer-boxes' and at the sacred heart of all such containers is The Shema itself, Judaism's most holy prayer.

Exodus 13:9

And it shall be for a sign unto thee upon thine hand,

and for a memorial between thine eyes, that the LORD'S law may be in thy mouth:

for with a strong hand hath the LORD brought thee out of Egypt.

To be honest the sheer amount of various connections I've encountered between established Biblical Mathematics and the decimal expansion of pi, are far too numerous and data-dense to cover comprehensively. It would require a book and a multi-year study. This webpage is only an attempt them to introduce the subject, in hopes that other researchers will continue the work.

This infinite-continuance can be seen in the subsequent section BEYOND PI, where we see how some of these patterns cross over into other significant irrational numbers. Another way in which this patterns are expressed are how subsets inter-relate to other subsets. Let us call the 70th Star Configuration a complete set. As such the Logos Star of Stars can see be as a subset of that larger star set.

70th Star of pi = 28,981

Logos Star of pi = 13,801

The question is, are these somehow related?

The Logos Star (37 x 373) is formed of a pi-matrix of 26 x 115, a potent biblical connection, being that 26 is the sum of the Lord (Yahweh) and 115 is the proper Hebrew ordinal for Jesus the Messiah.

37 x 373 is the digital sum of the 26 x 115 decimals of pi.

28,981 - 13,801 = 15,180 = 115 x 132

In other words the large coefficient (115) inverts from the pi-matrix into the difference of the digital sums. How or if all of these sets connect is naturally an important question, but beyond an introduction to the matter.


Perhaps the most advanced conjecture of biblical mathematics is made by Rob Slattery of biblegematria.com, which is that there is a great host of biblical interconnections to be found in the three most important numbers in science, and their infinite decimal expansions. These three numbers are pi (3.14159...) the Golden Ratio (phi 1.618...) and e (the natural logarithm 2.71...).

This is an entirely new conjecture to science and so advanced that most people can barely understand its basic premise. Nevertheless my own research leads me to concur, as seen here in Irrational pi-phi-e. The online spreadsheet of Piphie (pi-phi-e) can be seen here for your reference. Looking then at 3168 decimals of all three of this trinity of infinite decimals, we find a pattern that unites and connects them all in the highest most revered name in all of Christianity — the Lord Jesus Christ.

All three decimal expansions are 'supposed-to-be' totally random, meaning such a intricate and exquisite pattern of geometry should not exist.

This is probably the most intricate pattern I have ever come across and cracking its code was a trial of patience and endurance. It was clear however that there was some sort of master geometry at work by looking at the factors of the various sums. The BIG CLUE being that both the pi sum and the pi-phi-e sum were both multiples of 13, which meant that the pi sum could be highlighted out of the full expression of all three.

This is a true exotic dalliance in geometry, far beyond typical figurative geometry, yet its thorough intricacy is more than just visually compelling.

The arrangement of these three is, like a mandala, a symbolic representation of the balance of forces found in nature and the world of spirit (to bridge the gap between worlds). Pi here seems to represent the 'balance-holder' position (itself being a delicate dance of composite geometry), while phi and e appear as two polar opposite forces arrayed in layer upon layer of perfect symmetry.

A lot of numbers could be made into such striking mandalas, but in this nascent science of biblical mathematics one must find real 'paydirt' in the form of well recognized and repeated number patterns and biblical identities, to wit:

That each one of these 13 units of 3307 is hiding the super-sum of 2187 or 3-to-the-7th is jaw-dropping.

And so one does. Twice.

Doubtless there is likely much, much more to this configuration considering its sheer complexity. But what's even more compelling/disturbing/glorious (depending on your point of view) is how this pattern mirrors the double anomaly of the 70th star number found in the 6406 decimals of pi, above.

A quick glance at the factors of the pi sum here reveals there must be yet another vastly intricate geometric mandala hidden and spanning all three of these decimal expansions.

6406 decimals of pi = 28981 = 73 x 397

Lord Jesus Christ 3168

Being that the decimal expansion of pi, is infinite one can find just about anything one wants, if one is willing to look long and hard enough. There are websites dedicated to re-purposing pi into the utterly mundane and trivial, such as finding your phone number or birthday in the endless tracts of decimals. So it is easy for the pseudo-intellectual skeptic to pass off all numerical finds within pi as nothing more than fancy and foolishness.

However, pi is a two-edged sword.

The infinity of pi is 'big' enough to fit any number you can imagine, but it does so with a great and terrible cost. The pattern of pi, is unique and eternal and set in stone more permanent than all the atoms of the universe. Whatever pattern (trivial or otherwise) found in pi, has been there forever and will be there forevermore. It was there before the beginning of the universe and will be there long after the universe is gone.

That is its terrible toll; the millstone that grinds so fine, grinds forever so.

So it is of some interest that in calculating the numbers of the proper Greek name of the Lord Jesus Christ, a name of the greatest historical and religious contention, that we should find a remarkably complex geometry that completes and connects to so many of the other patterns already discovered in that name.

Filling both aspects of the stars we get 73 x 121 = 8833, the difference being: Jesus x 11 (8833 - 3168 = 515 x 11).

This 'Star of Stars' configuration is of course been made famous in the biblical mathematics community for it being found in the first verse of the Bible, 37 x 73, the very basis of the name of this website. There can be several formulas for these sorts of configurations, as is common in mathematics. Mathematicians select certain formulations over others based on various criteria, from simplicity, to the highest possible coefficient and utilitarian function itself. However, once in a while, a formula finds a shortcut or connects to a very important and well-known mathematical series. In such cases it is always noted if not highlighted.

In the case of the classic star of stars formulation, we find a shortcut to the octagonal numbers in one of the most beautiful mathematical formulas I have ever seen. The basic formula is 12 times X plus 1, the X here being only those octagonal numbers that have a perfect square as an index number, i.e. index #: 4,9,16,25,36... . This makes the first verse not only inherently self-referential but also self validating, since it employs the Hebrew ordinal value to produce the Hebrew standard value of the sum.

This image 14,560 is the same as the animation above only with different spacing. This configuration is at the tightest spacing possible.

This number and configuration solves a wonderful riddle that has befuddled me for some time. The apologetical premise of biblical mathematics, is not that improbable things happen in the biblical text (such things will always occur in a large enough data pool) but that improbable patterns occur in improbable places. What that means is, is that one would expect to find patterns in a document the size of the Bible, but one wouldn't expect to find them all in the first verse, that is, patterns in the first verse that inform all the patterns found throughout.

So the premise is, that we should then find big patterns in big places.

It follows that one of the biggest places would be the most quoted passage in Scripture. That happens to be Psalm 110 (37+73) which is cited (according to Wilmington's Book of Bible Lists) 18 times in the Bible, the next closest being 12. But to my consternation I had yet to discover anything truly significant in the math... until now. The key was pi and the three-thousand one-hundred and sixty-eight digits thereof.

The thing about octagonal numbers, which make them a mathematician's dream, is that they are very, very even. The number 8 is not only an even number, it is even three times over, because it is 2 x 2 x 2, the first cube. What that means is that all multiples of that can be divided again and again making for a host of dividends. Octagonal numbers also come in a variety of forms, two of which may very well be new to science (the bottom two).

The illustration above shows that octagonals can be seen as the beginning of a merger of two triangles. The stellated square or four-pointed star looking pattern is exactly the same as the merging triangle pattern only on a different grid axis, one with straight squares and one with diagonal squares. When we use the diagonal configuration we find a perfect pattern match with the most quoted passage in Scripture and rebus puzzle of pure geometry.

The first 3205 places of e sum to 14,491

Pardon the pun, but this seems to be a new piece in the grand puzzle. Here the pieces are figurative but the puzzle is positively transcendental, both mathematically and mystically. Typically one finds these sorts of figurative puzzles sourced in complimentary passages in Scripture. The idea that the text is engineered and encoded to coordinate with particular decimal expansions of highly significant irrational numbers... is certainly not a new idea and many (including Rob Slattery and Leo Tavares) have demonstrated a vast array of such connections. But I can't say I've ever seen one like this, that is so visually concrete.

And of course it is the center of the double-pi-anomaly of the 70th star number:

Octagonal numbers are relatively new to the science and math of the Bible. The new discoveries, however, in the uniform pattern of the polygonal numbers (See STAR MATH(S)) shows that the twin stars of the polygonals (octagonals and c. dodecagonals) form the basis of all polygonal and centered polygonal numbers. In other words, the old star numbers (octagonals) and the new star numbers (centered dodecagonals) are the exemplars of all polygonal number and are intimately related in three dimensions.

So the discoveries preceeded the mathematics, but the mathematics prove out the discoveries. Like in the opposite parity (the odd version of the Nexus Cube Configuration) we find the same imprint in the Lord's Prayer.

The Greek ordinal puzzle of the Lord's Prayer from the Textus Receptus.

This configuration is also highlighted in the decimal expansion of pi:

The configuration of the 907 decimals of pi into stars and hexagons holds it's own bevy of biblical connections. The perimeters of the four hexagons come to 541, the 100th prime and the star of Israel. The three 181 stars contain the stars of 37 and 73, whose pi decimals come to 473 and 911 respectively, both meaning creation/beginning.

The Star Factor (π)(π2)(2π)

Octagonal numbers can also be represented by a figurative square surrounded by four complementing triangles. A quick analysis of the factors of these triangles reveals one of the more persistent patterns seen in biblical mathematics, that of the Exodus-Ontological-Statement, the Lord's naming himself unto Moses, (Exo.3:14) known in English as 'I am that I am.' Because this statement in Hebrew ordinal is 21 for I AM and 21 x 4 for I am that I am, it is a primary component of the Three-Seven Code and is often employed as a geometric rebus-puzzle revealing the name of the Son of God, here in the 3168 digits of pi itself.

Octagonal numbers were once referred to as 'Star Numbers' due to this starry geometry. Stars of this kind and the hexagonal variety are always a biblical reference to the star of Bethlehem, the sign of the coming Messiah.

The decimal expansion of transcendental numbers like pi, are not supposed to have any pattern to them at all. According to the best minds in the history of mathematics, pi and numbers directly related to pi are totally random. A pattern like the 70th octagonal number that accords itself to the 3168 places of pi are therefore deemed nothing more than random artifacts, of which there are infinite, but by which no connected pattern appears.

That being said, there should be no similar pattern seen in say the decimal expansion of pi squared (π2 = 9.869604401... .)

This complex of stars and hexagons has been explored here in Latin Genesis 1:1 and now has its own OEIS page (A332243) on the world's largest scientific mathematical database

The difference between the two decimal expansions could not be more perfect from a biblical mathematics perspective or the nature of the Three-Seven Code. There is a limited range to which any two decimal expansions will digitally sum to, the average digital summation between 4.5, the average of the nine cardinal numbers.

So the number of the logos (373) is perfect thematically and geometrically as its figurative geometry 'fits' within the 2D representation of the 70th octagonal number. To appreciate the full meaning of the logos (the Word) could take a life-time and libraries upon libraries of books; to sum it up real quick, let's just call it ultimate truth, what is known today as 'science', or the mathematical model of the universe.

The second most important representation of pi is 'Tau' or 2pi, the functional workhorse of the mathematics of the circle. Looking at the 3168 decimals here and we find something eerily similar:

2pi is central to a 'raging' debate in the mathematical/scientific community. Certain partisans of this debate are called Tau'ists which believe that 2pi is not only more correct than pi, but is preferable mathematically. However, whether or not these fierce dogmatists will ever win over the people is probably not worth debating... .

This 'Old' Star configuration of the octagonal numbers (a square surrounding by triangles) can also be configured by creating 'pinwheel' stars, where the triangles are adjusted to one side or the other. The 3168 number in pi, connects here, in maximum 2D space compression with the two other most important irrational number expansions — phi and e, the Golden Ratio and growth itself.

God's Playground

The three dimensional geometry of this number can be extrapolated to reveal the 70th cube (70x70x70) a monstrous configuration for typical biblical mathematics ranges, which has a host of connections to the whole arithmetic of the Bible.

The ordinal version of the Greek name comes to 294 which interacts with the 70th cube in a number of ways. Being that 343,000 is a cube of cubes, based on the 7th cubes (343) and the name Lord Jesus Christ — 294 is the six faces of each one of those cubes, as well as the net of the cube, the universalized symbol of the Cross.

The number of surviving pages of the Aleppo Codex...

Octagonal numbers are perhaps better understood (and perhaps should be called cube-frame numbers). This is because they are a function related to the cube which is more central to pure math and number theory than some ordinary odd-ball polygonal number. The host of mathematics emerging out of the humble cube-frame is itself host to a greater host of correlations found in the name Jesus Christ (2368) which coordinate with the cube-frames in a bewildering number of ways, all centered on the number 296, the sum of the seventh word of the Bible and itself the 26th cube-frame.

The pattern of these multitude of connections can readily be applied to all cubes and cube-frames greater 12x12x12,

the dimensions of the New Jerusalem, as described in the Apocalypse also known in English as the book of Revelation.

Read more about the divine name and number 2368 in the God Box.

As seen in the animation above the 26th cube is central to the geometry of the name Jesus Christ, so it is fitting and phenomenal that this series of cube-frames (odd octagonal numbers) is found highlighted in pi, from the digital sum of the first 452 decimal places.

Because the 70th octagon and the 26th octagon are both even octagons, it means that they are modular and one fits within the other. So too does the 50th octagon fit this pattern. The sum of this pi-highlighted cube is 7400 or one-hundred times the name Jesus in English ordinal. Subdividing this cube into eight sections produces the English name Jesus Christ in the standard numeration.

This configuration can be quartered into the sacred name in English.

The fact that pi highlights another octagonal number is not that surprising, but what is surprising is which octagonal it decided to choose, in a manner of speaking. The infinite pattern of pi is set in eternal stone and cannot be altered or manipulated, meaning that any patterns witnessed in its decimal expansion were selected rather than imposed (that is, unless there is an almost unimaginable form of math that the world has yet to discover).

So it is remarkable that this 50th octagonal is highlighted that has so many connections to the name Jesus and Jesus Christ, and that this geometry is connected to the 70th octagonal which is also highlighted by pi.

This connection happens because both the 50th and 70th octagonal numbers share a common identity in the number 1225, one of the rare square-triangular numbers, numbers that are both triangles and squares. The former square-triangular number is 36 and the one after is 41,616, which shows how rare these numbers are. The previous square-triangle (36) and is intriguing in this context.

36 x 4 = 144 = Lord Jesus Christ (ordinal Hebrew)

(36 x 4) + 81 = 225 = In the beginning God created the heavens (ordinal Hebrew)

The subsequent number is also related:

(17 x 17) x 144 = 41,616

This then is part of the ever-expanding wonder that is the design features of simply the name and numbers selected for God and the Son of God.

All the five platonic solids, in their figurative version display a mathematically significant 'Nesting' phenomenon. The formulation for these numbers are typically based on the vertices of the shape and display a number of surprising connections to the polygonal numbers.

Nesting Diamonds are directly related to centered hexagons and the complimenting hexagrams or 'Star Numbers', those mathematical instruments so pivotal to the understanding of biblical mathematics. So it should be of note that both the 37th centered hexagon and its partner the 37th hexagram are both highlighted by pi.

The other two great irrational numbers to science is phi and e, the Golden Ratio and Euler's Number. Since the 3168 decimals of pi have produced such powerfully positive results it is natural to inquire of these other two. Here too we find a pattern, now in the combined sum of phi and e.

The triangle 'thing' in the image below, is known as a Sierpinksi triangle, one of the forerunners of modern Mandlebrot fractal geometry, the geometry that describes the messy intricacies of real world objects, like the coastline of Britain. To a Christian this pattern speaks of the Trinity with an interesting connection to the Fibonacci Series...

But to the devout and orthodox Jew...

It says something else altogether.

Each one of the nine sub-triangles has the sum of the Shemhamphoresh. This is its ordinal value with the angelic postscripts included. It is hard to explain how important the Shemhamphoresh is to the mind of a Jewish believer so let us just say that it is of inestimable importance. The ordinal valuation of this Old Testament pattern demands a similar degree of respect. Although the practice of Jewish gematria has an entire host of various ways of evaluating number, the ordinal must be considered distinct if not sacred. This is because it is so basic and applicable to all alphanumeric enumerations. If one was to apply a code to one's own alphabet, the first and most basic would be the ordinal; it is as simple as A-B-C 1-2-3.

So finding this pattern then reiterated nine times over in one of the most sacred numbers in Christianity demonstrates something of a blasphemy to the Jewish mindset. This I say out of firsthand experience, having some of my math labelled as blasphemous by one of the nameless commentators on Youtube, the world's defacto forum.

To put it softly, this then is a powerful proof.

And so it this, which compliments it nicely: The universal Law of the Torah:

To sum up, the decimal expansion of pi, is one of the fundamental units of the science that describe the natural world. The pattern of pi can be found in a great number of formulas widespread across many disciplines in the sciences. Hidden in it ever-minuter recesses are mind-boggling patterns that correspond with uncanny perfection to the theology of Christianity and the Deity of Christ. The evidence on this page is surely but the tip of the snowflake of the tip of the iceberg of all the endless connections that might be found in the infinity of pi.

These are not only strong but demanding and definitive evidences for the truth of the Christian message. But they are also something more, something that biblical mathematics rarely dives into. They are windows into a storehouse of truth and meaning yet unplumbed by philosopher and theologian alike.

The name Jesus Christ in Hebrew and in Greek

unite the square and circle in compelling ways

Other important patterns can be found in the decimal expansion of pi related to the name('s) of Jesus and can be seen here in the Jesus Code page.

Want to get the latest discoveries in biblical mathematics? Then email johnelias@israelmail.com Subject Line: Updates!

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"None of the inventors of atheism was a naturalist. All of them were very mediocre philosophers."

—Arthur Eddington