Cubs Capers

Term Start Sept 4th 2012

Tuesday 16th Oct 2012

     A starry night tonight was perfect for out visit to Seething Observatory. I was worried that not all would find their way there, but we had a an almost full turn out. We saw constellations, and exploding stars, and distant galaxies and were treated to an excellent talk by David Balcombe.

Try this BBC site for more info

Saturday 13th Oct 2012

Love Where you Live Campaign

Cubs Scouts and Beavers took part in this joint event with Macdonalds. We collected litter over a wide area of Lakenham. 269.9Kg to be exact. Scouts from 9 Groups across Norfolk collected some 2300 Kgs wich is as amazing as it is sad. Macdonalds not only put up a prize, winners ti be announced,

but the manager got all thr volunteers a meal at the end as a hnkyou.

Tuesday 9th Oct 2012

Tonight was a bit clearer and we got outside with our binoculars but there's a lot of light pollution here so we couldn't see many stars, still the final of the conker knockout saw Ben as the winner.

Tuesday 2nd Oct 2012

Back at NHCC this week beginning our Astronomy, however not only were there no stars visible it rained on us too. However we started a conker tournament and found out about constellations.

Sunday 30th Sept 2012

   Harvest festival in the community centre as the church is undergoing repairs. Big turn out all round and with 8 Beavers and 7 Cubs we had a very good event. Peter Fox did an illustrated talk on how we depend on many many people for something as simple a s loaf of bread.

Saturday 22th Sept 2012

    Today the little steam trains in Eaton Park were being run specially for 1st Norwich Cubs and Beavers. We had a number of rides round the tracks in sunny weather and then some free ones too, every one, including parents!, had lots of fun. After that we went to the boating lake and again the sun shone and children splashed around with their little boats

Tuesday 17th Sept 2012

    Tonight arrived at NHCC, but no one there to let us in, decided to have a shortened outdoor meeting there, and then the caretaker arrived  ...his car had broken down.... all's well that ends...

    Played paper scissors stone outside then indoors Sixers assisted new members with Law and Promise, we held a pack council and planned to try the Astronomers badge. Then we finished up learning the Mountain Song and playing a Kim's game

Tuesday 11th Sept 2012

    This week we met at Whitlingham Broad for a Nature Ramble & Hike, 23 Cubs arrived this week and were clad in flourescent jackets as it would be dark by the time we returned. After a game in the carpark, which fortunately had a faulty machine, we set off with our plastic bags to collect leaves and other stuff at about 8.10pm

    We collected plenty and had time to tell ghost stories as we walked, we arrived back at 8.15pm and finished up with a Grand Howl and prayer of thanks for the wonderful world we inhabit.

Tuesday 4th Sept 2012   

12 Cubs met for the first meeting after the summer, school doesn't start for another couple of days so thats probably why only half turned up.

    We met at our new temporary home. The New Hope Christian Centre on Martineau Lane, where we are using their mobile class room style building.

    We played some games outside and then went indoors for a Lego Challenge. Cubs worked in pairs back to back, one building and describing to the other who copied what he understood was being built, it made them work hard with their descriptions, some were very good at it. Then we finished up with the tallest tower. Great Fun

Coopers Lane Fun

Cubs Fishing at Scotchies

Cubs had a great time fishing in the river at Scotchies Meadow June 19th

County Cub Camp 2012

Click the picture to see the video

Well we did it, we survived the wind and rain and freezing temperatures at this jamboree at the Norfolk showground.

A great time was had by all who attended. Alison & Charles led us, Jane & Joy fed us, and parent helpers Lucy & Mark kept the washing up down and our spirits up!

Lots of fantastic activities were on offer from Didgeridoos to Zorbing and Its a Knockout to a Marathon. Look out for our film on this page soon.

Group Activity day April 4th

Don't miss our Group Activity day on Wed April 4th. Beavers, cubs, scouts and Explorers are all invited in fact needed to be there we will be having  a visit from the Trusthouse Foundation, to whom we have applied for a grant. they want to see what scouting is really all about.

Come and show them!

Mothers day 2012

Sunday 18th is Mum's Day, Beavers attended along with Brownies and Rainbows, no Cubs, Scouts or Explorers this year .... where were you?

Cub Games are great Fun

This Game is called Ladders

Each Pair has a Name

In this case different animals

We race up the Ladder

When our Name is called out

Animal Lovers

We worked hard for our Animal Lovers badge

Model maker of the week

Jack works with his Grandad to make lots of models

Visit to Pets at Home Store Hall Rd

1st Nc Cubs had a fantastic visit to Pets at Home store on Hall Rd in Norwich.Scott talked about pets and their care and the Cubs got to stroke the animals

Click the picture to see more