Stuff for Adult Leaders (The Admirals)

Functions of the Committee

The Group Committee is responsible for Group property and finance, assisting the Scout Group Leader with public relations and publicity, obtaining accommodation, equipment, camping grounds and adult help for the Group. It is responsible for the recruitment of suitable Scouters. It is also expected to assist, if necessary, In finding employment for members of the Group, and it accepts responsibility for the actions of any body of parents, supporters or persons engaged in any undertaking for and on behalf of the Group or any Branch of the Group.

This Committee is not concerned with or responsible in any way for the actual training of any of the members of the Group. Reference has been made to the fact that the Group Committee is responsible for Group property, and it is most important that where a Group possesses property of ant- value, including real estate, such property be held and registered in accordance with POR Rule 923 (see section 11). The members of the Group Committee must clearly understand that they are appointed to assist the Scout Group Leader Scouter and therefore endeavour to satisfy his reasonable requests and those of the Scout Group Leaders' Council.

Group Committee 

The Group Committee consists of: The Scout Group Leader, who shall be the chairperson of the Group Committee; The Scout Group Leader is elected by the Group Committee and confirmed and appointed by the DC for a period of three years. The SGL is entitled to but not required to wear uniform. SCOUTS South Africa Organisational Rules Version 2/20132017v1 29 The SGL is on appointed required to have complete or have completed the training required for the execution of the role as detailed in the SSA Adult Support Policy. The Group Secretary (appointed as above); The Group Treasurer (appointed as above); The Uniformed Senior Scouter of each of the units in the group or their delegated uniformed representatives. The remainder of the committee is made up of persons elected by the Parents, Sponsors or Governing Body, in the case of the Community, NGO or Church or School Group respectively. (The number of persons will vary with the needs of the Group and should ensure a minimum of one member representative of each Branch of the Group.) Care should be taken to ensure that those persons elected or appointed are able and willing to render effective service. 
The Group Committee has no direct concern with the training programme of the Branches, but is charged with the definite responsibility of ensuring that adequate accommodation for Group meetings and equipment are available for the training programme for SCOUTS laid down by the Unit Scouters, and that appropriate Adult Leader Training is available to all Scouters in the Group at no cost to the individuals. 
The other functions of the Group Committee are to assist the SGL in: Recruitment and development of suitable Adult Leaders according to the SSA Adult Support Policy; Acquisition, maintenance and disposal of Group fixed and moveable assets in adherence to the SSA Property policy; Improving the reputation and standing of SSA and the group in particular in the community by maintaining good public relations with the community served by the group and following the SSA Marketing Policy; Supporting the Activities of the Unit of the Group. Assisting the District with the provision of badge examiners for Cub, Scout and Rover badges and awards; Ensuring that Group records are properly maintained and kept up-to-date; SCOUTS South Africa Organisational Rules Version 2/20132017v1 30 Ensuring that the Pack, Troop and Crew participate in the Star evaluations. 
In the event of a difference of opinion between either the Group Committee and any body of parents, supporters, or other persons engaged in any undertaking for or on behalf of the Group, or any Branch of the Group, the matter must at once be referred to the DC, after consultation with the sponsoring authority in the case of a sponsored Group. The DC needs to inform the RC within 48 hours of the situation. The RC can then initiate the disciplinary process, and may if so desired delegate the authority to hold the disciplinary to the DC. 
Group Responsibilities Any active group within any of the channels shall have the following responsibilities, which will be further defined in their Social Partnership Agreement: Honour its obligations to the Ideals, Aims, Methods and Objectives of SSA; Provide quality programmes for youth members; Ensure sufficient suitable adult leaders for the programme; Ensure the availability of funds for the upkeep of property and equipment;Ensure all property and equipment is suitably maintained and insured.Payment of:Any Partnership agreement fees to SCOUTS South Africa; and Any Levies/Rental/Rates due for Property utilised for Scouting Activities.Failure to adhere to the above can put a group in bad standing.A group deemed to be in bad standing will be given 30 days written notice that failure to comply with the financial and administrative policy within the period of thirty days will, unless the National Finance Committee extends such period, immediately forfeit the rights and privileges of membership:That unit will not be entitled to attend any Scouting function;No grant applications to the Scout Foundation will be recommended; No literature or supplies will be provided or any certificates awarded; Membership will cease; Representatives of the Group will not be entitled to be represented at any meeting of the National Partnership Conference; The Group will not be entitled to nominate or vote on representatives to the Board; All property and other assets of the movement should be returned to the control of the DC, RC or SSA National Office.

(SCOUTS South Africa Organisational Rules Version 2/2013)

1st Benoni Sea Scouts is proud to have a fully functioning Committee made up of capable, competent and compassionate individuals.


Entsha Resources

The Scout Shop...


Scouts Wiki

Trailer Wiring info...

If you have to work on the trailers - stick to these guidelines.

Leon Trailer Plug Drawing.pdf

Bosun's Call

A boatswain's call, pipe or bosun's whistle is a pipe or a non-diaphragm type whistle used on naval ships by a boatswain. It is pronounced, and sometimes spelled, "bosun's call".

The pipe consists of a narrow tube (the gun) which directs air over a metal sphere (the buoy) with a hole in the top. The player opens and closes the hand over the hole to change the pitch. The rest of the pipe consists of a "keel", a flat piece of metal beneath the gun that holds the call together, and the "shackle", a keyring that connects a long silver or brass chain that sits around the collar, when in ceremonial uniform.

Historically the boatswain's call was used to pass commands to the crew when the voice could not be heard over the sounds of the sea. Because of its high pitch, it could be heard over the activities of the crew and bad weather. It is now used in traditional bugle calls such as Evening Colors/Sunset, and in other ceremonies in most modern navies. It is sometimes accompanied by other auditive features such as ruffles and flourishes, voice commands and announcements, or even a gun salute.

The following are the commands that are passed with the help of a bosun's pipe.

1st Benoni Bosun & Whistle Signals.pdf

Adult Investiture Notes

Adult Investiture Notes 2023.pdf