

To you O Christ we come

Child of Eternal and endless love

born into the silent darkness

of our world and our lives.

We welcome you with our hopes

our longings and our joy

with our unreadiness and mixed motivations

our busyness our tiredness

and with all that makes up our existence

To you Eternal Word

through whom all that is

was brought to be;

to you we bring:

the Alleluia of the light of the world’s first day

the Gloria of the expanse of sky above,

the Hymn of the earth and seas below

the joyous Anthem of all plants and trees,

all flowers and vegetation

the timeless adoration of the stars

and the resounding symphony of every living creature

in the water, in the sky and on the land

To you O Child

of Eternal Love

We bring every human being

wanted and willed by you

and precious in your eyes

To you source of all life

You our beginning and our end

to you we bring the Sanctus of your whole Creation

and joining in with your holy people

throughout the ages

we kneel in wonder,

for your birth in the night

promises us

that the night of our world

will not be forever

May we be ever eager, ever ready –

and ever willing to welcome you

as you are born once more

into our hearts and world this day