"IN SHOCK" is the project 1º bachillerato is gonna be working on during the academic year 2015 - 2016.

You are going to be experiencing important changes: new and more difficult (or so they say) academic stage, new classmates and last but not least new teacher, OMG!!!

Relax, you can do it and successfully, I'm sure. However, new situations can make you feel stressed and a bit like Janet Leigh in "Psycho" by Hitchcock.

We are going to work on this topic from different perspectives: "Culture Shock", "Attitudes" and "A Design for Life" and we are going to use the graded readings to help us investigate what things make us stressed and how we can fight against them.

You will be carrying out different tasks towards a final product (a digital publication using Joomag, Creatavist,...) which will be hopefully shared with the world at the end of the academic year.

Working on this project you will be developing most of the skills needed for acquiring meaningful learning such as the linguistic, digital, social or cultural competences among others.

Besides, you will be practising the contents needed for 1º Bachillerato:

  • Listening and Speaking

  • Reading and Writing

  • Language Knowledge (tenses, adjectives, connectors, vocabulary related to different topics,...)

  • Sociocultural aspects

Right, no need to panic! Charge your batteries, get ready to work and ENJOY the ride :-)

SUBJECT: English

ACADEMIC LEVEL: 1º Bachillerato

SCHOOL: IES Vicente Medina

AUTHOR: Inma López

BLOG: Archibilingual