

Use this Google calendar to find upcoming events! Fliers for these events are below. 

Upcoming Events

Candy and Crafts.pdf

Moving Meditation

My Life in Pie (charts)

Past Events

Are you feeling gourd?

10/31, 10-2 pm, CLE

Socializing on a Dime

October 17th, 12-1 pm, CLE

Fall Wellness Scavenger Hunt

Emotional Adulthood Speaker Event

Affirmation Garlands

September 12th, 11-12, CLE

Sneaky Self Care

September 21st, 3-4, CLE

Finesse your Finances (I)

October 3rd, 12-1 pm, CLE

Friends Speed Dating

9/15, 1-3 pm, CLE

 Watch the Heather Hansen Event recording!!

Bartol secret menu

Bartol Secret Menu

Help us promote intuitive and creative eating by adding to our collaborative community secret menu!

Heather Hansen

Coach, Author, Keynote Speaker, and Host of The Elegant Warrior Podcast, Heather Hansen! For 20 years, Heather helped juries make the choices that led to her wins. Now she helps people make the choices that lead to their wins. Heather has a psychology degree, has spent twenty years as an award-winning trial attorney, and she is a trained mediator. She has appeared on NBC, Fox News Channel, CNN, MSNBC, CBS, and Sirius Radio, and as an anchor at the Law and Crime Network. Heather has given speeches on how to advocate for yourself and your ideas in Kuwait, Ireland, Mexico, and throughout the United States. Publishers' Weekly calls Heather’s best-selling book “The Elegant Warrior: How to Win Life’s Trials Without Losing Yourself”, a “template to achieving personal and career success.” She is also the host of The Elegant Warrior podcast where she and her guests share the tools to advocate, with elegance.

Stress Ball Giveaway

Lots of fun!!

PJs and Painting

With Rachel and Sarah

Letters to (our) Leaders

March 2nd, 9-11 am, Palace Road Lobby

Stickers with Layla

Office hours are a great place to stop by because you never know what the Wellness Ambassadors have planned! 

Be your own valentine

Friday, February 11th, 9-12 pm, 

Hallway outside the fens 

Make your own oil roller

Here are some pictures from our recent event with Bella and Jenna!

Paint and Sip



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