Frequently Asked Questions

Who is my counselor and how can I contact him/her?

You can find out who your counselor is and how to contact them HERE.

When do I register for classes for the next year?

All students register for classes in the spring of their current year. For current 8th grade students, the RHS counselors visit the middle schools to begin the registration process. For current 9th-11th grade students,  counselors will present information to classes and students will also meet with their counselor individually in the spring to solidify their courses for next year and high school credits.

Click Here for 20-21 Registration Information 

My schedule is incorrect. How can I get that fixed?

Speak with your counselor in person or via email. This is for schedules that are incomplete, that have duplicate classes, or that are missing core classes (ex:  you do not have English). This IS NOT for teacher changes. You can read about our teacher change policy below.

What is the policy for teacher/period changes?

Schedule changes may be made for the following reasons only:

We cannot honor requests to change the schedule for specific and/or different teachers than assigned at the start of school year/semester unless one of the above applies. Changing electives during kick-off week can only happen IF there is room available in the elective classes. Free Period changes cannot be honored. 

Before any change is considered, there must be a face-to-face conference between the teacher and family to address any concerns. After the face-to-face conference, a time period of 2-3 weeks must be given to address concerns discussed during the meeting.

If a strong concern still exists, the parent must write a letter to their student's assistant principal, outlining the concerns and reasons for the request and the steps that have been taken before that point to resolve the problem. At this time, a second face-to-face conference may be necessary. 

Please note: Adhering to the above policy means that a change will be considered, not that a change will be made. If you have further questions, please contact your counselor or assistant principal, directly.

I signed up for a class, but now I don't want to take that class. What can I do to change it?

In order to change a class, you must contact your counselor before the last day to add a new class. This date is usually through the third week of school. If you contact your counselor after this date, it is too late to add a new class and you will have to keep your original schedule. Students are not permitted to drop year-long classes. 

Students who drop a class after the 6-week mark will receive an automatic drop-fail on their transcript. 

I am struggling with my Honors/Advanced Placement (AP)/International Baccalaureate (IB) class, can I switch to an on-level class or drop the class?

Students who have signed up for Honors/AP/IB class(es) committed to completing the requested Honors/AP/IB course(s). Students are not permitted to drop the class unless they have taken advantage of all resources available and the student is still struggling. These resources include:

If all resources have been taken advantage of and student is still struggling, the student can talk to the assistant principal about possibility of a class change - this is not guaranteed. 

*The same policy applies to all yearlong classes. 

I am applying to college and need a letter of recommendation and/or transcript. What is the process for that?

You can request your transcripts in Naviance. Please email your counselor to let them know that you have done so. Also, let them know the your college(s) deadlines. 

You must ask your counselor/teacher for a letter of recommendation in person. You must also fill out your Brag Sheet on Naviance.


I am struggling in my classes and need help. What can I do?

First and foremost, we suggest you speak with your teachers. They are going to know what is best for you and how to assist you in improving your grade. Plus, many of them offer before school, lunch, and after school tutoring. Additionally, RHS offers tutoring for all students free of charge. 

I didn't do well in one of my classes and need to remediate it. How can I do that?

You can view credit recovery options HERE. 

I am low in credits and in trouble for graduation. Is there any way to earn more credits while in high school?

In order to graduate from high school, you must meet the 230 credit requirement. If you have become credit deficient, it can be difficult to bring up your credits. You can take summer school or do credit recovery at either Monte Vista or Simi Institute. 

You can also take an ROP class through and earn extra credits. If you take an ROP class, you can earn up to 10 credits per semester for one class. In order to sign up for an ROP class, you must contact your counselor in the spring when you are registering for classes. In extreme cases, you might become too credit deficient and unable to stay at RHS. This is always on a case-by-case basis.

How do Free Periods work?

Students who have free periods will need to obtain a sticker for their ID card to allow them to leave the campus or arrive late.  Free Period forms are available in the counseling office and must be signed by the student and a parent. The form then needs to be submitted to the student's counselor. Upon approval, students may pick up the stickers from Mrs. Schwartz, the counseling secretary. 

Counselors cannot honor free period requests. 

How many classes do I need to take each year?

9-11 grade students must be registered in 6 classes at Royal High School. Your sport can count as a class. 12 grade students have the opportunity to take only 5 classes, if they are on track. Seniors must be in a minium of 5 classes.