Discover Online Integrated Information Technology (DOI2T, pronounced "Do-Eye-Tea") is a solution to the need for exciting and quick digital literacy learning opportunities for adults, something that the field of Adult Literacy and Basic Skills in Ontario (LBS) has been missing. DOI2T practitioners utilize creativity-based digital technologies to teach learners everyday life skills and practical skills needed for a growing number of contemporary jobs. For example, a two-hour Cricut design session teaches learners skills like measurement, project planning, general computer usage, how to extract information from websites and videos, software navigation, computer-assisted design, time management, budgeting, digital hardware manipulation, and a wealth of troubleshooting skills.

Quote: "This is the best part of our entire recovery program" — Meno Ya Win Hospital Client


  • Help fill the need in LBS programs for contemporary and exciting digital literacy learning opportunities.
  • Create a DOI2T curriculum of task-based digital literacy learning opportunities that aligns with the Ontario Adult Literacy Curriculum Framework (OALCF).
  • Support other LBS programs with implementing DOI2T learning opportunities for their learners.
  • Create a network of DOI2T practitioners able and willing to sharing lesson plans, teaching ideas, and challenges.

Quote: "You have to bring this program to my community up north" — Kitchenuhmaykoosib Inninuwug First Nation Resident


To LBS Providers / On-Sites: Increase learner traffic into learning centres, increase MTCU required registrations, and learn easily-implemented digital literacy teaching methods.

Culturally: Crafting and creativity are important aspect of the Indigenous culture. Linking creativity and technology is a new opportunity for learning centres to attract new learners, and for learning centres to provide culturally relevant and contemporary learning opportunities.

To Learners: A soft and exciting introduction to digital technology, especially for those with creative ambitions, and the opportunity for learners to pursue more advanced digital literacy learning.

View some of the amazing DOI2T completed projects, and share your own on our DOI2T Facebook Page!